7A Unit2 Let’s play sports! Reading课件(共22张)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!,Reading,My favourite football player,David Beckham,a,member,of,Football,Club,come from,England,a football,player,成员 n.,player,favourite,member,free,dream,come true,1st reading:,Who is Simons favourite player?,Li Hua is Simons favourite,football player.,Simon,2nd reading: finish B1,Information,Paragraph,a. What is Li Huas dream?,b. Who is Li Hua?,c. Who is Simons favourite,football player?,d. What does Li Hua do,in his free time?,4,2,1,3,3rd reading:,read para 1 and answer the question.,What does Simon love?,Simon loves sports, and he likes football,very much.,3rd reading:,read para 2 and finish B3.,Name: _,Age: _,Club: _,Looks: _,Comes from:_,Lives in: _,Li Hua,22,Huanghe Football Club,strong,Guangdong,Beijing,3rd reading:,Do you like any football players, Simon?,Yes. I like _ very much.,Is he in any clubs?,Yes. Hes in _.,How old is he?,Hes _ years old.,How does he look?,He looks _.,Where is he from?,He comes from _ but now,lives in _.,Li Hua,Huanghe Football Club,22,strong,Guangdong,Beijing,3rd reading:,read para 3 and choose the right answers.,What does Li Hua do in his free time?,What does Li Hua do in his free time?,cook food,play football,read books,draw pictures,study English,listen to music,3rd reading:,read para 4 and answer the questions.,1.Does Li Hua want to play in this years,World Cup or the next World Cup?,Simon wants to play in the next World Cup.,2.What does Simon hope?,Simon hopes Li Huas dream comes true.,After-reading: T or F,1.Li Hua is 22 years old.,2.He is Simons favourite basketball player.,3.He is an old member of Huanghe Football Club.,4.He comes from Beijing but lives in Guangdong.,5.He looks strong but plays football very badly.,6.He plays football every day.,6.Listening to music makes Li Hua happy.,7.He doesnt want to play in the World Cup.,T,F,F,F,T,T,F,football,a new,Guangdong,Beijing.,F,and,well,wants,Finish the passage,Simon loves sports. His f_ football,star is Li Hua. Li Hua c _ from,Guangdong but lives in Beijing. He is a,m _ of Huanghe Football Club. In his,f _ time, he learns English. He also,e _ listening to music. His d _ is to,play in the next World Cup. Simon hopes it,comes t _.,avourite,omes,ember,ree,njoys,ream,rue,player,favourite,member,free,dream,come true,Lihua _Guangdong.,He _Beijing,comes from,lives in,He _ strong.,looks,He plays football very _.,well,她学习好。,她是一名好学生。,She is a,good,student,.,She studies,well,.,_, he studies English.,In his free time,In ones free time:,当某人空闲的时候,当他空闲的时候,他听音乐。,Free:空闲的;,自由的:,免费的:,He is not,free,.,这张票是免费的。,The ticket is,free,.,I hope his dream _.,我希望我们没有家庭作业。,I hope,we dont have homework.,comes true,come true,: 变为现实,将下列短语翻译成英语,1.喜欢运动,2.走向我的碗,3.一天许多次,4.你最喜欢的运动,5.非常喜欢踢足球,6.我最喜爱的足球名星,Love/like sport,Walk to my bowl,many time a day,Your favorite sport,Like playing football very much,my favorite football star,Exercises1:,将下列短语翻译成英语,7,.黄河俱乐部的一名成员,8.看起来强壮,9.在他有空的时间,10.学习英语,11.喜欢听音乐,12.使他高兴,13.为下一届世界杯踢足球,14.变为现实,a member of,Huanghe Football Club,look strong,make him happy,In his free time,study English,enjoy listening to music,play football in the next World Cup,come true,Jack is a good _ (play/player) in our school volleyball team.,2. He is the _ (newest/ newer) member in this football club.,3. Henry plays _ (with/for),Changjiang,Football Team.,player,newest,for,Exercises2,4. Does he enjoy_ (listen) to music?,5. Mum looks _ (happily/happy) every day.,6. I have a book _ (of/about) Bill Gates. I want to learn _ (more/many) about him.,happy,about,more,listening,


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