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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Managers Communication Toolkit,63,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,2020/6/4,#,Managers Communication Toolkit,Understand,how,communication plays a key role in your effectiveness as a leader and in delivering business results,Learn about the,communications model,and how to,apply,it within your work team or department,Create an environment that fosters open and honest communication,Develop,measurable,communication action plans that address both business,and,employee needs,Purpose of Workshop,Connecting employees to the business vision,Service Profit Chain,Employee Satisfaction,Employee Loyalty,Employee Productivity,Customer Satisfaction/,Customer Loyalty,Revenue Growth,Profitability,Our People,Our Customers,Our Business,Communication as a Link,Need to better understandwhat our employees say,and,what they do,Employees are the critical link between customers and our business,Black Belt, Master Black Belt,Corporate Audit Staff,Multi-Business Experience/Exposure,Unique, Stretch Assignments,Financial Acumen,Global Experience/Cultural Breadth,Functional Depth,Outstanding Communication Skills,Ability to Attract/Keep/Develop Great Talent,Passionate Approach,Crisis Leadership,Continuous Learner,Seeks Feedback . And Acts on It,Leadership Development,Capability and Contributions,Listening, Learning, Teaching,Several Career/Experience,Enhancers,Several Leadership,Enhancers,What is Communication?,Defining Communication,Leaders must view communication as employees do,Communication:,Event or Product,Manager View,Examples:,E-mail,Inside,GE,CEO web cast,A Process,Employee View,Examples:,Performance feedback,Market information,Team updates,What is Communication?,Communication has two core processes:“Sending”,and,“Listening”,Communication is a process that turns information into understanding,Sender,Receiver,Message,Feedback,Checking for Understanding,How to check/listen for understanding,Ask direct open ended questions,Request an action plan or list of priorities,Solicit feedback on the initiative/project/request,GE,Business,CEO,Senior,Leadership,Team,Managers,Associates,M,M,M,M,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,We must take responsibility to ensure that our messages are delivered consistently and meaningfully,Communication As Is,High Say/High Do,Open, honest and direct communication,Managers Role,Managers have the key role in communication,Most of what employees want to know is how key messages and marketplace issues affect their jobs,Company messages,10%,Business-specific messages,20%,How key messages and market place issues affect my job,70%,Managers Role,Facilitatorof Understanding,Source,of Information,Employees dont want MORE communication. . . they want understanding of how key messages relate to their jobs,Job responsibilities,1,What is my job?,How amI doing?,Feedback, performance,review, coaching,2,Howsmy unitdoing?,Measurements,regular updatesfrom manager,4,Where arewe headed?,Vision, mission, strategy,5,Commitment,6,How canI help?,Listening, recognition,3,Doesanyonecare?,Source: Roger DAprix,Marketplace-based,Basic knowledge needs as employees describe them:,GEs Communication Model,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,Help team members understand their responsibilities and talk about expectations,Set agreed upon priorities and deadlines,Where possible, involve team members in planning, decision-making and implementing changes,Link team members job responsibilities to business strategy and priorities,Managers Role,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,What is my job?,Job Responsibilities,Source: Roger DAprix,How amI doing?,Managers Role,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,Performance feedback,Provide feedback (positive and developmental) on performance,Tell employees what they are doing right as well as wrong,Discuss mutual actions for performance improvement,Make feedback a frequent and timely activity,Learn how to listen effectively and how to coach people so they can improve their performance,Source: Roger DAprix,Source: Roger DAprix,Doesanyonecare?,Individual needs,Take time to listen and talk honestly with employees; value and respect them,Walk the floor,Hold staff meetings in which people have the opportunity to express their ideas and concerns,Solicit feedback about your own leadership style,Recognize and act on peoples ideas,Practice common day-to-day courtesies and civilities,Managers Role,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,Howsmy unitdoing?,Work unit objectives, results,Share general business information on a timely basis,Discuss team goals and how they match overall business objectives,Recognize team accomplishments,Discuss the need for team performance improvement,Find opportunities to assemble the team for dialogue and celebration,Source: Roger DAprix,Managers Role,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,Where arewe headed?,Vision/Mission and Values,Gain a personal appreciation and knowledge of the business vision, mission and strategic direction,Internalize the companys value system and behave accordingly,Show personal conviction and commitment to the vision, mission, strategy,Relate work group experience to the vision, mission and values and help keep people focused,Be present to the workforce in ways that make them feel they are being led by someone who understands and cares,Source: Roger DAprix,Managers Role,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,How canI help?,Empowerment,Provide genuine opportunities for involvement,Empower people to take the initiative and make decisions without second guessing them,Support the risk takers even when they make a mistake,Recognize and reward true contribution,Encourage and support cross-functional collaboration,Promote mutual trust and commitment,Source: Roger DAprix,Managers Role,Employee commitment is earned only after basic needs are met,How Are We Doing Today?,Measurements, regular updates from manager,XX% Say manager inspires high performance,XX% Treated with respect,XX% Say the way we work is driven by GE Values,Vision, mission, strategy,XX% Say business is well run,XX% Say business is well-positioned for growth,XX% Say communication in business is open, honest,Commitment,XX% Satisfied with GE,XX% Say work gives chance to show what they can do,XX% Given the opportunity for challenging assignments,Source: Roger DAprix,Marketplace-based,Listening, recognition,XX% Say good ideas adopted regardless of who/where,XX% Say manager shows appreciation,XX% Rewarded for going above and beyond,Feedback, performance review, coaching, XX% Receive ongoing feedback, XX% Say working here offers chance to grow and develop, XX% Say experience, skills gained at GE increase opportunities,Job responsibilities,XX% Say their job responsibilities are clear to them,Why Are We Here? Voice of the Employee,How canI help?,6,Where arewe headed?,5,How amI doing?,2,Howsmy unitdoing?,4,Doesanyonecare?,3,1,What is my job?,Delivering EffectiveCoaching & Feedback,What is Coaching?,Coaching is an interactive process of helping others reach their goals,Coaching involves unlocking a persons potential to maximize his or her performance,What Coaching is and is not,Coaching,is not,:,Directing,Training,Corrective action,Reprimanding,Mentoring,Therapy,Coaching,is,:,Focused,Work related,One to one,A continuous process,The Coaching Process,Strategy,Advocate,Inquire,Reflective,Listening,The Coaching/Communication Process,Inquire,(Ask),about a coachees abilities and goals using open ended questions,Reflect,(Listen to) the content and feeling of what the coachee is saying,Advocate,(Tell/ share) perceptions and standards a coachee needs to meet,Feedback will form the basis for your discussions,Feedback,GAPS,SMART,Action Planning,Reflective,Listening,Advocate,Inquire,SOI,Strategy,Feedback in Coaching,What is Feedback,Feedback is used to make a person or a group aware of a behavior you see and how that behavior is affecting customers, the business, the team or you,Feedback is a key step in moving through the coaching process,After completion of a project/initiative,When behavior patterns emerge,Periodic progress reviews/updates,Informal luncheons/discussions,Interim coaching,EMS/annual performance review,When to give feedback,Delivering Feedback,Self-Feedback,Motivational,Feedback,Developmental,Feedback,Coach asks (Inquiry):,What do you think went well?,What might be improved?,Coach offers praise for positive,actions. REMEMBER: Never,use the word “but.”,Coach offers suggestions for,future improvement,.,Presenting Feedback,Crisis Communication,A difficult period of potential or actual harm to employees, or damage to the companys brand or financial stability, triggered by a sudden event or long-smoldering issue,While terrorist acts fall into this definition, so too do widespread IT failures or natural disasters, among other things,What is a Crisis?,Crisis Communication Goals,Leadership agreement in every step,Make it clear that employees safety is the first concern, if applicable,Describe facts and actions being taken as you know them tell them what you know, what you dont know and when you think youll know more. Then follow-up!,Ensure your messages are consistent with business messages,Create a regular forum for employees to ask/submit questions and for you to provide answers,Crisis Communication Goals,Creating A Communication Plan,Assess,Plan,Do,Check,Strategic Communications Process,Continuous, Iterative Process for Communication,Task,Tool,- Assess employee needs- Focus groups,- Informal discussions,- Employee satisfaction survey,- Employee Needs Assessment (Toolkit),Assess leaders attitudes- Leadership Assessment (Toolkit),Assess business needs- Business Needs Assessment (Toolkit),Strategic Communication Process,Start by assessing where you areand where you need to go,Assess,Employee Needs Assessment,Assess,Business Assessment,Assess,Leadership Assessment,Assess,Strategic Communication Process,Task,Tool,- Identity stakeholders- Communications Plan Worksheet (Toolkit),- Develop Key Messages- Key Message Worksheet (Toolkit),- Select communication vehicles- Employee satisfaction survey,Plan,What:,is happening and whats next,Why:,we are doing this (market conditions, competitors, business needs),Who:,will be affected (business, department, individuals),Where,:,you can go for information & questions,When,:,youll hear more,What does the business need employees to hear and what do employees want to hear?,Key Messages,Plan,Key messages,are those three to four points you want your audience to remember,Key messages should drive or support business outcomes,Key messages should be.,simple,supportable,honest,consistent,repetitive,Key messages must be tailored/relevant to stakeholders,Developing Key Messages,Plan,Communications Plan - Key Messages,Plan,Digitization,Digitization means,This makes our processes easier, faster, cheaper by,Our business is looking at digitization in the following areas,This will impact our team by,This will impact your work by,Id like you to,We need to consider,Heres how well prioritize,Illby,My expectations are,Lets follow up,or,One-way Communication,Print,Voice-mail,E-mail,Intranet,Bulletin board,Video,Two-way Communication,One-on-one meeting,Team meeting,Department meeting,Informal discussions,Web chat,How should you deliver the message?,The more change required, the more consistent, two-way communication youll need,Plan,Types of Vehicles,Type,Written,Samples,E-mails,Letters,Newsletters,Intranet,Online Chat,-Web chat,-Sametime,Use for,Broad dissemination,Documentation,Message reinforcement,Immediate,Broad dissemination,Message reinforcement,Q&A,Interaction,One-way,Can be one-way or two way,Verbal,One-on-one meetings,-Formal,-Informal,Group meetings,- Large or small,- Skip level,- Roundtable,- Walk the floor,Voicemail,Influence behavior/attitudes,Check for understanding,Recognition,Feedback/coaching,Influence behavior/attitudes,Check for understanding,Recognition,Urgent requests/information,Data “snippets”,Action to-do,Two-way,Two-way,One-way,Plan,Strategic Communication Process,If you dont reach a shared understanding,you have not communicated,Task,Tool,- Deliver the message- Agenda,- Meeting checklist,- Check for understanding- Informal discussion- Request action plan/priority list- Solicit feedback,Do,Team Meeting Checklist,Do,Message Checklist,Do,Strategic Communication Plan At a Glance,Do,Strategic Communication Process,Check the effectiveness of your communications and adjust your plan based on the feedback!,Task,Tool,- Assess the effectiveness ofindividual communications,Assess the effectiveness of your overall communications,- Plus/Delta,Informal discussion,Focus groups,GE Opinion Survey,Assessments,Pulse surveys,Check,Tools,Communications Plan Worksheet,Who doyou need to communicate to?,Your team,The business,Individuals,Customers,Business StrategyWhat is the purpose ortopic to be covered?,Specific Communication or EventWhat are the key messages that you want to drive toyour audiences?,Whatvehicleswill you use todistribute yourmessages to youraudiences?,Mod chat,email,all hands,webcast,one-on-one,mtg,How oftenwill youcommunicate?,weekly,monthly,quarterly,What willsuccess look like?,How willyou know when you get there?,-E-mail from biz leader,Training,Managers Minute,Mgr comm website,Performance reviews,When:,Frequency,Managers,All employees,Direct reports,HRMs,Improve Open and Honest Communication,Mgrs are the link in open and honest comm between the biz and employees,Improving mgr comm will increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and drive business goals,Comm is a core leadership competency,Business will use comm metrics in leadership, mgr performance evaluations,HRMs: You also will help support initiative across organization,Business is committed to improving open and honest communication,Will use comm metrics in leadership, mgr performance evaluations,-E-mail from biz leader,Training,Performance reviews,-E-mail from biz leader,Train-the-trainer,Performance reviews,-E-mail from biz leader,All-employee broadcasts,Focus groups,Progress updates,-1x,1x,Ongoing,-1x,1x,Monthly,Ongoing,Ongoing,-1x,1x,Ongoing,-1x,Bi-monthly,1x,Quarterly,GE Opinion Survey,Focus groups,Informal feedback,Retention of hi-potentials,GE Opinion Survey,GE Opinion Survey,GE Opinion Survey,Who:,Stakeholder/Audience,What:,Purpose/Topics/,Messages,How/Where:,Activity/Vehicles,Measurement:,How will you know if,you were successful?,Sample Initiative Communications Plan,Sample Communications Calendar,Thursday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday,5,12,19,26,September 2005,8-9 am direct report staff mtg,8-9 am direct report staff mtg,12-1 pm skip level luncheon,12-1 pm skip level luncheon,2-2:30 pm direct report 1 on 1: c. janus,2-2:30 pm direct report 1 on 1: a. cowel,8-9:30 am-monthly all hands mtg,9-9:30 am- walk floor,2-2:30 pm- walk floor,4-4:30 pm-walk floor,2-2:30 pm-walk floor,1-1:30 pm- walk floor,2-2:30 pm direct report 1 on 1: b. jones,2-2:30 pm direct report 1 on 1: r. smith,E-mail monthly progress report,Understand why and how strategic communication plays a key role in their effectiveness,Learn about the communications model and how to apply it with their work team or department,Develop measurable communication action plans that address both business and employee needs,Get started with practical tips and tools that can be put to immediate use,Managers Communications Toolkit,The Toolkit is designed to help GE managers:,Managers GEOS Toolkit,Create Your Own Plan,Whats Next,?,What Should You Do Next?,Post the GE Organizational Communication Model (Pie Chart) in your office,Keep copies of the Communications Planning Worksheet handy,Have your employees assess their communication needs and consider that feedback during your planning,Develop a folder or binder where you can keep and refer to your communication tools, plan your communications and track your progress,Develop and launch your plan!,YOU are,accountable,for effective employee communication,Understand,the importance of communication and,take appropriate action!,Approach communication,the same as other business deliverables:,Assess Plan Execute Measure,Remember,Results require your planning, action and commitment.,9,、,春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,日子像桃子一样甜蜜,。,9月-24,9月-24,Monday, September 16, 2024,10,、,人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例,。,20:51:59,20:51:59,20:51,9/16/2024 8:51:59 PM,11,、,夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学,。,9月-24,20:51:59,20:51,Sep-24,16-Sep-24,12,、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。,20:51:59,20:51:59,20:51,Monday, September 16, 2024,13,、,志不立,天下无可成之事,。,9月-24,9月-24,20:51:59,20:51:59,September 16, 2024,14,、,Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If Id gone alone, I couldnt have seen nearly as much, because I wouldnt have known my way about.,。,16 九月 2024,8:51:59 下午,20:51:59,9月-24,15,、,会当凌绝顶,一览众山小,。,九月 24,8:51 下午,9月-24,20:51,September 16, 2024,16,、,如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风,。,2024/9/16 20:51:59,20:51:59,16 September 2024,17,、,一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣,。,8:51:59 下午,8:51 下午,20:51:59,9月-24,谢谢观看,THE END,


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