六年级上册英语课件-Unit5 Signs (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit5 Signs (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)_第1页
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六年级上册英语课件-Unit5 Signs (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)_第2页
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六年级上册英语课件-Unit5 Signs (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)_第3页
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Grammar time & Fun time,Try to retell,(,四人小组,根据图片,简单复述,Story time),They see the sign ,at/in the_.,It means _you should/shouldnt_.,Quick respond,Ask & answer,同桌问答,Where ?,sign,What ?,shopping centre,juice shop,bookshop,restaurant,The floor is wet.,you cant litter.,you cant eat or drink.,you cant smoke.,A: Where can we see the sign?,B :We can see it in/at .,A:What does it mean?,B:,It means .,Grammar time,Grammar tip,:当主语是第三人称单数时,疑问句中的助动词用,does,,陈述句中的动词应该用三单形式。,Grammar tip,:情态动词的肯定或否定形式后加动词原形。,the floor is wet,“,Wet floor”,“,No eating or drinking”,you cant eat or drink,you cant smoke here,“,No smoking”,“,No littering”,you cant litter here,Grammar time,Learning tip,:,No,与动名词连用,意思是,“,禁止,”,或,“,请勿,”,,多用于公共标识,。,-smoking,smoke,littering,litter-,parking,park-,eat-eating,drink-drinking,Look and guess,No + doing,(动名词),标识的构成,No +,可数名词的复数,Imperative sentence,祈使句,Learn more signs,:,细心发现我们周围的公共场所有很多的标识,如商场指示图,公园的路牌。这些标识经常有英文表达,你能看懂吗?,No,pets,(宠物),School Zone,(学校区域),名词或名词短语,Keep off the grass,Be +,形容词,Be quiet,Quick respond,(,根据所指的图片迅速说出标识的英文名称),Learn more signs,Look at the signs carefully and try to find the differences.,(注意观察标识的,形状,和,颜色,,有什么不同?),Try to discover,Learning tips,不同形状,不同颜色的标识有不同的意思:,方形图标表示提示介绍;,三角形图标表示提醒警告;,圆形图标分红色和蓝色,红色表示禁令,蓝色表示指示。,Try to discover,Look and say,What do you want to say ? Give the sign to them!,(对于这些不文明的行为,你想对他们说什么?四人小组讨论),You shouldnt/ cant _ .,No _ .,6,Notice public signs,To be civilized people!,关注公共标识,力做文明人!,Suggestion,Think and write,What,_,it mean?,It _ you can,t _ in the restaurant.,2.,“,No _,”,means you can,t _ here.,3.What does the_ mean?,Be _! The _ is wet.,4. What does the sign_?,It means we _walk on the grass,(,草坪),.,5.There are lots of _ in the _ centre.,does,means,smoke,careful,sign,floor,mean,shopping,signs,can,t,littering,litter,Be quiet,(,四人一组,为我们的学校或公共社区完成设计一个公共标识,并在组内讨论。),Work in groups, Each group designs one sign for our school or public places, then have a discussion.,Fun time,:,Try to design,Have a discussion with your sign, then try to say.,(,小组讨论自己设计的标识,试着用下面的句子说一说。),Helpful sentences:,Look at my/our sign,What does this sign mean?,It means,Where can we put it?,We can put it at/in,Tip:,可以尝试用更丰富的语言哦!,Fun time,:,Try to say,Show the signs in class,(,各小组试着秀出自己的设计成果。,),Helpful sentences:,Look at my/our sign.,What does this sign mean?,It means,Where can we put it?,We can put it at/in,Tip:,可以尝试用更丰富的语言哦!,Try to show,Read and judge,It is Saturday morning. Su Hai and Su Yang are reading at a bookshop. A boy is laughing loudly. Su Yang points at the sign, says“ Shh! please be quiet !”. The boy feels sorry. Su Hai is thirsty, she wants to drink some juice. Then a shop assistant comes over. “Please dont drink here. Look at the sign on the wall.” Su Yang feels sorry, too.,It is time for lunch. Su Hai and Su Yang go into a snack bar. A worker is cleaning the floor. There is a sign at the door. Su Hai says “Be careful, Su Yang. The floor is wet”.,Su Hai and Su Yang take their food and drinks to the park. A man is sitting on the grass. “Look at the sign, please keep off the grass!”they say it together.,The twins,weekend,What signs can you find from the passage,?,1.The boy is drinking some juice in the bookshop .,2. There is a “ No eating or drinking” sign in the bookshop.,3. Su Hai and Su Yang see a “ No smoking” sign in the,snack bar.,4. The sign in the park means “keep off the grass”.,Different signs mean different things,.,(,不同的标志有不同的含义。,),We should be careful.,(我们要小心。),We should obey the rules.,(我们要遵守规则。),Without rules, nothing stands.,没有规矩,不成方圆,We must follow the public signs!,


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