Introduction to US Art美国文化介绍

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Introduction to American Art,Topics for this course,Abstract Expressionists,Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning,Colour field artists:,Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Helen Frankenthaler,Pop artists:,Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg,Feminist Artists:,Judy Chicago, Miriam Schapiro, Barbara Kruger, Cindy Sherman,Realist & Super Realist artists:,Edward Hopper, George Segal, Robert Estes, Audrey Flack, Duane Hanson.,Prior Knowledge check,In pairs, write down the following:,Major historical events,Economic factors,Significant leaders,New ideas / philosophies,Social / technological shifts,Cultural developments,of the United States of America 1930-1980.,HISTORICAL CONTEXT,Events that influenced Modern American Art,The Armory Show 1913,This exhibition introduced Americans to the European Avant Garde art even though public was skeptical / scandalised!,Featured major Post-Impressionists, Fauves, Cubists,1929 opening of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA),RIGHT: Marcel Duchamps,Nude descending a Staircase,and a parody from a newspaper,Seeing New York with a Cubist: the Reds descending a staircase,Armory Show highlights,Works such as these created an,artistic renaissance,in America. US artists were exposed to new styles and approaches.,LEFT Matisse,Luxury II,(1908),ABOVE Picasso,Woman with Pepper Pot,(1910),Great Depression,1929 Great Depression. Destruction of the carefree life during the Roaring Twenties.,Artists began to look internally for inspiration,This led to an interest in,Surrealism, art of dreams and fantasy; removed from terrors of reality,Precisionism - 1930s,America becomes more industrialized,Precisionism,(1929-1935) aka Cubist Realism,Style:,Crisp, linear, flat planes, hard edged,Themes,: Industrialization, Modernization,E.g. Charles Demuths,I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold,(1928), inspired by the poem “The Great Figure,” by Williams Carlos Williams,1930s: Arrival of Diego Rivera and Mexican mural painters,Famous for murals showing history of his country / left wing revolution in Mexico city,Completed large scale murals in US e.g.,Man at at the Crossroads,at,Radio City in the Rockefeller Center, New York,This mural, which contained a portrait of Lenin, was destroyed around midnight of Feb 9, 1934, by being chipped from the wall and smashed to powder.,1930s Social Realism,Grant Woods 1930 work,American Gothic,showing a farmer and his spinster daughter.,Works shows the Puritan ethics of the Mid West.,Much art of this time was strongly regionalist.,The New Deal 1929-1941,To relieve unemployment, Franklin D. Roosevelts WPA (Works Progress Admin) gave jobs to artists, writers and composers,Murals for public buildings,Plays / ballets for regional theatres,1930s: dominant art style was social realism,Edward Hopper 1940s,Realist artist,Gas,1940,Nighthawks,1942,Hoppers work captures the isolation and existential loneliness of the 20,th,C,World War II period (1941-1945),Artists and intellectuals emigrate,to America e.g. Albert Einstein, Mies Van der Rohe (architect), Aldous Huxley,European artists like,Marcel Duchamp, Mondrian, Marc Chagall,settled in New York & become very influential.,Rapid Industrialisation in WWII era,The Wreck of the Ole 97,( 1943) by Thomas Hart Benton captures the tension between the industrialization of the American west and the disappearance of the Midwestern rural tradition,Surrealism comes to America,European Migrant painters Gorky and De Kooning explore surrealism, cubism, expressionism,Psychic Automatism,Influenced by Freuds theories of Psychoanalysis is used by artists who want to access their subconscious,RIGHT,The Liver is the Cocks Comb,Arshile Gorky 1944,Post-War period (1945-1968),POSITIVES,US emerges as a,superpower,US ,capitalist,society,wealthy, high standard of living, attracted more migrants from Europe who enriched the arts scene (esp in NY),NEGATIVES,However: destruction of Pearl Harbour,(,atomic bomb,),and,Cold War,atmosphere left people feeling a sense of depression and,despair,.,70% of Americans expected a war with USSR within 10 years,Post War period cont.,The,New York School,emerges 1,st,time an International style comes from USA,Their art captured the,anger / pain,of a generation,who had faced the Great Depression as young people and lived through the horrors of war.,Einsteins,Theory of Relativity,and,Jean-Paul Sartres theory,of,Existentialism,becomes influential,Abstract Expressionism emergesLate 1940s,Jackson Pollocks drip paintings,(,One: No 31,1950),Colour field paintings of Mark Rothko (,Red, Orange, Tan, and Purple,1949),Vietnam and the Crisis of Confidence (1968-70),Society / Politics,Anti-Vietnam / student Protests,Race riots,Civil Rights demonstrations,Assassinations,American moon landing,Literature:,Beat Poets Allan Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac,Richard Rauschenberg,Retroactive I,1963,Pop art,Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol challenge the boundaries of art and comment on mass production / consumer culture of USA.,It was a celebration of the banal and familiar and countered the “seriousness” of Abstract Expressionism,End of Pop Art - Super realism,Below: Duane Hansons sculptures,Right: Chuck Closes self portrait,Feminism & the Womens movement (1970s),Response to Sexual Revolution- availability of the pill; Women seeking equal rights / opportunities; sexual freedom,Womens arts - Craft movement challenge to art hierarchy,Collaborative art,Performances,Political art,Right: Judy Chicagos,Dinner Party Project,Environmentalism Post-Modernism,Environmental awareness of 1970s led to earth sculptures,Barbara Krugers photo-montages 1980s,Robert Smithsons,Spiral Jetty,1970,


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