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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,全国大学生英语竞赛,2013,年,C,类初赛试题及详解,主讲老师:杨 璐,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),15 incomplete sentences,Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Section A (10 marks),complete,summary,Section B (10 marks),T/F,+,answer questions,Section C (10 marks),complete statements,+,multiple choice,Section D (10 marks),answer questions,+,underlined sentences (E-C),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),I (10 marks),II (20 marks),Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a,twenty-second,pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer sheet,with a single line through the centre.,1. Why didnt the man go to see Macbeth last week?,A. He didnt manage to get a ticket.,B. He had to attend a conference.,C. He had a better production to watch.,【,听力原文,】,M: Didnt you go to see Macbeth last week?,W: Yeah, it was brilliant. Ive been to it a few times before, but I think this is the best production Ive ever seen.,M: Yeah, someone I work with went and said it was wonderful.,I wish Id been able to get a ticket.,2. What does “Fill Me In” refer to in this conversation?,A. A type of upgraded mobile phone.,B. A well-selling magazine.,C. A writers new book series.,【,听力原文,】,M: So, how well is your “Fill Me In” selling?,W: Oh, great,in fact its only the fourth week of publication of the first issue, and weve had to reprint another 2000.,Weve sold about 2300. Mostly in alternative bookshops that cater for people who are. er different.,M: Congratulations!,3. Why doesnt the woman like the bag?,A. She doesnt like the pattern.,B. Its not easy to carry.,C. Its too big for her.,【,听力原文,】,W: Excuse me. Im looking for a bag.,M: Certainly, madam. This bag is very popular. It opens at the top here. like this. and has a nice pattern around the middle. its very easy to carry.,W: Hmm.,Do you have a smaller one? I dont like it so big, actually.,4. What makes a bad CV according to the man?,A. Fake information.,B. Terrible writing.,C. Undesirable length.,【,听力原文,】,M: I read hundreds of CVs every week. Most of them are good. A few are excellent. And about five percent of them are terrible.,W: Really? What makes a bad CV?,M: Therere a number of things.,A CV should be short. No more than two pages long.,I recently read a CV that was twenty pages long. Unbelievable!,5. How will Cathy continue her Spanish learning?,A. Shes going to make a friend in Spain.,B. Shell communicate with a Spanish friend in Spanish.,C. Shell practice speaking Spanish with an English friend.,【,听力原文,】,M: Cathy, are you going to continue with your Spanish?,W: Oh yes, definitely. Ive got lots of ideas.,Ive got a Spanish friend and we write emails to each other.,We used to write in English, but now we can write in Spanish.,M: Thats great.,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Section B (10 marks),In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a,one-minute,pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer sheet,with a single line through the centre.,Conversation One,6. What traffic accident are the speakers talking about?,A. A kid was knocked down by a car.,B. Two cars crashed into a shop.,C. A car ran into a wrong place.,7. Why did the accident happen according to the woman?,A. There were many shops around.,B. The crossing is in a wrong place.,C. There was no crossing there.,8. Which of the following is the suggestion they made?,A. More traffic lights should be installed.,B. A speed camera should be mounted.,C. More policemen should patrol that area.,9. Where, as the woman mentioned, has got improved traffic?,A. Her own neighbourhood.,B. Her big brothers neighbourhood.,C. Her parents neighbourhood.,10. How was the man punished for his traffic offence?,A. He was fined 100 pounds with extra penalty points.,B. He had to pay 150 pounds and got 6 penalty points.,C. He finally paid 600 pounds without any penalty points.,【,听力原文,】,M:,Did you hear about that kid who was knocked down on Junction Road the other day?,6,W: Yes, it was awful, wasnt it? Still its hardly surprising, is it?,M: What do you mean?,W: Well, therere always accidents down there, arent there, especially with the speed cars go at. And, well, basically,the crossings in the wrong place,7,isnt it? I dont know why theyve never moved it. I mean, itd be better if it was exactly opposite the shops, wouldnt it?,M: Yes, I know what you mean. They could do something to slow the traffic down, couldnt they? Maybe they could put sleeping policemen there or something like that.,W: Yeah, maybemaybe one every so often would help, but,what would be really great is if they had one of those speed cameras.,8,M: Big Brother, you mean!,W: No, they really make a difference.,You should see how theyve slowed the traffic down where my parents live.,9,M: Yeah, I suppose youre right. Im only against them because I got caught by one last month.,W: Youre kidding!,M: No.,A hundred and fifty pounds it cost me! A fine and six penalty points!,10,Conversation Two,11. Why is the expert opposed to the view that memory aids make your memory worse?,A. There is no evidence showing that memory aids are,invalid.,B. Human beings brain functions mainly through,memory aids in an effective way.,C. Memory aids encourage an organised approach,which helps the brain function effectively.,12. What is the interviewers attitude towards the idea that visual images help the memory?,A. It is hard to believe.,B. It is nothing strange.,C. It is obviously nonsense.,13. Who developed the system of memory aids centuries ago?,A. Inhabitants on an isolated island.,B. The Ancient Greeks.,C. A great psychologist.,14. How does mapping out notes affect the brain?,A. It is helpful in reflecting the way people link,information in the brain.,B. It prevents people from arranging things logically.,C. It makes peoples brain function the opposite way.,15. What tends to affect peoples ability to think clearly?,A. Upbringing and innate differences.,B. Worry and anxiety.,C. Their aptitude.,【,听力原文,】,W: Do you have trouble remembering peoples names? Do you tend to forget where you put your door key? Then fear nothelp is at hand! Today we have with us well-known psychologist Gavin Bonet. Gavin, is there really a way of improving our memories and if so, what are the steps we can take?,M: The first thing to remember is that we can all help ourselves remember effectively by doing quite ordinary things like writing things down, using a diary, a calendar, a notebook, a notice-board, and checking these things regularly. You can use coloured highlighter pens to pick out really important bits of information. Rather than making your brain lazy, as some people think,scientific,studies have proved that these aids encourage a very organised and methodical approach, which helps the brain to function effectively.,11,W: Now, Ive heard people say, you know, if they want to remember to buy fish for supper they carry around a mental picture of a huge fish flapping on a line. Is there any truth in this?,It all sounds a bit strange to me.,12,M:,Centuries ago, the Ancient Greeks developed the system of mnemonics or memory aids.,13,Isolated and fragmented bits of information are very difficult to remember. A mnemonic is a way of linking what you wish to remember with something that means something to you. It could be a mental image, a word, a short poem, and so on. For example, imagine I want to,remember the number 1843465. I could link these numbers to personal experiences. 18 is easythats the age I went to university, 4 is the number of children I have, 34 is the number of my house and 65 is the age at which Im going to retire! Linking things we want to remember with rhymes or colours or visual images is helpful as well. Our lifestyle plays a part in memory too. Eating a healthy diet and taking plenty of exercise and having fresh air all help us to be more clear-headed and less absent-minded.,W: So its mind and body together, is that it?,M: Yes, I think so. Scientists are gradually finding out more and more about how the brain works and what we can do to assist its functioning. When taking notes, for,example,it has been shown that mapping out notes from a central sphere with lines radiating out in different directions is worth adopting because it reflects the way we link information in the brain.,14,Using different coloured pens for note-taking, not just black, helps the brain too.,W: Are there any differences between mens and womens recall ability, do you think?,M: Ah, men are good at remembering directions and phone numbers; women are better at names and appointments. Why, we dont really know. You have to take into account upbringing as well as innate differences.,Factors that seem to be bad for men and women equally are anxiety and worry. These definitely decrease your thinking ability.,15,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Section C (5 marks),In this section, you will hear,five,short news items. After each item, which will be read only,once, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the,three,choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer sheet,with a single line through the centre.,16. How can social media influence the presidential elections in the USA according to the latest research?,A. It can help voters to choose their president.,B. It can help to ensure the fairness of the elections.,C. It can help to increase the number of voters.,【,听力原文,】,We have all witnessed the power of social media. It helped elect Barack Obama president in two thousand eight. It also helped to support popular revolutions in two thousand ten and eleven that forced several long-time rulers from office. Now, research suggests that,social networks could have an even greater effect on elections, helping to increase the number of people who vote.,17. What honorary title has Yaya Toure been granted?,A. The African Player of the Year.,B. 2012 Star of the Confederation of African Football.,C. The Ivory Coast star.,【,听力原文,】,Manchester City midfielder Yaya Toure has been named the African Player of the Year for a second time.,Toure beat fellow Ivory Coast star and former Chelsea striker Didier Drogba into second place. He won the 2012 poll in a vote of head coaches or technical directors of countries affiliated to the Confederation of African Football.,18. Why did Reshma Saujani set up the organization “Girls Who Code”?,A. To raise womens status in the field of science.,B. To improve girls aptitude and performance in STEM.,C. To arouse girls interest in science and technology.,【,听力原文,】,Reshma Saujani launched an organisation called “Girls Who Code”. Her goal is to get more girls interested in science and technology.,And she says the underrepresentation of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, also known as STEM, is caused by a bigger societal issue. “Girls and boys perform about the same in maths and science. So theres not an aptitude issue.”,19. Which tablet computers hardware inside is more powerful?,A. The CNET Kum.,B. The Google Nexus 7.,C. The Apple iPad Mini.,【,听力原文,】,Tablet computers are one of the best-selling products this year. Brian Tong is Senior Editor of CNET.com. He says the Apple iPad Mini is one of the most popular tablets.,One of Apples biggest competitors is the Google Nexus 7. The hardware inside is more powerful than whats in the iPad Mini, but also it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apples maps.,20. What does the company announce that it can do for the United States?,A. It can reduce the amount of plastic waste.,B. It can help to recycle the plastic waste.,C. It can increase the amount of oil exports.,【,听力原文,】,The United States Environmental Protection Agency says only seven percent of plastic waste in the United States is recycled each year.,A new company in northern New York says it can increase that percentage.,It also says it can help the United States reduce the amount of oil it imports.,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Section D (10 marks),In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are,10,missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read,twice,. Remember to write the answers on the,answer sheet,.,1If you (21) _ smooth skin that glows with youth, the chances are that at some point you will have heard the exhortation to drink lots of water in order to (22) _ those evil toxins and keep your skin healthy.,2The exact amount people suggest varies. US-based advice (23) _ eight glasses a day, while in hotter climates people are advised to drink more to (24) _ higher rates of sweating. But regardless of the exact volume of water suggested, the principle behind the advice remains the sametaking extra water on board will keep your skin hydrated. In other words, water acts like a moisturiser, but from the insider out.,3This is such a common idea you might be surprised at the (25) _ to back up. You might expect there to be countless studies where people are (26) _ two groups, one assigned to sip water all day, the other to drink a normal amount. Then the smoothness of the skin could be (27) _ a month or so later to establish whether sipping more led to smoother skin.,4In fact such studies are rare, partly because water cant be patented, so it is hard to find anyone to fund such research when there will be no new (28) _ or cosmetic to sell that could repay the costs. A review by the dermatologist Ronni Wolf at the Kaplan Medical Centre in Israel found just one study looking at the effect of long-term water intake on the skin. But the results were (29) _. After four weeks, the group who drank extra mineral water showed a decrease in skin density, which some believe suggests the skin is retaining more moisture, while those who drank tap water showed an increase in skin density. But regardless of the type of water they drank, it made no difference to their (30) _ or to the smoothness of their skin.,【,答案,】,21. yearn for,22. flush out,23. tends to recommend,24. compensate for,25. lack of evidence,26. seperated into,27. assessed,28. medication,29. contradictory,30. wrinkles,【,听力原文,】,1If you,yearn for,21,smooth skin that glows with youth, the chances are that at some point you will have heard the exhortation to drink lots of water in order to,flush out,22,those evil toxins and keep your skin healthy.,2The exact amount people suggest varies. US-based advice,tends to recommend,23,eight glasses a day, while in hotter climates people are advised to drink more to,compensate for,24,higher rates of sweating. But regardless of the exact volume of water suggested, the principle behind the advice remains the sametaking extra water on board will keep your skin hydrated. In other words, water acts like a moisturiser, but from the inside out.,3This is such a common idea you might be surprised at the,lack of evidence,25,to back up. You might expect there to be countless studies where people are,separated into,26,two groups, one assigned to sip water all day, the other to drink a normal amount. Then the smoothness of the skin could be,assessed,27,a month or so later to establish whether sipping more led to smoother skin.,4In fact such studies are rare, partly because water cant be patented, so it is hard to find anyone to fund such research when there will be no new,medication,28,or cosmetic to sell that could repay the costs. A review by the dermatologist Ronni Wolf at the Kaplan Medical Centre in Israel found just one study looking at the effect of long-term water intake on the skin. But the results were,contradictory,.,29,After four weeks, the group who drank extra mineral water showed a decrease in skin density, which some believe suggests the skin is retaining more moisture, while those who drank tap water showed an increase in skin density. But regardless of the type of water they drank, it made no difference to their,wrinkles,30,or to the smoothness of their skin.,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),15 incomplete sentences,Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),There are,15,incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are,four,choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer sheet,with a single line through the centre.,31. The new star said to the journalists that she _ the opportunity to show that she could play a serious film role.,A. greeted B. rejoiced,C. welcomed,D. cheered,【,解析,】,句意:这位新星告诉记者们,她欣然接受这次机会,这表明她可以扮演一部电影的主角。,welcome,欢迎。,greet,迎接;致敬,致意。,rejoice,高兴;庆祝。,cheer,欢呼;使高兴;为,加油。,32. We havent really _ a solution to the problem yet, which makes the boss really frustrated.,A. built up B. fallen back on,C. brough


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