2014教案课件学案练习Unit9Canyoucometomyparty9份Section B

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Its Monday.,在英语中表示“星期”的词有:,Monday,星期一,; Tuesday,星期二,;,Wednesday,星期三,; Thursday,星期四;,Friday,星期五,; Saturday,星期六;,Sunday,星期日,3.,询问,几号星期几,的句型,:,Whats today?,今天几号,星期几,?,Its Monday, the 28th.,今天是,28,号,星期一。,1c Ask and answer questions about the days in 1a.,A: what,s today?,B: It,s Monday the 14,th,.,A: what,s tomorrow?,B: It,s Wednesday the 15,th,.,A: what,s The day after tomorrow?,B: It,s Thursday the 16,th,.,Yes No,1d. Listen. Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Circle Yes or No.,Vinces Activities,Days,_ Play soccer,a. today,b. tomorrow,c. the day after,tomorrow,_ Go to the doctor,_ Study for the test,_ Have a piano lesson,_Look after his sister,c,b,a,a,b,1e. Listen again. Match Vinces activities,with the days.,Tape script,Andy:,Hi, Vince?,Vince:,Yeah, hi, Andy!,Andy:,Vince, can you play tennis,with me?,Vince:,Uh, when?,Andy:,Today.,Vince:,Uh, no, sorry, I cant. I have,to go to the doctor and study,for a test today.,Andy:,How about tomorrow?,Vince:,Sorry, tomorrow Im playing,soccer and I have a piano,lesson.,Andy:,Oh. Well, what are you doing,the day after tomorrow?,Vince:,I have to look after my little sister.,Andy:,Oh, I see.,Vince:,Im sorry, Andy. Im really,busy this week!,1f Students A is Andy and Student B is Vince.,Andy, invite Vince to play tennis.,A: Hi, Vince. Can you play,tennis with me?,B: When?,A: Today?,B: Sorry, I can,t. I,Role play: Vince and Andy,Andy: Hi,Vince,can you play tennis with me?,Vince:_?,Andy: Today.,Vince: Sorry , I cant . I_.,Andy: What are you doing tomorrow?,Vince: _,Andy: How about_?,Vince: I have to babysit my sister.,have to go the doctor and study for a test.,When,Im playing soccer and having a piano lesson,the day after tomorrow,2a Make a list of the kinds of parties people have.,Birthday party,_,_,_,_,family party,class party,Think more!,farewell party (,送别会),housewarming party,(乔迁庆宴会),2b Skim the message below. Why did the people,write them? Match the reason with each,message below.,1.accept an invitation,2.make an invitation,3.turn down an invitation,Message,New,Rely,Forward,Delete,Print,Move to,Hi David,What a great idea! I really like Ms. Steen,a lot. She helped me to improve my English,so much. I,m sad to see her go, and this party,is the best way to say,“,Thank you and goodbye.,”,I can help to buy some of the food,1,and drinks. I can help to bring MS. Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about how to do that.,He Wei,Hi David,Thanks so much for planning this. I,d love to come to the party, but I,m not available. My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the,3,end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle. However, I,d still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations, like planning the games. Let me know if you need my help.,Jake,Dear classmates,As I,m sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back,2,to the US. We,re very sad that she,s leaving because she is a fun teacher. To show how much we,re going to miss her, let,s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!,Can you come to the party? If so, can you help with any of these things?,Please tell me by this Friday.,Buy food and drinks.,Think of games to play.,Prepare things we need for the games (glue,paper, pen,).,4) Bring Ms. Steen to the play without telling so,that she can be surprised.,I look forward to hearing from you all.,David,What kind of party is it?,_,2. Who is the party for?,_,3. When is the party?,_,4. Who did David invite to the party?,_,5. What can people do at the party?,_,2c Read the messages and answer the questions.,Farewell party .(,送别会),Ms. Steen,Next Friday the 28,th,.,All his classmates, such as He Weir, jack.,They can eat, drink, and play games.,2d Complete the invitation with words and,phrases from the message on page 69.,We are planning a housewarming,at our new house this Saturday. Can you,? Our house is at 2 London,Road. We are serving,and,.,from 7:30 p.m. Please,your friends and family.,A party is more,with,party,come to my party,food,drinks,bring,surprising,more people! Please let us,by Wednesday,you can come to the party. Hope you can make it!,know,if,2e Imagine one of your favorite teachers is,leaving. Plan a party for him / her. Answer,the questions with a partner.,Why is he /she one of your favorite teachers,_,2. What do you want to say to him /her?,_,3. When is the best time to have the party?,_,She often encourage me and help me in my life.,Dear Mr. Shen, really thanks for your care!,This Friday at 7:00 p.m.,4. Where can you have the party?,_,5. What kind of food will there be?,_,6. What kind of drinks would you like to serve?,_,A restaurant near our school.,Fruit, meat dairy products and nuts,(坚果),All kinds of orange juice, beer and so on.,7. Who will come to the party?,_,8. What activities will there be at the party?,_,9. How can you make the party a surprise,for your teacher?,_,All of my classmates.,guess riddle, tell jokes, sing and so on.,Invite her without telling her.,3a Read the invitation and answer the questions.,Dear Parents,I would like to invite you to,the,opening of,our new library at,No.9 High School. The opening,will be,on,the morning of,Wednesday, January 8,th,at 9:00.,After this, you can,enjoy,our school concert. Then,lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00. Please,dress smartly,. I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library. Please reply in writing to this invitation,by,Friday, December 20,th,.,Larry Smith,Headmaster,1. Who is making the invitation?,_,2. What is the invitation for?,_,3. When will the event happen?,_,_,The headmaster.,Students parents.,on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00.,4. What will happen after this?,_,5. Do parents have to bring anything?,_,6. How should people reply to this,invitation, and when?,_,_,After this they can enjoy the school concert.,Yes, each parent need to bring one book.,They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th.,3bWrite an invitation to a party or any other,event. Reply to your partner,s invitation.,If you turn down the invitation, give a,good reason.,would like to; will be;,after this; please;,reply,Use the following words and phrases,:,Group work,Include the following information,:,kind of party or event,when and where it will be,how guests should dress,if guests should bring anything,if guests should reply to the invitation,when and how guests should reply,4 Student A, look at your calendar on the right.,Student B, look at yours on page 81. Find a,time when you can both go shopping.,A: Can you go shopping with me next week?,B: Sure, I,d love to. When?,A: Well, what are you going to do on,Monday evening?,B: I must study for the English test. What,about Tuesday evening?,Student As calendar,MONDAY FRIDAY,Daytime: school,Daytime: school,Evening: Susans party,TUESDAY,SATURDAY,Daytime: school,Evening: study for math,Morning: play tennis with Dad,Afternoon: do homework,WEDENDAY,SUNDAY,Daytime: school,Morning: visit grandparents,Evening: go to a concert,THURSDAY,Daytime: school,Evening: help parents,Making invitations,发出邀请,“,Do you have any plan next Friday night?,We are having some friends over for a dinner,party. Would you like to join us?”,“Are you free next Friday night?”,“Are you doing anything Friday night?”,“Would you be interested in coming to our,house that night?”,“How do you like to join our party Friday,night?”,Accepting invitations,Someone asks:,“Would you like to.”,You:,“Id love to, thank you.”,“Thats very kind of you, thanks.”,“It sounds great, thank you.”,“That will be lovely, thank you.”,Someone asks:,“Do you like to go to the,movie theater with us this afternoon?”,You:,“Thats great, thank you.”,“What a good idea, thank you.”,“Thats very kind of you, but actually Im,planning to see my grandma next Saturday.”,“Im really sorry, but I have to do something,else on next weekend.”,“I really dont think I can make itI am,supposed to be at airport picking up my,friend next Sunday morning.”,Remember:,当你拒绝他人的邀请时,要特别注意礼貌。通常你,要给个理由,说明为什么无法接受邀请,或者道歉。,Declining invitations,Explanation,1.,与时间相关的短语有很多。例如,:,today,今天,tonight,今晚,tomorrow,明天,the day after tomorrow,后天,yesterday,昨天,the day before yesterday,前天,two days ago,两天前,the year before last,前年,after three weeks,三个星期后,in two years,过两年,2.,问日期的句型有:,今天是几号?,Whats the date today?,或,What date is it today?,3. “,日期”的表示法 例如,: 11,月,5,号,November 5;,November 5th,读做,November the fifth,4.,Monday,(,名词,) “,星期一”,在英语中表示星期的词有:,Monday,星期一,; Tuesday,星期二,;,Wednesday,星期三,; Thursday,星期四;,Friday,星期五,; Saturday,星期六;,Sunday,星期日,注意,:,表示“星期”开头的字母要大写。,表示星期的单词都以“,day”,结尾。,问“星期”的句型有:,What day is it today?,What day is today?,5.,Thank you for,后接,名词或动名词,形式,表,示“因为,而感谢你”,Thanks for your photos. (photos,为名词,),Thanks for helping me. (helping,为动名词,),如果说,:,谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。,我们可说,: Thank you for your invitation to,visit next week.,6,、,invitation,是名词,当“,邀请,”讲时,是,不可数名词,,当“,邀请书,请帖,”讲时,是,可数,名词,e.g. Come at the invitation.,应邀前来,They received invitations to the party.,他们收到了参加聚会的请帖,invite,的用法,:,(1) invite sb. to sw=ask sb. to sw,(某地),邀请某人到某地,e.g. He invited many people to his house.,(2),invite sb. to do sth=ask sb.to do sth.,邀请某人做谋事,e.g. He also invited a singer to sing for his,friends.,invitation to sw /to do sth.,去某地,/,做某事的邀请,e.g. an invitation to the party,an invitation to go to the summer camp,7. I,look forward to,hearing from you all.,我期盼着你们的答复。,look forward to,是一个固定搭配,表示,“,期待,期盼,”,, 其中,to,是介词,因此,后面如果使用动,词,要试用其,-ing,形式,。又如:,I look forward to your reply.,我期待你的答复。,I,m really looking forward to seeing my little,grandson again.,我好期待再次见到我的小孙子。,8.,have a piano lesson,上钢琴课,have a lesson,上课,have a try,试一试,have a (good) rest have a look,看一看,have a good time have meals,吃饭,have breakfast / lunch/ dinner/ supper,9. Hope you can,make it,!,希望你能参加(聚会),!,此句中的,make it,是个独立地表达方式,表示,通过努力或是历经困难后取得成功、完成某,事,可译为,“,成功;胜利,”,, 但有时也要视语 境及上下文灵活进行翻译,此处便是如此。,e.g. If we run, we should make it.,要是我们跑的话,应高不会迟到。,Though it was difficult, they still made it.,虽然很难,但他们依然成功了。,10. Please,reply in writing to,this invitation,by,Friday, December 20,th,.,请于,12,月,20,日以前以书信方式回复此邀请。,1,),replying in writing,表示,“,以书面的形式进行回复,”,。其中,reply,相当于,answer,,但要比后者更加书面化且正式许多。此处介词,in,表示方式,相当于汉语,“,用,方式(形式),”,之意。,2,),reply,作动词时,不直接跟宾语,须由介词,to,引入宾语内容,构成,reply to,的结构。如:,Did you reply to these letter?,你回复这些来信了吗?,3,)在此句中,介词,by,译为,“,截止,;,.,之前到,为止,”,。,介词,before,也有,“,之前,”,之意,但区别于,before,不包含其后的时间,,而,by,则包括。,e.g. You should get your homework ready by,Friday. Remember: Friday is the last day!,你应当最迟于周五前把作业做好。记住:,周五是最后一天。,can you come and meet me before Friday?,I,ll be away early Friday morning.,你能在周五前来见我一面吗?我周五一,大清早就走了。,Exercises,I.,词汇,1. Today Im very busy, but she is _,(,空闲的,).,2. They are studying for a _ _.,(,数学测验,).,3. I get his _ (,邀请,) but I cant go.,4. I have too _(,多,) homework to do.,5. Mr. King sometimes goes to the,_ (,音乐会,).,free,math test,invitation,much,concert,II,单项选择,1. Can you come to play soccer with me?, _.,A. I can B. Thats all right C. Sure. Id love to,2. He can go with you, but I _.,A. am not B. cant C. dont,3. What are you doing _ Monday morning?,A. on B. atC. in,C,B,A,4. Thanks for _ me to the party.,A. ask B. askingC. asks,5. Bob cant come out to play because he,_ help Dad in the garden.,A. can B. cantC. has to,6. Would you like a cup of coffee?,_.,A. No, I dont wantB. No, thank you,C. I dont like it,B,C,B,1. Today is,Monday.,(,提问,),_ _ _ today?,2. They are going to the doctors,on Monday.,(,提问,),_ _ they going to the doctors?,3. Call me after the test. (,否定句,),_ _ me after the test.,.,句型转换,Whats,When,are,Dont,call,the,date,5. Why dont you have an English party?,(,同义转换,),_ _ have an English party?,6. Do you want to come over to my house?,(,同义转换,),_ _ _ to come over to my house?,_ you come over to my house?,Would you like,Can,Why,not,Plan a party,Write everything you have to do next,week. Choose a day and time to have,a party. Then invite classmates to,your party.,Homework,Thank You!,


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