六年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 I have a pen pal PC Story time 人教PEP版(共25张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 I have a pen pal PC Story time 人教PEP版(共25张PPT)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 4,I have a pen pal,C Story time,PEP7,Sharp eyes!,hobbies,danc,ing,read,ing,do,ing,kung fu,draw,ing,play,ing,football,sing,ing,play,ing,the,pipa,listen,ing to,music,fly,ing,kites,climb,ing,mountains,Pair work.,I like ,Whats your hobby?,A:,B:,Guess!,Zip like,s,hobby,Zip like,s,listening to stories.,Whats Zips hobby?,Story time!,Lets find!,Anything strange?,Its tail is,small,.,The,S,tory of the Tail,Watch and find.,看动画,找一找。,Name?,Where?,Hobbies?,Fill in the chart.,Name: _,Live in:_,Hobbies: _,_,Zac,forest,singing,and dancing,Name: _,Live in:_,Hobbies: _,_,Monkey King,forest,reading,books,Im the king of the forest!,Read, tick or cross,.,读,图,2,,判断正误。,Every day the Monkey King has to,give,the squirrels,gifts,. ( ),2. When the Monkey King is happy, the squirrels can,get food,from the forest. ( ),1. Every day the squirrels have to give the Monkey King gifts.,To make the Monkey King happy ,Monkey King, here are some,Oh ,I eating,You get food from my forest.,fruit!,_!,fruit!,_!,like,can,_,_,Role play.,Read and answer,.,读,图,3,,回答问题。,What else does Zac do?,2. Does the king like Zacs music?,Zac sometimes sings and dances.,No, he doesnt like Zacs music.,Listen and imitate,.,听,音,模仿。,Listen, memorize and guess,.,One day, Zac,sang,for the king.,The king was very angry and,shouted, Go away!”,Then he,threw,Zac out of the tree.,Zac,got up,and,looked at,his tail.,It was really bushy!,Zac,liked,his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels.,So from that day on, all squirrels tails were bushy.,Read the red words and find their friends,.,h,ou,se,cl,ou,dy,sing,shout,throw,get up,look at,like,Read and find the friends,.,过去式(用于描述过去发生的事),动词原形,like ,liked,look,looked,shout,shouted,sing,sang,throw,threw,get up,got up,One day, Zac,sang,for the king.,The king was very angry and,shouted, Go away!”,Then he,threw,Zac out of the tree.,Zac,got up,and,looked at,his tail.,It was really bushy!,Zac,liked,his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels.,So from that day on, all squirrels tails were bushy.,Read better!,Story time,What happens to Zacs tail?,It was _.,bushy,Bushy or not bushy?,Yes or No?,Do the squirrels like their new tails?,Why?,The bushy tail can help them _.,Watch and answer.,The bushy tail is really helpful!,Lets retell!,The Story of the Tail,两位同学一组,根据提示,用自己的语言复述故事。,Is this a true story?,Lets discuss!,We should,study extensively,博学之,inquire prudently,审问之,think carefully,慎思之,distinguish clearly.,明辨之,Never follow without thinking!,不盲从!,1.,跟读录音三遍,熟读课文;,2.,用自己的语言复述课文;,3.,改编课文,分角色演一演。,Homework,


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