四年级下册英语课件-Module 5Unit 1 Iwastwo then∣外研版(三起) (共22张PPT)

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四年级下册英语课件-Module 5Unit 1 Iwastwo then∣外研版(三起) (共22张PPT)_第1页
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四年级下册英语课件-Module 5Unit 1 Iwastwo then∣外研版(三起) (共22张PPT)_第2页
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四年级下册英语课件-Module 5Unit 1 Iwastwo then∣外研版(三起) (共22张PPT)_第3页
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Module 5 Unit 1 I was two then. tallfat old old long big cute shortthinyoungnewshortsmallnaughty Tall tall. I am tall.Short short. You are short.Fat fat. He is fat.Thin thin. She is thin.Naughty naughty. They are naughty.Cute cute . We are cute. 1、 能 听 说 认 读 单 词 was/were, then, grandparent, young, hair, short .2、 能 用 “ They were young then . I was two then.” 谈 论 过 去 的 状 态 。3、 学 会 运 用 was, were来 描 述 过 去 , 谈 论 过 去 的 事 情 和 情 况 。 Who is she ?她 是 谁 ?She is me.她 是 我 。 I was 2 then .那 时 我 两 岁 。 Now I am 2 7 .现 在 我 2 7 岁 。Its me.then now then nowHe was short then. Now he is tall. then nowShe was fat then. Now she is thin. then nowHis hair was short then. Now his hair is long. grandparentsgrandma grandpa They were young then. Now they are old.then now 找 规 律I was 2 then. I am 27 now.He was short then. He is tall now.She was fat then. She is thin now.They were young then. They are old now.过 去 现 在 Learn the text. What are they looking at? Then NowShe Her hairHer grandparents cute naughtyshort longyoung old Fill in the blanks with these words. Look at Linglings pictures.She was two_ .Her_ was so short .Now her hair is _.She was so cute. And she _ very naughty, too. She is a lovely girl. long then washair Introduce yourself Introduce yourself In this world, lots of things will change. But one thing will never change. Do you know what it is? 在这个世界上,有许多东西会变,但是有一种东西却从不会改变,你知道是什么吗? Find the changes of your family members or your friends, then write them down.(各 写 五 句 )


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