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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A Lecture of,Listening Class,Class 357 by Zhu Yuan,新考纲,听力测试要点:,、理解主旨和大意,、获取具体的事实性信息,、对所听内容作出判断,、理解说话者的意图、观点或态度,听力考查的重点与难点,重点:,获取具体的事实性信息,。,难点:,理解主旨和大意;,理解主旨和大意理解说话者的意图、观点或态度;,对所听内容作出判断,。,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,Text 1,就餐,谈论作者,能否开窗,旅行,购物,票价,Text 2,上课变更,谈论球星,电话订票,等电话,谈论报告,机场对话,Text 3,家人信息,购物之后,看录相,礼物,礼物,谈论感受,Text 4,火车时刻,产品推销,考试变更,语言学习,个人与朋友,购物,Text 5,乘车外出,住宿旅店,电话号码变更,个人习惯,问路找人,谈论衣物,测试形式:,设问全部是特殊疑问句,涵盖所有的疑问类型:,what, when, who, where, why, how, what time, how many, how much, how long, how often, how soon, how old,等,考查内容:,对,语音、数字(时间、日期、号码、价格等)、句子结构及句意,等的理解和反应能力。,考点分类透析,考点一:数字与计算类,How much did the dress cost the woman?,A. 40dollars B. 60 dollars C. 120 dollars,简析,120乘1/3=40,Bargain 便宜货 ,廉价品,A,考点分类透析,考点一:数字与计算类,2. How many children are there in the speakers family?,A. 2 B. 3 C. 4,简析,2+1+1=4,Live with 和 住在一起,The capital of 的首都,C,【解题策略】,(1),数字类的试题一般有数字组成,它们或是表示时间,或是表示长度、距离、电话号码等。,(2),在听录音的时候,一定要看选项,记住数字,,并且弄清楚每个选项所表达的含义以及它们之间的关系。,数字之间,的关系往往要经过一些,计算和判断,才能够做出正确的选择,另外还有一些表示,时间的时间状语,等。,(3),此类试题往往要经过一些,计算,才能够得出正确答案,所以建议同学们把一些重要的数字,记录,下来,然后对比选项做出正确的选择。,考点二:时间地点类,3. Where are the two speakers?,A. At home B. At a factory. C. At a store,Pants/trousers in black 黑色的裤子,Customer 顾客,简析buy -bought-bought,C,考点二:时间地点类,4. When will the man go to the performance?,This Saturday afternoon,B.,This Sunday afternoon,This Sunday evening,Sell out (sold) 卖完 Ticket 票,Performance 表演 would like to 想要做,简析,but all the tickets for that performance have been sold out.,Id like to watch the performance in the evening,C,考点三:判断人物的职业、身份和关系,5. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?,【解题策略】,判断谈话者的职业、身份及关系的考题,其答案一般隐藏在谈话内容中,我们要根据谈话内容、关键词进行分析和推断。,师生关系:Dear teacher, exam, homework, professor ;,夫妻或其他家庭成员(如母子、父女等)之间的关系;My dear/darling;,医生与病人的关系;Whats wrong with you? Nothing serious,Take this medicine.;,司机与乘客的关系;fare, taxi;,图书管理员与读者的关系:borrow, keep the book, library;,服务员与顾客的关系;Can I help you? What can I do for you?,常见人物之间的关系有:,doctor-patient;,lawyer-client,husband -wife;,secretary-boss,teacher - student;,driver-policeman,colleagues - friends;,receptionist- tourist,salesperson-customer,shop assistant-customer;,waiter (waitress) - customer,考点四:原因与结果类,6. Why did the woman leave Los Angeles?,Because she dislikes the city.,Because she wanted to attend college.,Because she wanted to experience a different life,.,简析I like to experiencing life in different cities.,Graduate from 毕业于 experience 体验,Leave left-left,考点五:综合推断类,7. Whats the womans next plan?,Moving to Chicago one day.,Going to Asia in a couple of months.,Living in Chicago for a couple of months.,a couple of years 一两年,Be like 像,简析,I want to go to Chicago and live there for a couple of years. Then ,A,考点五:综合推断类,8. What was the news mainly about?,Present,Barack,Obamas,schedule.,The release of Co2 by power plants.,A plan to fight against global warming.,Documentary 文件 climate change 气候变化,Be concerned about 关心,Global warming 全球变暖 A big issue 大事,简析 I really became concerned about global warming.,Global warming is really a big issue.,C,听力技巧,、保持良好的听力心态,、抓住时机,快速预览,、利用已有信息,精确预测,、好记性不如烂笔头学会速记,、于细微处见答案,Listening Practice,BCBC AA,Music,考点一:数字与计算类,1. How many students did the woman believe had taken the exam?,2. How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?,考点二:时间地点类,时间,1. When does the conversation rake place?,2. When does the man want to leave?,3. How long did it take the man to write his paper?,4. When did the football match start?,5. What time does the train leave?,考点二:时间地点类,地点,1. Where does this conversation probably take place?,2. Where did it happen?,3. What kind of store is she going to?,4. Where are they talking?,5. Where are the speakers now?,6. Where is the man / woman in the conversation?,考点三:判断人物的职业、身份和关系,1. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?,2. Whats the profession of the man?,3. Who is the woman probably speaking to?,考点四:原因与结果类,1. Why cant the woman play her records?,2. Why did ?,3. Why were ?,考点五:综合推断类,1. What is the man going to do?,2. What do we learn from the conversation?,3. Why cant the woman find the book?,4. What does the conversation tell us?,Thank You!,Goodbye!,


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