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, 書式設定, 書式設定,第 2 ,第 3 ,第 4 ,第 5 ,*, 書式設定, 書式設定,第 2 ,第 3 ,第 4 ,第 5 ,*,English for Tour Leaders,领队英语,Hebei Tourism Vocational College,学习情境三: 美加游领队效劳 子情境 3.1,3.1 Service on Tax Refund,入境办理退税效劳,Teaching Objectives,To know the procedure of Tax Refund,To understand the various ways of Tax Refund,To know how to deal with the problems happening when handling Tax Refund,To know how to help the tourists to handle the relevant things,.,Procedure of Tax Refund,1. Go shopping at the appionted shop.,2. Get “Tax Refund Sheet.,3. Sealed by clerk at the costoms. Or filling in a form without being checked,4. Get the tax refund -money.,1.,Go shopping at the appionted shop,2. Get “Tax Refund Sheet,1. Submit consuming receipt.,2. Submit passport.,3. Submit merchandise.,4. Submit plane ticket that leaves,3. Get “Tax Refund Sheet.,4. Fill in name, passport number, sum of shopping money, sum of tax refund.,3. Sealed by clerk at the customs,Show your merchandise, receipt of the merchandise, passport.,Clerk of custom seals on the sheet.,Fill in a form “Attention Foreign Shoppers Recover your State Sales Tax without beeing checked.,Conditions at costoms,海关退税情况,1If the merchandise is in the luggage, after reach the airport, seal at the customs first, then handle luggage check-in.,Conditions at costoms,海关退税情况,2If the merchandise is in hand-bag, change the card at the check-in counter, then go to the costoms to seal.,Conditions at costoms,海关退税情况,3) If you come back to China by way of other airport, seal the sheet in the customs of the airport at the first place that you leave.,4.,Get the tax refund -money,. The various ways of Tax Refund,1. Cash Refund,2. Credit Card Refund,1. Cash Refund,2. Credit Card Refund,Words and expressions,tax refund form ;,退税单;,Cash Refund Counter ;,退税柜台,1. I bought a bottle of XO at the duty-free shop.,我再免税商店买了一瓶,XO,。,XO:,特技白兰地,五十年陈年白兰地。,2.,Can I get a refund for this?,这件东西可以退税吗?,Words and expressions,3. Please show me how to claim the tax refund.,请告诉我该如何申请退税款。,4. The customs officer will stamp this form after he sees the sweater you bought.,在看过您所买的毛后,海关办公室会在这张表格上盖。,5. The total amount of your payment and the refund amount will be clearly showed in the form.,您的付款总额及退税金额会清楚地显示在这张表上。,Words and expressions,6. We will make out a check and mail it to you in China.,我们会往中国寄一张支票给您。,7. Can I get the refund by cash?,我可以要钱退税款用现金吗?,8. Dont send me the check. Send it to my card account.,不要寄支票给我,把退税款转到我的信用卡账户好了。,9. What would I need for tax refund at the airport?,在机场办退税要准备什么材料吗,?,Information Bank(,资料库,),Tips:,1. Consume at tax refund shop.,2. Can buy merchandise together with others in order to reduce the cost.,3. Must be sealed by customs, otherwise you cannot get tax refund.,4. Chose the way of tax refund.,5. Go to the appointed bank if come back to China.,6. Global Refund Premier Tax Free, etc agent company.,7. Check the account at once when coming back to China.,Information Bank(,资料库,),Evaluation for Tour Leaders?领队英语?评分标准,1.Delivery(,陈述或演讲,) A B C D,1.1Is the intonation natural?,1.2Is the presentation skillful and practical?,1.3Are there any unclear expressions or unfinished sentences?,1.4Is the voice unpleasant or unconvincing(,不令人信服的,)?,1.5 Are the main points outstanding(,重点突出,)?,2.Language,2.1Are there any mispronunciation,2.2Are there any grammatical mistakes?,2.3Are there any unidiomatic(,不符合语言习惯的,) expressions?,3.Coherence (,连贯性,),3.1Are there any impolite beginnings or endings?,3.2Is the performance incoherent?,3.3Is the message unlikely to be true or illogical?,4.Expressions and Appearance,4.1Are the expression and appearance natural?,5.Attitude and ability,5.1 Is the attitude active and seriously?,5.2 Is the presentation very effective?,Thanks for your attention!,Hebei Tourism Vocational College,


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