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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教PEP四年级上册,Unit 2 My schoolbag,Part B,Lets learn,Lets sing,Amy has a new schoolbag.,What colour,is it?,Whats in it?,Look! Its black and white.,An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks.,Zhang Peng has a new schoolbag, too.,What colour,is it?,Whats in it?,Its blue and white.,Lets have a look.,three keys,Mmm. Whats in my schoolbag?,key,k,-,ey,k,ey,钥 匙,Its a,key,.,key,s,复数形式,two toys,Mmm. Whats in my schoolbag?,toy,t,-,oy,t,oy,玩 具,Its a,toy,.,toy,s,复数形式,One ,two,three , four ,five , six , seven , more.,One , two ,three , four,five , six ,seven , more.,some candies,Mmm. Whats in my schoolbag?,candy,can,-,dy,can,dy,糖 果,I have some,candies,.,cand,ies,复数形式,y,变为,ies,One can,dy, two cand,ies,three cand,ies, four .,five cand,ies,s,i,x cand,ies,seven cand,ies,more.,a notebook,Mmm. Whats in my schoolbag?,notebook,n,o,t,e,-,book,note,book,笔记本,I have a,notebook,.,notebook,s,与,storybook,一样,合成词,,单词要合写。,One , two , three , four,Five , six , seven , more.,Watch and learn,Lets learn,candy,toy,key,notebook,Mmm. Whats in my schoolbag? My keys.,key,candy,notebook,toy,Look and say,Look and say,key,s,cand,ies,notebook,s,toy,s,candy,toy,key,notebook,toys,notebooks,candies,keys,Mmm. Whats in my schoolbag?,My keys, two _, some_ and a_.,Fill and say,toys,candies,notebook,Whats in Johns schoolbag?,Whats in your schoolbag?,A pencil box,Ask and answer,与同伴就书包里的物品进展问答练习。,eraser pen pencil crayon ruler notebook pencil box storybook schoolbag desk chair candy key toy .,Think and circle.,(,选出你想捐赠的物品,),.,Share your love!,请为希望学校奉献一份爱心吧!,Watch and role-play,在书包中画出数个物品的简笔画,然后与同伴进展问答练习。,Draw and say,Whats in ?,课 堂 小 结,玩具、物品类单词:,candy-cand,ies,toy- toy,s,key-key,s,notebook- notebook,s,听录音,选出你所听到的单词。,( ) 1. A. toy B. tall C. boy,( ) 2. A. maths B. map C. mouth,( ) 3. A. cute B. lost C. light,( ) 4. A. twenty B. candy C. crayon,( ) 5. A. cap B. kite C. key,A,C,B,B,C,连词成句。,1. schoolbag, whats, your, in ( ? ),2. have, toys, I, three ( . ),3. on, the, is, desk, my notebook ( . ),4. are, keys, where, the ( ? ),Whats in your schoolbag ?,I have three toys.,My notebook is on the desk.,Where are the keys?,1.听录音跟读 P18中的单词,并在四线格上正确、标准书写三遍。 2.绘制一幅有关“书包里物品 的英语手抄报。,3.完成同步练习。,Homework,


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