英语:unit1 Tales of the unexplained-word power学案(牛津译林版必修2)

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英语:unit1 Tales of the unexplained-word power学案(牛津译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit1 Tales of the unexplained-Word power学案Language points:1.outer space and space exploration space 作“太空” 、“空间” 解释时为不可数名词,前面通常不加限定词e.g. From space ,the earth looks like a blue water-covered globe.他离开飞船在太空漫步._The door opened directly into space._There isnt much space left.This box takes up too much space.教室放不下60张桌子._2.explore vt. 探索,探险,堪探,钻研 to explore the Antarctic to explore oil e.g. He explored all the possible ways to solve the problem.exploration n.a journey of exploration into Antarctic space exploration oil exploration 3.By 1961,people were orbiting the earth.The moon travels in an orbit around the earth. orbit n.轨道 vt.把放入轨道,(绕轨道)运行卫星被送入轨道绕月球运行。_嫦娥一号正绕月运行Change I is _ .4. so far: up till now 到目前为止,迄今为止到目前为止,我们已经学了四年的英语。_,we _ English for 4 years.The newly-built railway reaches as far as the next town.远至,和一样远5.I guess some of you are dreaming of becoming an astronaut and traveling to space to carry out space exploration.n.When he was young, his dream was to become an actor. I had a strange/frightening dream last night. I saw her on a street in my dream.v. dream of (about)/that The soldiers often dream of home. I dreamed that I was back at school.dream of doing 梦想做你昨晚梦见什么了?_小时候我常梦想成为一名警察._carry out:实行;执行;进行 By the end of last month ,our factory had successfully carried out its production plan for this year. _这工作一旦开始,就必须完成。 _carry on:继续;进行;经营; 继续活动,进行下去6.If this comes true, youll probably travel by space shuttle.当 realize 作实现讲时,相当于 come true . 但 realize 是及物动词,后面必须跟宾语,有被动语态.而 come true 不及物,无被动语态,物作主语.He _his dream/hope at last.=His hope was _at last.His hope _at last.He came true his hope at last.His hope was came true at last.Khljx7. pick upWill you please pick up all the pieces of the cup?Please pick me up at the hotel tomorrow.I can pick up the TV programs clearly.He picked up the bad habit when young.(1) The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore. (2) Pick that book up. (3) Where did you pick up your technical skill? (4) If you go to England youll soon pick up English. (5) My radio can pick up VOA. (6) Well send the ambulance to pick him up. 8.In outer space astronauts cannot take off their spacesuitsThe flight for New York took off an hour ago.Take your hand off my shoulder.He always takes his mind off his lessons in class.You may take 2 days off since youre ill.Translate some phrases: 1.对某人做有关的演讲 2.很开心的干某事 3.太空和宇宙探险 4.第一颗人造卫星的发射 5.无人宇宙飞船 6.发射进太空 7.前苏联 8.在太空中旅行 9.从收集样品 10.发现生命的证据 11.迄今为止 12.科学研究13.梦想干某事 14.进行,开展 15.实现16.和分离17.落进海里18.捡起 19.在太空的一个基地 20.走出太空舱 21.脱掉(衣服) 22.在太空进行漫步 23.太阳系24.保护以免受伤害25给某人提供某物


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