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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Two Growing Pains,Welcome to the unit,enjoy a song,Tell us the main idea of the song,反正现在的年轻人,都有许多烦恼,那么多要思考,那么多要寻找,诱惑太多 不坚定就犯错了,朋友说 尘世被你夸那么美,可是现实挺倒霉,老师不喜欢男生长头发,妈妈不喜欢女儿长指甲,什么都被管 什么都看不惯,什么都没力量推翻,学习,生存之道,又不安,Whats the main idea of this song?,Growing Pains,Questionnaire,Answer the questions in 2 minutes:,1. Do you think your parents understand you?,A. Yes B. No C. Dont know,2. Do you often,quarrel with,you parents?,A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes,D. Rarely(,很少),E. Never,3. Do you and your parents often talk to each other or have fun together?,A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes,D. Rarely(,很少),E. Never,4.Do you and your parents have common(,共同的),interests or hobbies?,A. Yes B. No.,5. Do they always,force you to do,things you dont like to do?,A. Yes, very often. B. Sometimes,C. Never,6. Do they ask for your opinions over,some family questions?,A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes,C. Never,7. What do you think of the relationship,between you and your parents?,A. Very close B. Not so close,C. Loose (,疏远),8,.,When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to?,A. Friends B. Teachers,C.Parents,Generation Gap,Generation gap,means there are great,differences,between the younger generations and the elders. It,occurs,发生,when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different,experiences, opinions, habits and behavior.,What is the boy doing?,Listening to music,What is the mother doing?,Shouting at him,What feelings may the boy,have?,Sad, angry, upset,What happens to the girl,with a bag?,She comes home late.,What did her parents,ask her to do?,They asked her,to be,home,by 6 oclock,not later than,If you were the girl, what will you do?,1.Why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady?,They are asking her for her signature.,2. What does the girl want to do? Is she allowed to do so? Why or why not?,She wants the pretty ladys signature too. She is not allowed to do so because her mother thinks its a waste of time,What is the boy probably doing?,He is probably playing computer games or chatting,.,Did the boy do well in his exams,He is probably playing computer games or chatting.,How does his mother feel about the score (marks grades) ?,Angry,sad,,,broken-hearted,hurt,A task,You can choose to,make up,a story or a dialogue with your partner,Group Discussion,what is,the best way to,narrow the generation gap?,Boys from parents aspect,Girls from children aspect,If parents and children want to get on well with each other, they should,parents,children,respect,learn from each other,understand,help,My name,by Janie,Emaus,I wrote my name on the tree, but the time washed it away,I wrote my name on the road, but the rain washed it away.,I wrote my name on my hand, but the soap washed it away,Today, I write my name on the birthday card, and Ill send it to my mother.,I know it would be there forever, just as the one in my mothers heart.,好好学习 回报父母,We should,work hard,to make our parents happy!,好好学习 回报父母,conclusion,Home work,Call your parents tell them you love them,Write a story about your growing pains,Homework,Thanks for your Attention,


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