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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Wildlife Protection,Grammar,Step one: Revision of the Passive Voice,Every year over 29,000 antelopes _ (kill) in Tibet.,-,一般现在时的被动语态,2. In the past, the elephants _ (hunt) by farmers.,-,一般过去时的被动语态,are killed,were hunted,3. In the past twenty years, a large number of bamboo areas _ (set) up to help pandas grow.,-,现在完成时的被动语态,have been set,4. WWF hopes that more and more wild animals _ (protect) in the future.,will be protected,-,一般将来时的被动语态,5. By the end of last year, some forests,_(destroy) by local farmers.,had been destroyed,-,过去完成时的被动语态,6.,The plant must _(water) every two,days.,be watered,-,情态动词的被动语态,表格:被动态基本结构,时态,被动语态结构,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时,am/is/are,done,was/were,done,shall/will,be,done,would,be,done,have/has,been,done,had,been,done,被动语态,be,字变,过去分词跟后面。,二,.,现在进行时的被动语态。,1.,从课文中找出以下句子并补充完整。,(Page26),1) We _ for the wool beneath,our stomachs. (Line9),2) Our fur _ to make sweaters for,people like you. (L10),3) I wonder what _ to help you. (L12),4) Daisy turned around and found that she,_ by an elephant. (L15),5) So good things _ here to save,local wildlife. (L25),are being killed,is being used,is being done,was being watched,are being used,现在进行时,的被动语态:,am/ is/ are being done,过去进行时,的被动语态:,was/ were being done,1),表示,说话时,正在进行的被动动作,强调主语是动作,的承受者。,Look! The baby _(take) care,of by her aunt.,2),表示,现阶段,正在进行的被动动作。但此时此刻不一,定在进行的被动动作。,A new building _ ( build) outside,our school.,2.,现在进行时被动语态的用法,is being taken,is being built,Shes made rapid progress recently and,_,always _( praise),by the teachers.,She said that the silly questions,_ always,_( ask),by the man.,3),现在进行时、过去进行时被动语态与,always , all the,time,等词连用时,表示,经常性,的被动动作,此时往,往带有赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩。,is,being praised,were,being asked,The telephone is in use now.,= The telephone _ _ _ now.,4),有些“介词,+,名词”结构可以表示现在进行时的被动意,义。请记住下列短语:,on show; in use; under protection; under repair; under discussion; under research; under consideration; under development,等。,is being used,The problem is being discussed at the meeting now.,= The problem _ _ _ at the meeting,now.,is under discussion,3.,现在进行时被动语态的否定和疑问。,肯定,:,The bridge _ (repair) now.,否定,:,The bridge _,(not repair) now.,一般疑问,:,_ the bridge _(repair),now?,is being repaired,isnt/ is not being repaired,Is,being repaired,三,.,进行时的被动语态专练。,1.,用动词的正确形式填空。,1) As you can see, many trees _(cut),down by humans now.,2) Look, The river _(pollute) by the,waste from the factory, which is producing,some chemicals(,化学品,).,5) Look, many trees _(plant) by,students over there.,are being cut,is being polluted,are being planted,2.,请把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态:,1) Human beings are killing us for the wool,beneath our stomachs.,2) Now, the government is taking good measures,to save the endangered wild animals.,We,are being killed,for the wool beneath our,stomachs by human beings.,Now, good measures,are being taken,to save,the endangered animals by the government.,2.,请把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态:,3) Some factories are using our fur to make,sweaters.,4) What are they doing to help the wild animals in,danger of disappearing?,Our fur,is being used,to make sweaters by,some factories.,What,is being done,to help the wild animals in,danger of disappearing?,四,.,综合练习。,1.,用动词的正确形式填空。,1) Look! The panda _(watch) by,the naughty tourists, which keeps him frightened.,2) The hunter turned around and found that he,_(bite) by a snake.,3) Paper money _(use) for over a,thousand years.,4) Hundreds of jobs _(lose) if the factory,closes.,5) The number of wild animals may decrease if,their habitat _(threaten).,is being watched,was,bitten,has been used,will be lost,is threatened,四,.,综合练习。,1.,用动词的正确形式填空。,6) Great changes have taken place in,Dongguan,and a lot of factories _(set) up,recently.,7) I wonder what _(do) to help the,wild animals now.,8) The price of a color TV set _,(bring) down since last month.,9) The reason for all the changes,_(not explain) to us yet.,10) In my opinion, more attention should,_(pay) to the wildlife protection.,have been set,is being done,has been brought,has not been explained,be paid,四,.,综合练习。,1.,用动词的正确形式填空。,11) These books _(not take) out of,the library again in the future by you.,12) The water will be further polluted unless,some measures _(take).,13) Up to now, 35 Chinese culture relics,_(put) on World Heritage List.,14) Your experiment report _(type),now and it _(finish) soon.,wont be taken,are taken,have been put,is being typed,will be finished,2.,请把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态:,1) She is telling us an interesting story.,2) The nurse is taking good care of the patient.,We,are being told,an interesting story by her.,The patient,is being taken,good care of by the,nurse.,An interesting story,is being told,to,us by her.,2.,请把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态:,3) They are not protecting some animals well,enough.,4) Now he is making the girl laugh.,Some animals,are not being protected,well,enough by them.,Now the girl,is being made,to,laugh,by him.,2.,请把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态:,5) He has bought the children many good books.,6) He has made the girl laugh.,The children,have been bought,many good,books by him.,The girl,has been made,to laugh,by him.,Many good books,have been bought,for,the,children by him.,2.,请把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态:,7) She will send me a book written by Shakespeare.,8) Government must take some measures to,protect the environment.,I,will be sent,a book written by Shakespeare by,her.,Some measures,must be taken,to protect the,environment by government.,A book written by Shakespeare,will be sent,to,me,by her.,A whale is being killed,by people,.,Look! What is being done?,The whale isnt being protected,by people,a whale, kill,people,The panda is being kept in the cage.,Look! What is being done?,the panda, keep,in the cage.,Rainforests_atsucha speedthattheywill disappearfrom theearthinthe nearfuture.,(cut),are being cut,As a result.,Tigers have no places to hide and _ for their fur and bones.,(kill),are being killed,1. They are decorating a Christmas tree now.,被动,A Christmas tree is being decorated now,.,Some animals,were not being protected,well enough,.,Is,the bridge,being repaired,now?,2.,Some animals,were being protected,well enough.,否定句,3. T,he bridge is being repaired,now.,疑问句,are being protected,are being discovered,are now being studied,are being encouraged,exercise 2 on page 64,Answer keys to exercise 1 on page 64,Im afraid that the road to,Wolong,Nature Reserve is being repaired.,How much money we should spend on endangered tigers is being discussed.,The side effects of the new drug are being researched.,The request to buy a video for each classroom is being considered.,The project to make a new home for pandas is being developed.,Hi, Im Alice.,This is my album. Would you like to have a look?,album,Alice,I want to show you some photos about my Christmas.,Can you,describe what happens,in the picture,using,passive voice,?,Its Dec. 24th.,On the morning , I went shopping with my,family . We arrived at a shopping mall.,My Christmas,Outside the shopping mall at,10:00 am,A huge Christmas tree _,(decorate) with mini cars.,was being decorated,Christmas presents _(send) to,children by a Santa.,were being sent,Outside the shopping mall at,10:00 am,Many Christmas presents _ (buy),by my parents.,From 10:00-12:00 am,were being bought,Christmas presents _,(wrap up,包装,) by my parents,were being wrapped,At 3,p.m,At 5 p.m.,A Christmas card,_ (write),by me.,was being written,A wonderful Christmas dinner,_ (enjoy) by my family.,was being enjoyed,At 8 p. m.,A Christmas sock _ (hang),by my brother.,was being hung,At 11 p.m.,Christmas presents _ (put),under the Christmas tree by Father Christmas.,were being put,At 12:00 pm,Who is the Father Christmas?,Of course its my father.,We got up early and said “Merry Christmas” to,one another.,were being found,Its Dec 25,th,. At 8 :00 am,A lot of Christmas presents _ (find),under the Christmas tree.,At breakfast. A photo of my family,_ (take).,was being taken,At 9:00 am,Thats all my story. I wish all of you a merry Christmas.,Guilin _(visit) by so many tourists in the past years that some of its cultural sites _,(,not protect )well nowadays. Some ancient sites _ (already damage) by tourists and villagers are worried that part of their history _(lose) in the future.,Now, a group of villagers in Guilin _( plan) to protect their cultural relics. They have taken the following measures in order to protect the cultural relics.). A website _ (start) to tell people about the problem and how to solve it. Also, a museum _(build) so that visitors can look at the cultural relics without _(cause) any damage.,has been visited,are not being protected,have already been damaged,has been started,has been built,will be lost,are planning,causing,写作练习: 要求在适当的地方使用被动句。,注意时态的正确运用。,在过去,中国有很多的麋鹿。 然而,在过去的,四十年间,大量的麋鹿被杀了。,随着时间的过去,人们开始意识到了保护动物的,重要性。在北京,一个麋鹿公园已经被建了起来。,如今,麋鹿得到了人类的保护。因此,它的数量,在增加。,There used to be many,Milu,deer in China.,However, a lot of,milu,deer have been killed,in the past forty years.,As time goes by,people begin to realize the importance of,protecting animals. In Beijing, a,Milu,deer,Park has been set up.,Now, the,Milu,deer are,being protected by human beings.,As a result, their numbers are increasing.,在过去,中国有很多的麋鹿。 然而,在过去的,四十年间,大量的麋鹿被杀了。随着时间的过去,人们开始意识到了保护动物的重要性。在北京,一个麋鹿公园已经被建了起来。如今,麋鹿得到了人类的保护。因此,它的数量,在增加,。,


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