仁爱版九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B 课件(共21张PPT)

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仁爱版九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B 课件(共21张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3 The world has changed for the better Section B Read Aloud Where there is love,there are always wishes. If winter comes , can spring be far behind ? Do what you say,say what you do. Keep on going,never give up. Oral practice Making sentences with for and since. Teacher say some sentences with “have done”,students answer with for and since. homeless people provide them with job training deal with the wound;give them treatmentdesign and built houses 1b Listen to 1a and mark T(true) or F(False). Maria and Jane are talking about a program in China . ( ) The program helps the homeless people in many ways . ( ) The program also trains those people in need to help them find jobs again . ( ) It is important to let homeless people feel good about themselves . ( ) 1.The world has not changed peoples lives ( ) FF T T T Find out these phrases:1.无家可归的人_ 2.数百人_3.重新工作_ 4.过正常生活_5.发现需要帮助的人_ 6.选定适当的方式_7.medical treatment_ 8.职业培训_9.对自己有信心_ 10. 变的更好_the homeless peoplehundreds of peoplereturn to worklive a normal lifefind people in needdecide on suitable ways医疗帮助 job training feel good about oneselfchang for the better Read 1a and fill in the blanks . There is a wonderful program that helps _people in Canada. The program not only _ enough food, _and homes for the homeless people, but also _ them in order to help them_again. Thanks to the program, the homeless people feel _about themselves.homeless providesmedical treatment (to) get/find jobs good trains present2011pastHe joined the Houston Rockets in 2002.He has been in the Houston Rockets since 2002.= He has been in the Houston Rockets for nine years. for nine years 短暂性动词 延续性动词 join be in since 8:00The woman left home at 8:00.for 2 hours8:00 present10:00past短暂性动词 延续性动词 leave be away fromShe has been away from home since 8:00.= She has been away from home for 2 hours. He bought a computer in 2007.for two years2007 present2009past since 2007He has had a computer since 2007.= He has had a computer for two years. 短暂性动词 延续性动词 buy have fisherman soldierwoundengineersecretary n.工程师n.秘书n.创伤v.伤,伤害 n.俱乐部Xiao Lin is not only the secretary of the Helpers Club but also an excellent computer engineer. Hes the son of a fisherman. His father died in 1992. Xiao Li joined the army in 2000,but he left the army because of a leg wound in 2002. Then in 2003, He came to Beijing. He joined the Helpers club next year. He bought a house in 2005 and borrowed a car in 2012 The story of Xiao Lin Fill in the blanks.1. H is father _ (die) in 1992. H is father _ (be dead) for many years.2. H e _ (leave) the army because of a leg wound. H e _ (be away from) the army for seven years because of a leg wound.3. H e _ (come) to Beijing in 2003. H e _ (be in) Beijing since 2003.diedhas been deadlefthas been away fromcamehas been in 4 H e _ (join) H elpers Club in 2004. H e _ (be) a member of H elpers Club since 2004.5. H e _ (buy) a house in 2005. H e _ (have) a house since 2005.6. H e _ (borrow) the car in 2008. H e _ (keep) the car for one year.joinedhas been boughthas hadborrowedhas kept Xiao Lin is not only the secretary of the Helpers Club but also an excellent computer engineer. Hes the son of a fisherman. His father has been dead for many years . He has been away the army for twelve years because of a leg wound. He has been in Beijing since 2003. He has been a member of Helpers Club since 2004. He has had a house since 2005. He has kept the car for two years. We can also tell the story like this : 3b Retell Xiao Lins experiences to your partner based on the box in 3a. Work in pairs and make a similar box about your partner . We learn: Some words: program, homeless, manage, treatment, training, immediately, secretary, helper, club, engineer, wound2. Some phrases:offer sb sth; provide with3. Some sentences : (1) Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to offer them help. (2)The program also provides them with job training so that they can find jobs again. We can: 1.Use the Present Perfect Tense with for and since and tell a story in different ways.(1)His father died in 1992.(2)His father has been dead for many years.(3)His father has been dead since 1992.2. Learn to help homeless people. 1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.3.Finish Section B in your workbook.4.Preview Section C.Homework Hot -hearted angel


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