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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar: adverbial clause of time,时间状语从句,。,I,.,when, while , as,可引导,When I was walking down the street, I,came across,an old friend of mine.,While he was in prison , he wrote his first novel.,如果主句表示的是短暂动作,从句用进行时或延续性动作状态时,when,while,as,可互换。,II.,区别,1.,as,多用于口语中,引导持续性动作,侧重于,两个动作同时发生,有“当,的时候”,“一边,一边,”,或表示,“,随着”的含义,eg,.,He hurried home, looking behind as he went.,As time went on, Einsteins theory proved to be correct.,As he grew older, he began to go deaf.,2,.,while,常引导,延续性动作,,表示的是一段时间,不是一点时间,强调动作同时发生,相当于,during the time.,Please dont talk so loud while others are talking.,3,.,when,强调“特定时间”,从句动作发生与主句动作之前时用,when,,,不可用,while,和,as,。,while,还有对比的含义,有时也表示“尽管”,引导让步状语,He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.,I can have a rest when I have finished my work.,All the lights went out when the clock struck twelve.,when,还可做并列连词,意为“那时,这时”,相当于,and at this/that time,We,are about to,set off on our way,when,it suddenly,began to rain.,I,was walking,on the street,when,I saw a tailors shop,.,I,had walked,20 miles,when,it started to rain.,as, while, when,用法总结,都可以引导时间状语,且意思为“,当,的时候,”但,as,和,while,常强调两个动作同时发生。当强调两个动作时间,先后时只能用,when,。,2,. when,还可做并列连词,意为,“那时,这时”,相当于,and at,this/that time,。且还,可用于“,hardly/scarcelywhen,”,结构中,意为“,刚,就,”,。,3.,while,有时表示转折或引导让步状语,意为“,然而,”或,“,尽管,”。,4.,as,用法很多,引导时间状语时有时意为“,一边,一边,”,或“,随着,”。 也可做关系代词用与定语从句中,还可意为,“,尽管,”“,因为,”“,按照,”等,引导让步、原因、方式等,状语从句。,Grammar 2: past perfect tense,过去的两个动作,如果一个动作发生在另一个动作之前,发生在前的就用过去完成时,即“过去的过去”。,eg,. When he reached the shop, it had already closed.,1.,在,by,by the end of,by the time,后接某一表示过去的时间时,。,He,had,copied the report three times,by,ten last,night.,By the end of last Friday, the project had already been completed.,We had hoped to catch the 8:00 bus, but found it gone.,3.,no soonerthan., hardly/ scarcelywhen.,中,前面用完成时,表示“刚,就,” / “,一,.,就,.”,They,had hardly,been,seated,when,the bus started,.,I,had no sooner,finished the work,than,the light went out.,I,had scarcely,closed the window,when,the storm came.,I had thought he had died.,2.,表示原计划打算做某事而没有办成。 常用词有,:,want,mean, plan,hope think ,suppose, expect etc.,此句式可以变成倒装,时态不变。,Hardly had,they been seated,when,the bus started,.,No sooner had,I finished the work than the light went out.,4.,在有,before and after,的时间状语从句中,因为有了明确的前后关系,主句可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。,The train left before he got there.,I played computer games after I (had) finished my homework.,Exercises:,He was about to tell me the secret _someone,patted him on the should.,A. As,B. until C. while,D. when,2.,I arrived late; I _ the road to be so icy.,wouldnt expect B. havent expected,C.,hadn,t expected D.,wasn,t expecting,D,C,3. _,modeling business is by no means easy to get,into, the good model will always be in demand.,A. While B. Since,C. As,D. If,A,4.,I will go home _ I have finished my homework.,A. until B. when C. as D. while,5.By the end of last year, another new hospital _ .,A. would be completed B. was being completed,C. has been completed D. had been completed,B,D,6. Helen _ her key in the office so she had,to wait until her husband _ home.,A. has left; comes B. left; had come,C. had left; came D. had left; would come,7. Mother was worried because little Alice was,ill, especially _ father was away in Paris.,A. as B. that C. during D. if,C,A,8. John and I _ friends for 8 years. We first got to know,each other at a Christmas party. But we _ each other,a couple of times before that.,A. had been; have seen B. have been; have seen,C. had been; had seen D. have been; had seen,9.,The new bridge _ by the end of this month.,A. has been designed B. had been designed,C. is designed D. will have been designed,10. _exercise I, we went to do another exercise.,A. Having finished B. Finishing C. After finished,D. When finishing,D,D,A,11. -,What was the party like ?,- Wonderful. Its years _ I enjoyed,myself so much.,A. after B. before C. when D. since,12. - Can I join your club, Dad?,- You can when you _ a bit older.,A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got,13. - How long has this bookshop been in business?,- _ 1932.,A. After B. In C. From D. Since,D,A,D,14. _,you received the news?,A. When was it that B. When was it,C. When it was that D. When it was,15. At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic.,A. were going to fly B. we,ll,be flying,C. we,ll,fly D. were to fly,16. - What were you doing when I phoned you,yesterday evening?,- I _ my homework and was starting to,take a bath.,A. had just finished B. was finishing,C. have already finished D.was going to finish,A,B,A,16.,The rest of money _ spent so far.,A. was B. have been C. has been D. had been,17. - Did you remember to give Mary the money,you owed her?,- Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her.,A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once,18. Unfortunately when I arrived she_, so we only,had time for a few words.,A. just left B. has just left C. was just leaving,D. had just left,C,B,C,


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