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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Chapter 5Sales Management,5.2,Steps in the Selling Process,1,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,The seven basic steps are:,Generating leads,Qualifying leads,Approaching the customer and probing needs,Developing and proposing solutions,Handling objections,Closing the sale,Following up,2,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,feather,: n. character, kind, or nature:,特点, 种类, 本性,Birds of a feather flock together.,I am not of that feather. 我不是那,种,人。,in place,:,在适合的位置上, 就绪,;,在原地,With everything,in place, she started the slide show. / While marching,in place, the band played a popular tune.,in place of,= instead of: 替代;,out of place,: 在不适当的位置;,in places,: 在某些地方, 有几处,3,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,gather,: vt. t,o collect into one place; assemble:,收集,; to attract or be a center of attraction for:,吸引,The teacher gathered the pupils round her. 老师把小学生们,聚集,在她周围。,customize,: vt. to make or alter to individual or personal specifications: 定做,customize a van: 定做一辆大篷车,customized,: adj. tailored; custom-built; custom-made; custom-tailored: adj. 定做的, 订制的,4,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,Eastman, George,(1854-1932): American inventor and industrialist who invented a dry-plate process of photographic film development, flexible film, a box camera, and a process for color photography.,伊斯曼,乔治 (1854-1932):美国发明家和实业家。他发明了照相胶片的干片显影方法、可卷的胶片(即胶卷)、盒式照相机以及彩色照相法。,5,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,anywhere fromto,:,prep. 从.到.间的任何数量,routine,:,adj. in accord with established procedure; habitual; regular; having no special quality; ordinary: 例行公事的; 习惯性的, 常规的; 平凡的, 普通的,a routine check of passports: 对护照的,例行,检查,made his routine trip to the store:,照常,去商店,a routine day:,平淡,的一天,6,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,qualify,: vt. t,o declare competent or capable; certify:,证明合格; 检验,证明,probe,: v&n. t,o delve into; inquire; investigate:,调查, 查究, 探查,She tried to probe my mind and discover what I was thinking. 她试图,刺探,我的内心, 想知道我在想什么。,to probe rumors to the bottom: 彻,查,谣言来源,to probe a matter to the bottom: 彻底,调查,一件事,7,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,AIDA,concept:,A,ttention,I,nterest,D,esire,A,ction,8,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,locate,:,vt. to,determine,or,specify,the position or limits of:,确定,; t,o,find,by searching, examining, or experimenting:,找出,locate Albany on the map: 在地图上,确定,阿尔伯尼的位置,locate the source of error:,找到,错误的来源,We located the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town. 我们一搬进那个镇, 就,找到,了商店和邮局的所在地。,9,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,authority,:,n. the,power,to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge: 权力; 能力,develop,: t,o bring from latency to or toward fulfillment: 开发,激发,an instructor who develops the capabilities of each student: 激发每个学生潜能的导师,initial,:,adj.,first,:,开始的; 首字母的,took the initial step toward reconciliation: 迈出了走向和解的第一步,10,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,cognitive dissonance,:,n.,Psychology,a,condition of conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistency between ones beliefs and ones actions, such as opposing the slaughter of animals and eating meat: (心理学)认知不一致, 认识不协调, 认知悔悟; 认知失调;,后悔,open up,:,to make available or accessible: 使可利用, 使通往,open up new markets:,开辟,新的市场,11,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,all over again: 重新, 从头再来一遍,minimal,:,adj.,s,mallest,in amount or degree: 最小的, 极微的, 最低限度的;,s,mall,in amount or degree: 小的, 少的; only barely adequate: 仅仅够的,Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage to the farmers crops. 很幸运, 暴风雨只使农民的庄稼受到轻微的损害。,to the benefit of,:,prep. 为.的利益,upfront,:,adj. 在前面的, 提前的, 预先的,12,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,uncover,:,v. to remove the cover from: 揭开的盖子; to manifest or disclose; reveal: 显现, 暴露, 揭露,uncover the box:,打开,盒盖,uncover mistakes:,揭露,错误,uncover the hidden riches:,找到,埋藏的财宝,homework,:,preparatory or preliminary work: 准备或预备性工作,did their homework before coming to the meeting: 到会之前做好准备工作,13,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,straightforward,:,adj. proceeding in a straight course; direct:,直线前进的, 直接的,; n,ot circuitous or evasive; honest and frank:,坦诚的, 不绕避或搪塞的,; f,ree from ambiguity or pretense; plain and open:,直率的,a straightforward explanation:,直截了当,的,解释,written in straightforward language: 用,浅易的,文字写成的 (,simple, easy,),straightforward in ones dealings: 做买卖(待人),正直,14,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,5.2.1 Generating Needs,groundwork,:,n. a foundation; a basis; base: 基础, 基本原理, 根基, 路基, 根据, 基本工作, 基本原理,prospect,:,v. to,search for,or,explore,(a region) for mineral deposits or oil:,探察, 探求; 探矿,prospect for oil:,勘探,石油,sales lead,: n. 销售先导者,prospect,: n. a potential buyer; a prospective customer: 潜在客户,15,5.2.1 Generating Needs,notably,: adv. 引人注目地,显著地;尤其;特别,trade show: n. trade fair; trade convention,: 贸易/商业展览会, 商品交易会, 展销会,Chinas Export Commodities Fair: 中国出口商品交易会,a worlds fair: 世界博览会,book fair: 图书博览会,industrial fair: 工业博览会,international fair: 国际博览会,16,5.2.1 Generating Needs,direct mail,: n. advertising circulars or other printed matter sent directly through the mail to prospective customers or contributors: 直邮广告,telemarketing,: n. use of the telephone in marketing goods or services:,电话销售; 电话推销,publicity,: n. the act, process, or occupation of disseminating information to gain public interest:,宣传,推广, 广告,17,5.2.1 Generating Needs,some sort of,: 某种的, 仿佛, 多少有些,put,: v. to express; state: 表达; 陈述,I put my objections bluntly. 我直率地表明了我的反对意见。,suggest,: vt. to make evident indirectly; intimate or imply: 间接地,表明; 暗示,a silence that suggested disapproval:,暗示,着反对的沉默,That girls sun-tanned face suggests excellent health. 那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸,表明,她身体非常健康。,18,5.2.1 Generating Needs,cold call,: n.,意外访问,; (向潜在的主顾打的)冷不防的电话; v. (向潜在的主顾)打冷不防电话推销商品,network,: n. an extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support:,人际网, 关系网,; 网, 网络,a network of railway: 铁路网,a network of falsehoods: 谎话连篇,19,5.2.1 Generating Needs,civic,: adj. of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship; municipal or civil.,城市的, 市民的, 公民的,civic duties: 公民的义务,The US Presidents visit was the most important civic event of the year. 美国总统的来访是该城市那年的头等大事。,civic rights and duties: 公民的权利和义务,civic-minded: 有公民意识的,civic ethics: civic virtues: 文明礼貌, 公民道德,20,5.2.1 Generating Needs,facility,: n. something that facilitates an action or process; amenity:,设备; 设施,hospitals and other health care facilities: 医院和其他的医疗保健,设施,There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen.,厨房里有烹饪,设备,。,Are there washing facilities in the school?,学校里有洗涤,设备,吗?,21,5.2.1 Generating Needs,advent,: n.,到来, 来临,Now,with the advent and popularity of,the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion. 现在, 随着家用电脑的,出现,和普及,人们开始讨论起家用电脑的优缺点了。,Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up. 自从喷气式飞机,出现,以来,旅行的速度大为提高。,financial status,: financial positions; 财务状态; 财政状态; 信用状态,22,5.2.1 Generating Needs,proverbial,: adj. of the nature of a proverb:,谚语的,; expressed in a proverb:,用一句谚语表示的,; widely referred to, as if the subject of a proverb; famous:,出名的, 著名的,He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat. 他就,像格言中所说的,猫一样,似乎有九条命。,His punctuality has become proverbial. 他的准时已经是众所周知的了。,23,5.2.1 Generating Needs,haystack,: n. a large stack of hay for winter storage in the open;,hayrick,:,干草堆,look for a needle in a haystack,: 做没有希望的事,海底捞针,pass to,:,传给, 转到, 通到,identify,: vt. to ascertain the origin, nature, or definitive characteristics of:,确认, 验明,24,5.2.2 Qualifying Leads,unanswered,: adj. 未答复的, 无反应的,indication: n. something that serves to indicate; a sign: 标志,迹象, 指示, 暗示, 信号,smiles, frowns, and other indications of emotion. 微笑、皱眉以及其它一些情绪变化的,迹象,publication,: n. an issue of printed material offered for sale or distribution:,出版物,25,5.2.2 Qualifying Leads,a recognized need,:,a perceived need,criterion,: n. (pl. criteria/criterions) a standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based;,standard,: 标准,discount,: to leave out of account; disregard:,忽视, 不理睬,; to underestimate; minimize:,低估, 轻视,;,discount a rumor: 对谣言,漠然置之,26,5.2.2 Qualifying Leads,preliminary,: adj.,prior to,or,preparing for,the main matter, action, or business;,introductory,or,prefatory,: 开头的,初步的, 预备的, 前面的,organizational chart,: n. 组织结构图,standing,:,n.,s,tatus,with respect to,rank,reputation, or,position,in society or a profession: 级别, 地位, 名声, 身份,credit standing,: n.,信用状况, 偿还能力, 取得贷款的资格, 商誉, 信誉,资信,27,5.2.2 Qualifying Leads,stature,: n. an achieved level; status: 声望, 地位,time-consuming,: adj. taking up much time: 花许多时间的,耗时的,prioritize,: v. t,o arrange or deal with in order of importance:,以优先顺序排列,entice,: vt. to attract by arousing hope or desire; lure:,诱惑, 诱使,The promise of higher pay enticed me into the new job.,诱使,28,5.2.3 Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs,reference source,:,参考资料, 参考源, 基准源,Moodys,: 穆迪公司,Standard & Poors,: 标准普尔公司,Dun & Bradstreet,: 邓白氏公司,small talk,: n. casual or trivial conversation: 闲谈, 闲扯, 闲聊,应酬话, 客套话,sincerity,: n. 诚挚, 真实, 真挚, 纯粹, 亲密,meet it in all sincerity: 开诚相见,29,5.2.3 Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs,rapport,: n. relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity: 关系, 友好, 和谐, 亲善,be in rapport with: 跟一致;跟友好,situation,: n. position or status with regard to conditions and circumstances: 情况, 处境,option,: something chosen or available as a choice: 供选择的事物,30,5.2.3 Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs,append,: vt. to add as a supplement or an appendix; to fix to; attach: 附加, 添加, 贴上, 系上, 附加, 悬挂; to add to the end; particularly to add records to the end of a file: 计设置数据文件的搜索路径,append a charm to the bracelet: 在手镯上贴上一小饰物,append a tag on a suitcase: 加标签于衣箱上,31,5.2.3 Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs,wrap up,: v. t,o bring to a conclusion; settle finally or successfully; to summarize; recapitulate: 结束, 得出结论, 解决; 总结, 概括,wrap up a business deal: 做成一笔交易,reiterate,:,vt. to say or do again or repeatedly; repeat: 重申, 重复,32,5.2.4 Developing and Proposing Solutions,flip chart,:,n. a chart consisting of sheets hinged at the top that can be flipped over to present information sequentially: 活动挂图, 配套挂图,plug in,: v. t,o connect (an appliance) to an electrical outlet: 插入电源,plug into,: v. t,o cause to be closely attuned or responsive to: 使与紧密协调, 使与产生共鸣,33,5.2.4 Developing and Proposing Solutions,open-ended,:,adj. 开口的, 无底的, 无终止的, 开放式的,poised,:,adj. 泰然自若的, 威严的, 有自信心的, 平衡的,34,5.2.5 Handling Objections,legitimate,: adj. b,ased on logical reasoning; reasonable: 合理的, 合乎逻辑的,a legitimate solution to the problem: 该问题合乎逻辑的解决办法,legitimate right: 正当权利,dedication,:,n. 题辞, 奉献, 专用,pit against,: vt. 使.相斗, 使竞争,35,5.2.5 Handling Objections,stand by,: v. t,o be ready or available to act: 准备好或者能够行动; to wait for something, such as a broadcast, to resume: 等待重新开始; to remain uninvolved; refrain from acting: 不关心, 不行动; to remain loyal to; aid or support: 对忠诚, 帮助或者支持; to keep or maintain: 保持, 维持,stood by and let him get away: 站在一边并让他逃脱,stands by her friends: 支持她的朋友,stood by her decision: 坚持她的决心,36,5.2.6 Closing the Sale,concession,:,n. the act of conceding: 让步的行为; something, such as a point previously claimed in argument, that is later conceded: 让步,The bosss promise to increase the workers pay was a concession to union demands. That is a great concession. 老板答应提高工人们的工资是对工会提出的要求所作的让步。这是很大的让步。,37,5.2.6 Closing the Sale,trial order,:,n. 试购,nonissue,:,n. a matter of so little import that it ought not become a focus of controversy and comment: 不成问题的问题,She felt that the matter of her attire should have been a nonissue. 她认为她的穿着打扮不应该是件引起这么多争论的事。,38,5.2.7 Following Up,place an order,:,v. 预订, 预购,extranet,:,外联网, 外连网,unlisted,:,adj. not appearing on a list, especially not listed in a telephone directory; relating to or being stock or securities not listed on a stock exchange: 未列出的, 未上市的, 未登记入册的, 未上电话号簿的,URL,:,abbr. Uniform Resource Locator: 在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法,39,5.2.7 Following Up,redeploy,:,vt. to move (military forces) from one combat zone to another: 重新布署; to shift (something) from one place or use to another for greater effectiveness: 重新调配,redeploy the companys resources: 重新调配公司的资源,40,5.2 Steps in the Selling Process,Thank u 4 ur attention!,& Questions r invited.,41,


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