五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 2《We mustn’t cross the street now》|科普版(三起) (共9张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 2《We mustn’t cross the street now》|科普版(三起) (共9张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 2《We mustn’t cross the street now》|科普版(三起) (共9张PPT)_第2页
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五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 2《We mustn’t cross the street now》|科普版(三起) (共9张PPT)_第3页
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Lesson 2We mustnt cross the street now.我们现在千万不要穿过街道。 学习目标.熟读课文。.掌握短语:go shopping,in/cross the street,look at.掌握句型:We musnt cross the street now. We must cross the street here.增强遵守交通法规的意识。 自读课文标记不会读的单词或不理解的地方 2分钟 计时开始 -Are you going shopping,Mum?你要去购物吗,妈妈?-Yes.是的。-May I go with you?我可以和你一起去吗?-Yes,but you mustnt run in the street.是的,但是你千万别在街道上跑。 -Look at the red light.We mustnt cross the street now.看着红灯。我们现在不能穿过街道。-OK.好的。-Now the light is green.We can cross the street .现在绿灯亮了。我们可以穿过街道了。-Yes.是的。-Look at these white lines.We must cross the street here.看着这些白色的线。我们必须从这儿穿过街道。-Oh,I see.哦,我知道了。 can,may,must区别can“能,会,可以”,通常指说话人给予的许可。may比can语气更委婉。must“必须”,在肯定句子通常表示说话人的主观意识,或要求对方必须做某事;mustnt“不能,禁止”,是表示说话人不允许或禁止某人做某事。 No left turn Left turn turn left左转弯No parking Parkingpark the car停车No u-turn U-turnturn around掉头-You mustnt cross the street here.You can cross the street there.-OK.1.-You mustnt turn left here.You can turn left there.-OK.2.-You mustnt park the car here.You can park the car there.-OK.3.-You mustnt turn around here.You can turn around there.-OK. 大练兵can mustnt 填空。1.You cross the street when the light is red.2.You help your mother do some housework.3.You read in bed.4.You learn English from your friend.5.You swim in the sea because its too dangerous(危险的).mustntcanmustntcanmustnt 板书设计 go shopping,in/cross the street,look at turn left park the car turn around


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