全套练习九年级英语Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaUnit 8 It must belong to Carla 第2课时

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 8,英语,九年级上册,(,人教版,),单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,第,2,课时,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。,(,52,分,10,分,),1,The,(,噪音,),on the street alway makes me feel terrible.,2,Please call the,(,警察,),for help when you are in trouble.,3,There used to be lots of,(,狼,),in Inner Mongolia.,4,The writer,(,自己,),is a rich man.,5,I couldnt see a dog or anything else,(,也,noise,police,wolves,himself,either,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,(,54,分,20,分,),6,The strange noises at night made the people in that community feel,(,easy,),.,7,They had little fun,(,learn,),all those subject.,8,There must be something,(,visit,),the homes in our neighborhood.,9,One woman saw something,(,fly,),over her head just now.,10,Something,(,usual,),is happening in our town. We all feel worried.,uneasy,learning,visiting,flying,unusual,三、单项选择。,(,54,分,20,分,),11,He live in the north, but now he,_,living in the south.,A,used to; is used to B,is used to; used to,C,used to; used to D,is used to; is used to,12,It be a plane. Its too big. It must be a UFO.,A,cant B,shouldnt C,might D,must,13,Dont be about your mother. Shes better now.,A,worry B,worried C,worrying D,to worry,14,Whose backpack do you think,?,I think its Lucys.,A,is this B,this is,C,is it D,it belongs to,15,I saw the thief to the school when I was walking along the street.,A,run B,running C,to run D,ran,A,A,B,B,B,四、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。,(,56,分,30,分,),16,She,(,过去是,),very quiet. But now she is active.,17,My wife thinks it,(,可能是,),some boys.,18,(,远离,),the wolves, they are dangerous.,19,Lets introduce ourselves and make friends with,(,互相,),20,They,(,摘,很开心,),apples on the farm last weekend.,used,to,be,might/may/could,be,Keep,away,from,each,other,had,fun,picking,五、任务型阅读。,(,45,分,20,分,),Susan,:,I wonder what theyre doing behind that wall.,Linda,:,They must be putting up a new building. All the old buildings in this area are being damaged to make room for these skyscrapers,(,摩天楼,),.,Susan,:,It cant be. There isnt any noise coming from there.,Linda,:,They might have already finished digging the foundation,(,地基,),.,Susan,:,Well, if they had done that, there would still be cranes,(,起重机,),around.,Linda,:,It could be a new parking lot. If I owned space in the center of town, thats what I would do.,Susan,:,Lets check it out.,Linda,:,OK.,Susan,:,Look! There is a hole in the wall.,Linda,:,And theres a sign that says,“,Dont look,!,”,Susan,:,Well, this is a free country, and Im going to have a look. Hey! What are you doing?,Linda,:,Susan, your face is all full of paint. Ha!,根据对话内容,回答下列问题。,21,What does Linda think they must be doing behind the wall?,22,Why does Susan disagree with her?,23,What does Linda think it could be?,24,What happened to Susan?,She,_,thinks,_,they,_,must,_,be,_,putting,_,up,_,a,_,new,_,building.,Because,_,there,_,isnt,_,any,_,noise,_,coming,_,from,_,there.,She,_,thinks,_,it,_,could,_,be,_,a,_,new,_,parking,_,lot.,Her,_,face,_,is,_,full,_,of,_,paint.,


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