how to predict in English reading如何在英语阅读中预测

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading Skill: Predicting,Reading Skill: Predicting,Does reading mean starting at the beginning and going word by word, stopping to look up every unknown vocabulary item, until the end?,If your answer is “yes”, then you are relying exclusively,仅仅,on your linguistic,语言,knowledge.,Reading is a “,guessing game,”.,Reading Guessing / Predicting Reading Proving / Disproving,What is “predicting”?,Thinking in,advance,about what to be read.,Why is “predicting” so important?,It enables us to,be aware of,our,goal,in reading.,It activates,激活,schemata,大纲,: that is, it calls into mind any experiences and associated knowledge that we already have about the topic and the text.,It helps us to,focus in,the reading process.,It,improves comprehension,.,How,to Predict?,Before Reading,:,Using the skill of “Previewing,”, predict what information you may find in the text, before you begin to read it in detail.,For example, after looking at the title, you can ask yourself,what you know,and,do not know about the subject,before you read the text. Or you can formulate,阐述,questions that you would like to have answered by reading the text. These exercises will help you,focus more effectively,on the ideas in a text when you actually start reading.,Using knowledge,of the subject,matter to predict about content;,Using,knowledge about the author,to predict about,writing style and content,.,e.g. Acting against the will of Alfred Nobel,(from,),Death on the Nile,尼罗河,by Agatha Christie,While-reading,Using prior,最重要的,knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the text to,predict about the,meanings of unknown,words;,predict about the,idea of the following sentences and paragraphs;,predict about the,text type and purpose, writing style;,check comprehension,Ben Jonsons,remark,on Shakespeare:,Thou art a,Moniment, without a,tombe,坟墓,And art alive still, while thy,Booke,doth live,And we have wits to read, and praise to give.,You are a monument, without a tomb,坟墓,And are alive still, while your book does live,And we have wits to read, and praise to give,In order to predict, you must ,have a,large vocabulary,have a,large information base,know about,cultural background,know about,writers and writing styles,know about,text types,Example,I, like many little girls, dreamed of being a ballet dancer. I practiced hard and at age 13, I was hired as an apprentice by the Minnesota Dance Theatre, a little ballet company in my hometown of Minneapolis.,What do you think would happen to the author?,Did she have to train hard?,Did she become a famous dancer in her town, then in her country, then all over the world?,Was there an accident that forced her to give up dancing?,Obviously she didnt have much school education. Could her lack of education affect her later life?,I danced to fulfill,完成,a dream, and the money can in handy,方便的,. My mother was trying to raise five children while working as a singer in a nightclub. The $50 a week I earned dancing paid for my food, bus fare and ballet outfits,配备,. Thats how I helped my mom by just paying for myself. It made me feel good. I have no doubt that responsibility leads to self-respect.,The authors life was rather self-sufficient. Is it expected or not?,What is the meaning of “handy”?,Did she go to school and keep dancing at the same time?,What happened next when she grow to be an adult?,Could the point “,that responsibility leads to self-respect”,be the theme of the passage?,When I was 17 I moved to Philadelphia,费城,to study with the Pennsylvania Ballet. Three years later I went to New York City, and eventually pursued,从事,an acting career.,It seem the author became an actress. Was she successful?,Who was she?,In what films has she ever acted?,Supporting myself at an early age was the best training for life I could possibly have received. I still consider myself a trouper,有经验的演员,and have yet to miss a day of work. I take more pride in the fact that I can always be counted up than I do in how much I earn or how well-know I am.,What is the meaning of “trouper” and “have yet to miss a day of work”?,What is the,theme,of the story?,While reading the paragraph, we may have,recalled,our own childhood experiences, such as our dreams, our learning experiences, etc. How we,associated,the paragraph with our own experiences could have influenced what predictions we made.,It doesnt matter what predictions we could have made. The point is:,keep guessing while reading.,Word Formation: n. suf.,- hood:,state, nature, condition: nationhood,status, identity, rank, qualification: priesthood,a group sharing a specified state or quality: neighborhood,a period of time of being : childhood,Knighthood,was an ideal in medieval Europe.,I was less capable than he of telling truth from,falsehood,.,Her,widowhood,condemns her to a lonely old age.,His aunt is elected the representative of the whole,sisterhood,of nurses.,state, nature, condition: friendship,rank, status, or office: leadership,art, skill, or craft: craftsmanship,a collective body: membership,If your,Lordship,will give me time, I will produce the evidence.,Marriage is based on,comradeship,.,The Daily Echo has a,readership,of over ten million.,horsemanship,swordsmanship,penmanship,-ship:,state: marriage,place: cottage,amount: postage,The mother provides emotional,anchorage,for the entire family.,Fortunately, its,voltage,has not been exceeded.,The washer,(垫圈),for preventing,leakage,is broken.,The,tonnage,of the ship is 25.,-age:,I am full of,gratitude,to you for helping me.,(-,grat,-: pleasing, thankful),The,magnitude,of the epidemic was frightening.,(-,magni,-: big, large, great),He has an,aptitude,for languages.,(apt: fitted),We lack the confidence to take a strong stand and the,certitude,to convince others.,(-cert-: certain),The,finitude,of this method shouldnt be neglected while using it.,(-,fini,-: limit, bound),-,tude,: the state of ,


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