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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,Intercultural Communication,Unit 2 Daily Communication(I),Culture is a Bridge.,Teaching Objectives,1.To understand how language and culture are closely linked,2. To understand,pragmatics,in intercultural Communication,3. Identify the cultural differences in,addressing,greeting,conversational topics,visiting,parting,compliment and response,gratitude and apology,.,Verbal intercultural communication,“verbal” (pg. 17) means “consisting of words”. Language, spoken or written, is a means of verbal communication.,Verbal communication refers to the communication that is carried either,in oral or in written form,with the use of words.,Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other,by using language,.,4,5,6,7,8,9,Appointment (pg. 29),Questions:,1. What is the timing for Richard make an appointment?,Is it too early?,2. How did Richard make an appointment politely?,Mr. asked me to call him,appointment,Notify in advance,In America any visit, whether it is to see a doctor, a professor, a friend and even a relative, is,usually arranged by appointment.,This is the courtesy to be observed. When an American is making an appointment, he/she tries to be polite, and,leaves room,for the other party to refuse if not convenient., I haven t seen you for a long time. I was wondering whether I could come round to visit you sometime. ,Id like to come and see you sometime. Would you be free one afternoon next week?,Visiting Someone,Meals,To show hospitality:,The quantity and variety of the meal,far more than can be eaten at the time,relate the meal size more accurately to the peoples appetite,At the table,constantly put the best piece of food on the visitors plate,leave the guests to help themselves and do not keep urging them to eat more,15,What would happen if the Chinese are invited to dinner by the westerner?,What would happen if the westerner visitors are in a Chinese home for dinner?,?,16,17,Showing Hospitality in Different Ways,Chinese,Westerners,Chinese guests,always refuse offer,of drinks or food to demonstrate politeness in seeming not to wish to put their host to any trouble.,Westerners always accept or refuse offer of drinks or food,very genuinely,.,Sometimes an offer is not a real offer but a polite remark. After we say no, we,usually wait for the second and third offer,. If the host just brings the food or drink and ignores no, we ill accept it.,Their refusal is accepted as,genuine,.,Westerners dont to press. To press people to have food or drink after they have refused is frowned upon and can cause embarrassments.,Chinese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality,19,20,21,Greetings,Good morning/afternoon/ evening.,How are you?,How are things going?,How are you getting on?,How are things (with you)?,Hows everything?,Hows life?,Hello.,Hey. /Hi.,Chinese expressions,Where are you going?,你上哪去?,Where have you been?,你去哪里啦?,Have you had your meal?,吃过了吗?,(Its none of your business.),Concept of privacy,privacy,1. freedom from unauthorized intrusion (quote from webster),The legal basis for the privacy is the US,Fourth Amendment,which guarantees the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.”,24,中国传统文化认为隐私是群体性的,显示其公众性和集体主义准则,;,圈内人之间不必太强调个人隐私,.,以美国为代表的西方文化认为隐私是维护个人独立性和体现自我存在价值的表现,显示其强烈的自我意识,.,25,Initiating Conversations,Avoidance of some topics:,Age,Money,Health,Family,Conversation topics,Hobbies,holidays,The weather,A local or national event,Jobs,Films/books,28,Culture influences the style of communication at great level. When we are in an unfamiliar country, it is wise to,watch and learn the way native people communicate first.,Initiating conversations,Appropriate and Inappropriate topics (pg. 27),Australia,Professions; cars; skiing; music,Money; religion; divorce / separation,Germany,Traveling abroad;,international politics,; hobbies; soccer,The second world War; questions about personal life,Great Britain,History; Architecture; gardening,Politics; money / price; Falklands war,France,Music; books; sports; the theater,Price of items; persons work; income; age,Japan,History; culture; art,The Second World war;,On health,30,31,32,What cultural concept behind it?,Why do phrases like “ put on more clothes” sounds inappropriate to the westerners?,Protective, parental overtones,Independent westerners,individualism,33,34,35,36,37,Form of address,正式有余,尊重不足,38,39,Mr., 先生,先生,40,鲁迅先生,蔡元培先生,杨振宁先生,孟子,:“先生何为出此言也?”这里的“先生”指的是长辈而又有学问的人。这也就是说春秋战国时期,先生这一称呼主要是称呼长辈的人。在中国文化中,“先生”的称呼用于学术界人时是对高级学者既严肃又亲密的尊重称谓,.,Mr. VS.,先生,41,My name is John Davis. But you can call me John.,大多数美国人不喜欢用先生、夫人或小姐这类称呼,他们认为这类称呼过于郑重其事了。,美国人之间,不论职位、年龄,总是尽量喊对方的名字,以缩短相互间的距离。美国有家刊物曾专就称呼问题在,150,种工商行业中做过调查,结果发现他们之中,85%,的称呼是只喊名字。,When do they use MR.?,42,1.Strangers,2.,称呼同学的爸爸,爷爷等长辈,3.,邻居的长辈,4.,称呼没有特殊头衔的上级、教师,(,not very close),Chinese,English,Formal Relationship /Situation,Neutral Relationship /Situation,Close Relationship /Situation,Form of Address,Surname + Title,Title + Surname,Surname + Title,Title + Surname,Given Name,Given Name,Given Name,Mr. Vs. professor,44,对于有头衔的人,不用,Mr.,而是加上头衔表示尊重,Professor,Ambassador,Doctor,President,45,Please translate:,这位是我们的赵老师。,这位是我们的张经理。,Teacher Zhao,在英美人听来,犹如“赵打铁的”,“赵卖肉的”, “赵教书”的一样刺耳。,46,值得注意的是,美国人从来不用行政职务如局长、经理、校长等头衔称呼别人。,47,美国人很少用正式的头衔来称呼别人。正式的头衔一般只用于法官、高级政府官员、军官、医生、教授和高级宗教人土等。例如:哈利法官、史密斯参议员、克拉克将军、布朗医生、格林教授、怀特主教等。,Please translate,48,嘿,先生,您的钱包掉了。,小姐,你手帕掉了。,Hey,Sir/Mister, you dropped your wallet.,You dropped your handkerchief,Lady,?,而在社交称呼语方面,不论地位和职位高,低,越来越倾向于直呼其名,或“,Mr,Mrs,/Ms.,Miss+,姓”以及“,Sir,Madam”,等通用称呼。只有当交际双方处于一种“权势”关系时,地位较高者会使用名字称呼对方,而地位较低者会用“头衔职衔,+,姓”来称呼对方,49,50,Is the address appropriate?,51,Bess Fitzgerald is 70 years old. Youd like to call her grandma to show closeness.,在英语中,亲属称谓不广泛地用于社交。,许多西方人也不喜欢别人用,grand-,或,great-,之类来强调自己上了年纪,.,great Uncle Jim,(中国人称伯祖父、叔祖父、舅公等)可简称为,Uncle Jim,。,Can we say these?,52,妹妹,过来看一下:,Sister,,,come over here.,哥哥,接着。,Brother,,,catch.,Brother, sister,宗教团体人士称呼,53,Greetings,Questions: (pg. 25),1. How do they greet when they meet for the first time?,How do you do!,Hi,Hello,Nice to meet you!,2. Who should be introduced first?,the senior, the female, the guest,3. Who should greet first?,The same as above,Introduction,Watch this episode,,,How the president is addressed?,questions,1. How do they address American president?,Mr. President,2. What would the American President like A. J. to call him?,When we are out of office or alone, you can call me Andy.,You are my,best man,at my wedding.,3. What rules can we draw as the American way of addressing? (pg. 24),Some titles can be used either singly or with the persons surname.,The given name is preferred in most situations.,How do the differences happen?,60,Why does the Chinese language have so much more detailed and specific,kinship terms,than In English?,Why do we use,title,to call people so much more often than western people?,They have deep roots in the culture in which they are formed.,61,62,中:以血缘家庭为纽带的中国传统社会;农耕经济;大一统的体制(,patriarchal,家长制的),西: 地缘政治为基础的城邦制国家,工商业,小国寡民;民主型(,democratic,),63,A photo of a farm family,A photo of Ba Jins Family,Differences between Chinese and English Kin Terms,Chinese Culture,English Culture,people refer to people strictly according to,the kin terms,. It is completely unacceptable to refer to ones parents by using the names,In some families in Western countries, some children address their parents,directly by their first names.,When children address relatives, Chinese kin terms tell whether they are older or younger than their father or mother.,In Britain, children are expected to address the parents brother and sisters with the title of,Uncle or Aunt plus their names,and sometimes simply address them by first name without a title.,Chinese kin terms tell whether the relatives are from the,mother or fathers side,and whether ones brother, sister or cousin is older or younger than he/she,English kin terms,dont tell,whether the relatives are from the mother or fathers side ,and there are not disdinct kin terms for elder brother or younger brother.,Chinese kin terms are also to other people who are not ones relatives;,kin terms are widely used to address known or unknown people,kin terms are not as frequently used as in Chinese. In all kinds of social situations, either formally or informally, people,wont use kin terms,to address each other if they are not relatives,65,The way of life,Individual vs Group,66,Idea of oneself,Individual-centered vs group-centered,67,Personal Relationship,Simple vs Complex,Partings Among the Americans,Phase one:,One of the individuals initiates this phase by noting that he/she should depart soon,but no immediate move to depart is actually made.,Both continue their conversation or other shared activity for a while longer; this delay may last from a few minutes to as much as an hour.,An American who intends to depart usually explains that a factor,in his/her own personal situation,compels the departure.,Phase two:,An American visitor goes to the door, his/ her exit from,the scene occurs quite efficiently,. The host accompanies the leaver to the door and may briefly exit a short distance beyond it, offering a farewell wave as the leaver disappears.,The English expressions when parting are See you, So long , Good-bye, Have a nice day. Take care. etc. with also a smile and a gesture of farewell.,Parting expression,Among the Chinese,Phase one:,A Chinese also offers a reason for leaving, but it is unlikely to be related to the leavers own personal situation. The explanation is more often related to,the other person s presumed needs,.,Phase two:,The two people exit from the door together and continue,walking some distance,while continuing to converse. The distance that the host,accompanies a guest is an indication of the esteem in which he/she is held.,The final words of the hosts are usually,manzou,(,慢走,),zouhao,(,走好,) ,man dian er qi,(,慢点儿骑,),bu yuansong le,(,不远送了,) ,youkong zailai,(,有空再来,), etc. often accompanied with a smile and a gesture of farewell.,Chinese Etiquette,即使是那些用最挑剔的眼光来看待中国问题的批评家们也不得不承认,中国人已经将人与人之间的交往的艺术发展到了极致,这是西方人永远无法企及的,.,这一民族的天才,,将各种繁文缛节变成了人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,;而在西方,这些礼节只是在宫廷和外交上才会被人注意到。但中国人的生活并没有因为这些,繁琐的礼数,而失去光彩,这些礼数总会适时地被用到合适的场合,如同过节时会穿上节日盛装一样自然。,-,中国人的脸谱,72,Borrow money,Research Topics,Compare the American friendship with the Chinese friendship,The Concept of “Privacy” in Western Culture and “,隐私”,in Chinese Culture,(Privacy is not equal to,隐私,),75,Thank You!,


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