Lecture2 global logistics and supply chain management

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Global operation and global logistics,There are two approaches for firms to meet the challenges from the global competition.,(1) to,improve their processes,in order to be cost competitive.,(2) to,identify partners in other countries,to manufacture components, subassemblies and, in some cases, even the final products.,The second approach(global operation)forces companies to get into a new area called “global logistics”.,CAGR,Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR),复合年均增长率,的缩写,复合年均增长率是指:一项投资在特定时期内的年度增长率,计算方法为总增长率百分比的n方根,n相等于有关时期内的年数,公式为:,(现有价值/基础价值)(1/年数) - 1.,Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR),平均年度增长率,一个投资组合在一年内价值的平均升幅,举例: 你在2005年1月1日最初投资了10,000美金,而到了2006年1月1日你的资产增长到了13,000美金,到了2007年增长到了14,000美金,而到了2008年1月1日变为19,500美金。,根据计算公式,Your CAGR would be the ratio of your ending value to beginning value (19,500/10,000 = 1.95) raised to the power of 1/3 ( since1/# of years = 1/3), then subtracting 1 from the resulting number.,1.95 raised to 1/3 power = 1.2493. (This could be written as 1.950.3333),1.2493 -1=0.2493,Another way of writing 0.2493 is 24.93%.,最后计算获得的CAGR为24.93%,从而意味着你三年的投资回报率为24.93%,即将按年份计算的增长率在时间轴上平坦化。当然,你也看到第一年的增长率则是30%(1300010000)/10000*100%,可以理解为,年增长率是一个短期的概念,从一个产品或产业的发展来看,可能处在成长期或爆发期而年度结果变化很大,但如果以“复合增长率”在衡量,因为这是个长期时间基础上的核算,所以更能够说明产业或产品增长或变迁的潜力和预期。,I. Global Logistics,The Definition of Global Logistics,Challenges of Global Logistics,The Origin of Global Logistics,Logistics Companies in 500 Fortunes,Logistics Operation Experience,Definition of Global Logistics,Physical moving of materials and products across nations to overcome the barriers in space and time between producers and consumers in different countries.,International Logistics System,International Logistics system,Transportation,Warehousing,Commodity Inspection,Packaging,Materials,Handling,Processing,Information,Exel,2000年7月26日,Ocean Group与NFC公司(国有的国际海运货运代理)合并后更名为“Exel”。,Exel分为5大业务部门:(消费品/零售/医疗)欧洲部、(消费品/零售/医疗)美洲部、开发和自动化部、技术和全球管理部以及亚太部。该公司全球网点达到1300个,50000多名员工。,目前该公司三家主要运营子公司为Exel(旧的NFC,国有的国际海运货运代理)、Msas全球物流公司和Cory Environmental。Msas是世界上规模最大的货代之一,在全球范围内提供多式联运、地区配送、库存控制、增值物流、信息技术和供应链解决方案等各项服务。Cory Environmental是英国规模最大的废品处理公司之一。,Exel在地面运输供应链服务方面占有很强的市场地位,所提供的服务包括仓储和配送、运输管理服务、以客户为中心的服务、JIT服务和全球售后市场物流服务,主要集中在,配送、运输管理和环境服务,三个方面。,从地理分布来看,业务主要集中在,英国与爱尔兰,,同时遍及美洲、欧洲大陆和非洲以及亚太地区。,Exel,2001年1月,Exel被选中来管理摩托罗拉公司在美国、欧洲和亚洲地区半导体产品的配送。该项合约价值约为亿英镑。,同时与Mercedes Benz Espana签署了10年期合约,提供供应链服务。,Exel汽车部赢得了一项为期7年的合约,向法国Sandouvilielear公司提供供应链管理服务。,2000年12月,Exel收购了Total物流公司(一家总部设在澳大利亚和新西兰的地区性供应链管理公司,专门向30多家大型制药和医疗公司提供供应链管理服务)。,2000年10月,Exel和UPS共同为福特公司创建供应网络,并对福特公司在欧洲的供应链需求进行大规模改造。,International Logistics Network System,装运港,(站、机场),目的港,(站、机场),卖方出口装船,买方出,买方进口装船,生产厂(F),生产厂(F),集,运,国际转运,点,国际物流,国内物流,国内物流,客户,分,运,消费者,供货单位,转运点,供货单位转运点,Material flow,participants,Document flow,contracts,Transportation documents,Bill of lading ,Airwaybill,Invoices,Packing list,Insurance policy and certificate,Cash flow documents: L/C,Customs clearance documents-inspection certificate,Three major flows involved in global logistics,cash flow,M/T, T/T, D/D (remittance ),D/P , D/A (collection),L/C,Major Participants in International Logistics,Domestic,bank,Domestic,government,agencies,Foreign,government,agencies,Foreign,bank,Domestic,seller,Domestic port or terminal of exit,Inland carrier,Export agents,Foreign inland carrier,Foreign port,International carrier,Foreign,buyer,The Characteristics of Global Logistics,International,Complex,Risky,Standardized,Challenges of global logistics,Distance,Fluctuations in exchange rate,business and political environment of the foreign countries,culture and language differences,Unreliable delivery,Poor communication,Longer lead times,Duty and custom requirements,Knowledge of foreign business practices,Global Logistics Management,Global Logistics Management means to carry out the enterprise Logistics,management activity with multinational programming.,The global logistics management means the logistics management activity follow the extension of enterprise management coverage, extend from national scale to specific country market scale of crossing over the national boundary, then develop to international scale (the base is in the mother country, operate in three countries above ) or MNC (there are management of base in above three countries region), last cooperate the management of globalization, and work on global logistics management.,1. The Supply Chain,All facilities, functions, activities, associated with flow and transformation of goods and services from raw materials to customer, as well as the associated information flows,An integrated group of processes to “source,” “make,” and “deliver” products,Denim 和 Jeans,500 年前,哥伦布发现新大陆时这种坚韧、实用的粗糙布料就已出现 , 当时主要用来制作船帆。因为此布原产于法国一个小镇 Nimes,因此以法文取名为“ Serge Denimes”。这种斜纹哔叽布料首次传到英国时,英国商人很难发出法文“ Serge Denimes ”这个音,因此就简称为 Denim ,即牛仔布。有时也音译成丹宁。,谁是第一个把斜纹的Denim 做成牛仔裤的剪刀手 ? 有关“ jeans ”最早的记载是在 1567 年。,意大利北部有个港口叫 Genoa,当时的外来商旅称港口工作的水手为“ Genoese”。这些水手们喜欢穿着用当地出产的一种粗糙而结实的布料做成的工作裤子, 称之为“ Genoese ” 或“ Genes ”,与“ Jearls ”有着相似的发音。,“ jeans ”这个响亮的名字从 19 世纪 60年代开始才被 Levi Strauss 公司正式采用。在此之前,人们称之为“齐腰工装裤” (Waist High Overall) 或“裤子”(Pantaloons) 。,1950 年中期, Levi Strauss 公司开始为它的产品做广告牛仔裤才在美国流行起来。,Supply chain for HP printer,Distribution center,(Europe agents),FAT (总机装配),(通用打印机),PCAT(,印刷电路板组装与测试,),Circus,manufacturing,Customers,Suppliers,customers,Customers,Distribution center,(Asian agents),Distributors in America,Distributors in Europe,Distributors in Asia,打印机箱制造,Suppliers,Suppliers,Suppliers,在温哥华完成,Case study: The supply chain of HP,HP was established in1939, and put into the market in1988. Its marketing departments were scattered in about 110 countries and it produces more than 22000 products.,Deskjet is the major product of HP. Five different agencies are responsible for production, assembly and transportation. Its production cycle is 6 months.,In order to guarantee the fill rate of 98%, the finished goods distribution center should keep 7-week inventory requirements.,Adopt Make-to-Order in production and JIT in manufacturing center to meet the safety stock in distribution center;,Other uncertainty elements, such as the quality of the suppliers, internal business process, etc.,Sears,的供应链,Case: Sears,s Supply Chain,香 港 条 码 印 刷 厂,美国720家零售店,中 美 运 输 商,美 国 配 送 中心,深 圳 配 送 中 心,30 家 中 国 供 应 商,西尔斯.罗巴克公司是一家以向农民邮购起家的零售公司。它的创始人,理查德.西尔斯,在1884年就开始尝试邮购商品, 1886年创建了西尔斯邮购公司,开始专门从事邮购业务,出售手表、表链、表针、珠宝以及钻石等小件商品。西尔斯公司顺应市场形势的变化,不断调整自己的营销策略,以惊人的速度发展起来。1900年,当货到付款的销售方式刚刚兴起时,西尔斯公司马上意识到这是一个非常可行的方法,并很快实行“先货后款”的方式。这一变化给西尔斯带来大量的订单,公司在这一年超过了其竞争对手沃德公司,这一年沃德公司的销售额是850万美元,而西尔斯的销售额达到1000万美元,成为美国零售业销售额排行榜的第一名。,Benetton,的供应链,Case: Benetton,s Supply Chain,意大利,Benetton总部,5000家,专卖店,60个国家,年售5千万件服装,全球80个,销售代理商,意大利配送中心,3千万美元投资,,8个人,30万个货位,,年处理23万件休闲,服装,一个星期反应,Supply chain processes,International Supply Chain,Suppliers,Corporation,Customers,Order Processing,Order Placement,Order Processing,Order Placement,Trans-portation,Trans-portation,Storage,Trans-portation,Trans-portation,Storage,Customer Service,Physical Distribution Management,Inventory Management,Inventory Management,Materials Management,Physical Distribution Management,Inventory Management,Storage,Inbound Materials,Through-flow,Outbound Materials,Supplier-Firm Interface,Customer-Firm Interface,Domestic/ImportSourcing,Domestic/ImportSourcing,Forward and Reverse Flows of Information and, Products, and Funds,2.,Supply Chain Management,Integrated management of the flow of,materials and products,services, cash and,information,from suppliers to the final customer,and back again.,Definition by,Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP),SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities.,It also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers.,In essence, supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.,SCM is an integrating function with primary responsibility for linking major business functions and business processes within and across companies into a cohesive and high-performing business model.,It includes all of the logistics management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations, and it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product design, finance and information technology.,Logistics management=Supply Chain Management?,Supply Chain Management Processes,Tier 1,Supplier,Tier 2,Supplier,Logistics,Purchasing,Marketing,R&D,Customer,Consumer/,End-Customer,PRODUCT FLOW,Production,Finance,Manufacturer,Information Flow,CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT,CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGEMENT,DEMAND MANAGEMENT,ORDER FULFILLMENT,MANUFACTURING FLOW MANAGEMENT,SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT,PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND COMMERCIALIZATION,RETURNS MANAGEMENT,Business processes in Supply Chain Management,The Emergence of Supply Chain Management,Ever-changing customer needs,Challenges to manufacturers,Not enough to develop new products, improve quality, lower price,Cooperation is needed from materials management to delivery of products to customers,Three major developments,have brought supply chain management to the forefront of managements attention and,fostered the emergence of supply chain management,:,(1) The information revolution,(2) Customer demands in areas of product and service cost, quality, delivery, technology, and cycle time brought about by increased global competition.,(3)The emergence of new forms of inter-organizational relationships (partnership, strategic alliance).,Relationship between facilities and functions along the Wal-Mart supply chain,The components of supply chain from the focal firms perspective,A firms,internal functions,include the different processes used in transforming the inputs provided by the supplier network.,A firms,external,upstream,supply chain members.,(suppliers, including the ultimate original supplier of materials),A firms,external downstream,supply chain members(All downstream distribution channels, processes, and functions that product passes through on its way to the end customer including carriers, warehouses, dealers, retailers),An important new trend in supply chain management is the,recovery, recycling, or reuse,of products from the end user after they have reached the end of their useful life.,核心企业供应链中的成员企业,n,2,3,1,2,1,1,n,2,1,3,n,1,2,1,n,2,n,1,2,n,1,3n层的客户,顾客/最终客户,n,3n层的供应商,最初的供应商,核心企业,第一层,用户,第二层,用户,3n层的,顾客/最终用户,第二层的,供应商,第一层的,供应商,3最初的,供应商,n,1,n,Green Supply Chain-,Closed Loop Supply Chain,Raw,suppliers,Parts,suppliers,P-Manu.,Distributors,Customers,Returns,Returns,handling,SCM information,system,Materials,RM,Finished Products,FP,WP,WP,Logistics,Information,Repairs,Types of Inter-Company Business Process Links,n,2,3,1,2,1,1,n,2,1,3,n,2,1,3,1,n,2,n,1,2,n,1,Consumers/End-customers,n,Tier 3 to n suppliers,Initial Suppliers,Tier 1,Customers,Tier 2,Customers,Tier 3 to,Consumers/,End-customers,Tier 2,Suppliers,Tier 1,Suppliers,Tier 3 to,Initial,suppliers,n,1,n,1,n,Members of the Focal Companys Supply Chain,Focal Company,Non-members of the Focal Companys Supply Chain,Managed Process Links,Not-Managed Process Links,Non-Member Process Links,Monitor Process Links,Tier 3 to n customers,1,n,IBM欧洲公司的供应链管理,制造,制造,IBM,制造,制造,制造,制造,订货计划,企业计划,生产计划,MRP,集中采购,生产计划,直接销售,地方,分销,中心,销售,管道,用户,订单,市场调查,与分析,预测,供货商,信息,库存,在制品,Essentials of SCM,Philosophy:,to achieve strategic advantage,Overall Objective:,to maximize value & lower waste through the management of the,flow of materials across the supply chain.,Management base:,the application of information systems and technologies and information sharing across chain partners .,Developing and maintaining supply chain relationships.,Essentials of supply chain,Customer,service level,Relationship,Material Flow,Information Flow,to maximize value & lower waste,Embodiment of customer value,Supply chain integration,Four reduction,Three elimination,Supply chain integration,Information sharing among supply chain members,Reduced,bullwhip effect,Early problem detection,Faster response,Builds trust and confidence,Collaborative planning, forecasting, replenishment, and design,Reduced bullwhip effect,Lower Costs (material, logistics, operating, etc.),Higher capacity utilization,Improved customer service levels,Supply chain integration,Coordinated workflow, production and operations, procurement,Production efficiencies,Fast response,Improved service,Quicker to market,Adopt new business models and technologies,Penetration of new markets,Creation of new products,Improved efficiency,Mass customization,Four reduction,Reduce cost of procurement,Reduce cost of non-conformance,Reduce inventory levels,Reduce total product cycle time,Three elimination,Supply network variability,late deliveries: weather,equipment breakdown,quality problems,Manufacturing process variability,machine reliability and equipment failure,changeovers / setups / part expediting,design and quality problems,Customer network variability,cancellations and irregular orders,equipment failure,scheduling,Effective relationship management,Information,Communication,Cooperation,Trust,Effective materials flow (Logistics),Five rights,Right goods and services,Right place,Right time,Right quantity,Right cost,Effective information management,Information Sharing,Supply chain partners can benefit by sharing information on sales, demand forecasts, inventory levels & marketing campaigns,Inaccurate or distorted information leads to the Bullwhip effect,Information technology,Information links all aspects of supply chain,E-business,replacement of physical business processes with electronic ones,Electronic data interchange (EDI),a computer-to-computer exchange of business documents,Bar code and point-of-sale,data creates an instantaneous computer record of a sale,Radio frequency identification (RFID),technology can send product data from an item to a reader via radio waves,Internet,allows companies to communicate with suppliers, customers, shippers and other businesses around the world, instantaneously,Bullwhip effect,Occurs when slight demand variability is magnified as information moves back upstream,bullwhip effect,Bullwhip effect in autos to machine tools,% change in demand,3,. Shift in Focus in Supply Chains,Shift 1: From Cross-Functional Integration to Cross-Enterprise,Old question:,how do we get the various functional areas of our company to work together to supply product to immediate customers?,New question:,how to manage activities across companies, as well as across internal functions, to supply product to the market?,Shift 2: From Physical Efficiency to Market Mediation,Old question:,how do we minimize the costs our company incurs in production and distribution of our products?,New question:,how do we minimize the cost of matching supply and demand while continuing to reduce the costs of production and distribution?,3,. Shift in Focus in Supply Chains,Shift 3: From Supply Focus to Demand Focus,Old question:,how can we improve the way we supply product in order to match supply and demand better, given the demand pattern?,New question:,how can we get earlier demand information or affect the demand pattern to match supply and demand?,Shift 4: From single company, product design to collaborative, concurrent product, process and supply chain design,Old question,: how should our company design products to minimize product cost (our cost of materials, production, and distribution)?,New question,: how should collaborators design the product, process, and supply chain to minimize cost?,Shift 5: From cost reduction to breakthrough business models,Old question,: how can we reduce our companys production and distribution costs?,New question,: How would new supply chain and marketing approach lead to a breakthrough in customer value?,Shift 6: From mass-market supply to tailored offerings,Old question:,how should we organize our companys operations to serve the mass-market efficiently while offering customized product?,New question,: how should we organize a supply chain to serve each customer or segment uniquely and provide a tailored customer experience?,3,. Shift in Focus in Supply Chains,4.Benefits of SCM,Reduce uncertainty along the chain,Proper inventory levels in the chain,Minimize delays,Eliminate rush (unplanned) activities,Provide superb customer service,Major contributor of success (ever survival),5. SCM Drivers,Reduce total cost,Improve quality,Reduce time-to-market,Increase customer service/satisfaction,Better utilize supplier/customer capabilities and resources,Minimize new capital investment,Increasing level of competition,Globalization of markets,Increasing customer expectations,Product proliferation,Shorter product life cycles,New technologies,Environmental issues,6. The Development Stages of SCM,零部件制造商 最终装配 分销中心 零售商 用户,Traditional supply chain - 1980,用户需求,零售商需求,分销商户需求,总装需求,拉动,推动,推动,推动,几个星期,几个星期,几个月,几个月,零部件制造商 最终装配 分销中心 零售商 用户,Lean supply chain - 1990,用户需求,广告牌,广告牌,广告牌,拉动,拉动,拉动,拉动,3-5个星期,5-7个星期,几个月,几个月,零部件制造商 最终装配 分销中心 零售商 用户,用户需求,总体的用户需求,全球物料,计划系统,推动式计划,拉动,拉动,拉动,推动,一个星期,一个星期,2个星期,几个月,库存信息,库存信息,库存信息,Integrated agile supply chain,零部件制造商 最终装配 分销中心 零售商 用户,单个的用户需求,Internet,信息系统,用户需求,拉动,拉动,拉动,四天,一天,几个星期,拉动,Customized agile supply chain - 2000,7.The Development Tendency of SCM,E-Supply Chain Management,E-Fulfillment,E-Intelligence,E-Procurement,E,-Marketplace,Employee-centric portal,E-Payment,E-Requisitioning,E-Auctioning,E,-Buying,E-Contracting,E-Manufacturing,8. SCM Challenges,Most organizations accept and support the SCM concept but are struggling with how to do it.,SCM includes a wide range of strategies,tactics and technologies.,Adopting a SCM approach represents a major departure from traditional practices for many organizations.,SCM requires significant time and effort to obtain results.,No one “right” approach,Thanks !,


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