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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Good afternoon!,Bell,How many kinds of tickets can I buy?,If I want to buy a ticket,what can I say?,Can(May) I have a ticket,please?,If I want to return the ticket,what can I say?,Can I return the ticket?,If there arent any tickets,what can I say?,What a pity!,Lesson 19 sold out,Lesson 19 Sold out,Questions:,When,will,the writer see the play?,Next,Wednesday.,Were you at a theatre or a cinema?,Did you think the play was soon going to begin?,Who was with you ?,She thought the play might have begun already, didnt she ?,What did you do?,At a theatre.,Yes, I did.,Susan was.,Yes, she did.,I hurried to the ticket office.,How many tickets did you ask for?,Did the girl at the ticket office have any left?,What did she say?,Was Susan disappointed ?,Who hurried to the ticket office just then?,Two.,No, she didnt.,Weve sold out.,Yes, she was.,A man did.,Lesson 19 Sold out,The writer couldnt get tickets for the performance that evening because _.,They had all been sold.,There were only a few left.,There was no one at the ticket office.,The girl at the ticket office wouldnt give him any.,a,Lesson 19 Sold out,2. The writer _.,was very pleased to get tickets for next Wednesdays performance.,didnt buy tickets for next Wednesdays performance.,didnt want tickets for next Wednesdays performance.,wasnt too pleased to get tickets for next Wednesdays performance.,d,The play may begin at any moment, I said.,It may have begun already, Susan answered.,I hurried to,the ticket office,. ,May I,have two tickets please? I asked.,Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said.,What a,pity,! Susan,exclaimed,.,Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.,Can I,return,these two tickets? he asked.,Certainly, the girl said.,I went back to the ticket office at once.,Could I,have those two tickets please? I asked.,Certainly, the girl said, but theyre for next Wednesdays performance. Do you still want them?,I might,as well have them, I said,sadly,.,“ The play may begin at any moment, I,said. “It may have begun already, Susan,answered.,at any moment: immediately, at once,随时都可能下雨。,It may rain (at) any moment.,客人马上就到。,The guests may arrive at any moment.,may have begun:,Her friend may have gone abroad.,They may be waiting for you at the airport.,Lesson 19 Sold out,I hurried to the ticket office. “May I have,two tickets please? I asked.,“Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said.,hurry: v./ n. Adj. hurried,hurry to do sth.,他赶紧把地上的硬币捡起来。,He hurried to pick up the coins on the floor.,快点!我们要迟到了。,Hurry up! Well be late.,in a hurry / in ones hurry,匆忙之中,店主把他的狗给弄丢了。,In his hurry, the landlord lost his dog.,Lesson 19 Sold out,“What a pity! Susan exclaimed.,Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.,exclaim: vt./vi.,shout/scream because of the pain, anger,surprise, delight,她看到礼物后快乐地叫了起来。,When she saw the gift, she exclaimed in,delight.,Lesson 19 Sold out,“Can I return these two tickets? he asked.,“Certainly, the girl said.,I went back to the ticket office at once.,“Could I have those two tickets please? I asked.,“Certainly, the girl said, “but theyre for,next Wednesdays performance. Do you,still want them?,return :,v. come back,return from,in return for sth. / in return (that) + clause,in exchange for or as payment,作为的交换回报,作为我对他帮助的回报,他请我和他一起吃饭。,He asks me to have a dinner,in return for,my help to him.,作为对这顿饭的回报,那乞丐头顶地倒立起来,嘴里还唱着歌。,In return for,the meal, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.,I gave the beggar a meal,in return that,he stood on his head and sang songs.,Lesson 19 Sold out,performance,n. C a show / behavior,他对他自己在会议上的表现感到很自豪.,He is proud of his performances in the meeting.,这些明星会在扬州有四场演出.,These super stars will have four performances in Yangzhou,.,v. perform (do; operate) n. performer,是哪个医生做这个手术? 他圆满完成任务了吗?,Which doctor will perform the operation?,Has he performed the task perfectly?,Lesson 19 Sold out,Lesson 19 Sold out,“I might as well have them. I said sadly.,might as well: 不妨,那地方不太远,我们还不如走着去呢。,Its not very far, so we may/might as well walk there.,Modal verbs: can/ could/ may/ might/ must/ ought to,can: 1 Can you swim?,2 Can I help you?,3 It can be windy in fall in this area.,4 That cant be David. He had gone to Britain yesterday.,5 You can smoke here.,Lesson 19 Sold out,Could:,1 Could you please show me the picture?,2 How could you be so heartless?,3 I could have helped you out if you had asked me earlier.,4 David could have sent a message.,Lesson 19 Sold out,may be/do sth.,1. 表示一种对现在或将来的推测,意思“可能是。,他可能早点来上课。,He may come to have classes earlier.,这个星期我们可能会有一场考试。,We may have a test this week.,2. may + have + v. pp.,表示对过去发生的行为的推测,意思是“当时可能是。,你当时可能朝我招手了,但是我没看见。,You may have waved to me, but I didnt see it.,那个顾客当时可能忘记他买的书。,The customer may have forgotten the book (which/that),he bought.,他当时可能没有完成他的家庭作业。,He may not have finished his homework.,Lesson 19 Sold out,3. 表示请求、允许,-,我可以骑你的车回家吗?,-,好的, 你可以用。,-,不,你也许不行。,-,不,你不能。,-,May I ride your bike to go home?,-,Yes, you,may,.,-,No, you,may not.,-,No, you,cant / mustnt,.,4.用于祈使句中表示祝愿。,May,you have a good time in China!,祝您在中国过得愉快!,go somewhere by sea (ship)/air (plane)/bus/train/subway/,motorbike/car/jeep/taxi,walk somewhere / go sw. on foot / ride a bike/ take a bus,Lesson 19 Sold out,might and may,1. might + be /do 表对现在或将来推测,“可能是 (更小),2. might (may) + have + v. pp. 对过去事实可能推测,3. 表示请求、允许时,might比may语气更委婉一些,- 我可以见你们的经理吗?,- 可以。,-不, 不可以。,-May/Might I see your manager?,- Yes, you may. (no might),- No, you cant/mustnt.,Ps :May I ? 表征询对方许可,在文体上比较正式,在,口气上比较客气。,在日常口语中,用can I ? 征求对方意见更为常见。,4. might 通常不用于祈使句中表示祝愿。,Lesson 19 Sold out,must:,1 You must give up smoking.,2 You mustnt be late for the meeting.,3 You must feel tired after such a long,journey.,You must be worrying about him.,4,He must have been there before.,5 You must consider it seriously. (should/ought),Lesson 19 Sold out,ought to,You ought to read this book. (should),He ought to be there by now.,-Must I wake him up?,- No, you_.,mustnt B. neednt to,C. dont need to D. dont need,Key: C,Lesson 19 Sold out,2.You _ repair the machine, for it operated quite normally.,A. must not B. dont need,C. neednt D. dont have needed,Key: C,3. -This is a terribly heavy box.,-I _ help you carry it.,A. am to B. will,C. am going to D. was going to,Key: B,Lesson 19 Sold out,4. “You are lazy enough. This job _ hours ago.,A. should finish B. must have finished,C. could be finishing D. ought to have been,finished,KEY:D,Lesson 19 Sold out,5. They _ home by now. Lets telephone them again.,A. must arrive B. may arrive,C. could arrive D. may have arrived,Key: D,6. Its a pity youve had to wait, sir. Now _ see if we can solve your problem?,A. can we B. shall we,C. will we D. are we going to,Key: B,Lesson 19 Sold out,7. You are wet through. You _ in the rain.,A. must catch B. must have caught,C. may catch D. must have got caught,Key: D,8. If you dont like to go with us, you _ stay at home.,A. may well B. may be well,C. may just as well D. may very well,Key: C,


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