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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Ways of Learning,Unit1,Ways of Learning,B R _,A Practical Experiment 1,The girl is given a hula hoop,with instructions,on how to use it.,A Practical Experiment,Two children are given hula hoops, a toy they are unfamiliar with.,The boy is given a hula hoop but,no instructions,.,What kind of outcomes do you expect?,The girl,learns,to keep the,hula hoop in,motion by,moving her body in,certain ways,.,B R _,A Practical Experiment 2,A Practical Experiment,Two children are given hula hoops, a toy they are unfamiliar with.,The boy,explores,the hoop and,discovers,its big enough to step through.,He then balances the hoop between two objects and practices kicking a ball through the hoop.,How do you comment on these two outcomes?,Both outcomes are good.,The girl,learns,a useful play skill.,The boy uses his hoop in a different, but equally,playful,way.,Which one do you think is better in,developing the childrens creativity,?,B R _,A Practical Experiment 3,A Practical Experiment,Two children are given hula hoops, a toy they are unfamiliar with.,G R _ Scanning1,Scanning,Scan paragraphs 1-5 and answer the following questions.,1.Where and when did the incident take place?,(,Jinling Hotel in Nanjing, spring 1987,),2.Who are the main charachers in this incident?,(,author, his wife Ellen, their son Benjamin, hotel staff,),3.What did the boy do?,(,He carried the key around, shook it, and tried to put it into the key slot.,),Key Box,G R _ Scanning1,Scanning,Scan paragraphs 1-5 and answer the following questions.,4.What is the attitude of the author and his wife toward Benjamins efforts in inserting the key into the slot?,(,They were happy to allow him to play / explore.,),5.What is the attitude of the hotel staff toward Benjamins efforts?,(,They,held his hand and taught,him how to insert the key correctly,),G R _ Scanning1,Scanning,Scan paragraphs1-5 and decide whether the following statements are true or false.,1.Benjamin was worried that he couldnt put the key into the box.,F,Benjamin was not bothered at all.,(,),2.In the Chinese staffs opinion, the parents should guide Benjamin to insert the key.,T,(,),3.The author and his wife didnt care whether Benjamin succeeded in inserting the key into the slot.,T,(,),G R _,Questions and Answers,1,Questions and Answers,1. How does the author introduce the topic in Text A?,In this text, the author introduces the topic by the,key-slot anecdote,(,轶事,).,There are several ways to introduce a theme.,1. Stating the topic directly.,2. Posing a question.,3. Quoting a famous saying.,4. Relating an anecdote or an incident.,G R _,Questions and Answers,2,2.Sum up the,contrast,between the attitude of the couple and that of the hotel staff toward Benjamins efforts in inserting the key into the slot.,The couple: let him,explore and enjoy,himself.,The hotel staff:,held his hand and taught,him how to insert the key correctly.,Contrast and comparison,A contrast brings out the differences,between two or more things of the same kind, while,a comparison the similarities,between them.,Useful Expressions in Part1,1. elementary school,小学,2. the most telling lessons,最难忘的体验,3. be attached to.,被系在,.,上,4. shake it vigorously,用力摇晃,5. tender age,年幼,6. be not bothered in the least,一点儿也不在意,7. find ones way,到达;进入,8. harmless exploratory behavior,没有害处的探索行为,9. interesting phenomenon,有趣的现象,10. lack of initial success,初试失败,Useful Expressions in Part1,11. attempt to assist,试图帮忙,12. insert/position/place the key,插入钥匙,13. somewhat expectantly,有所期待地,14. on occasion,偶尔,15. neglect parental duties,没有尽到当父母的责任,16. be directly relevant to.,与,.,直接相关,17. investigate sth.,调查,18. throw light on .,揭示;提供线索,Difficult sentences,But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.,(para.1),Difficult sentences,Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail.,(Para.3),Any Chinese staff member nearby would come over to watch Benjamin and noting his lack of initial success, attempt to assist.,(para.4),Difficult sentences,The “teacher” would then smile somewhat expectantly at Ellen or me, as if awaiting a thank you and on occasion would frown slightly, as if considering us to be neglecting our parental duties.,(para.4),G R _,Questions and Answers,1,Questions and Answers,1. Read the first sentence of both Para 6 and Para 7, and decide what,method of comparison and contrast,is used here.,Para6: Chinese colleagues show him what to do,Para7: Americans let the child explore and try to teach him to solve problems by himself.,One-side-at-a-time method.,(整体对比法),Points for Comparison/ Contrast,Chinese,Americans,1) Ways to learn to accomplish a task,2) Attitudes to creativity and skills,Show a child how to do sth.,Teach by holding the hand,Teach children that they should rely on themselves to solve problems,Comparison and contrast can be organized in two major ways:,One-side-at-a-time method (,整体对比法,),: examine one subject thoroughly and then start the other.,A1, A2, A3,.; B1, B2, B3,.,Point-by-point method (,逐项对比法,),: examine two subjects at the same time, discussing them point by point.,A1, B1; A2, B2; A3, B3;.,3. Read from Para 11 to Para 13. Which method of comparison and contrast is used here?,Point-by-point method.,Para 11,Priorities,Westerners:,boldest departures - tradition,Chinese:,tradition a point original,Para 12,Fears,Chinese:,skills creativity,Americans:,creativity skills,Para 13,Overstate,Chinese:,enormous creativity,The West:,a danger of exaggerate,Points for Comparison/ Contrast,Chinese,Americans,1) Ways to learn to accomplish a task,2) Attitudes to creativity and skills,Show a child how to do sth.,Teach by holding the hand,Teach children that they should rely on themselves to solve problems,Give priority to develop skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time.,Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later.,There are many ways to conclude an essay. How does the author end this text?,A) Restating the main points previously mentioned.,B) Proposing a solution.,C) Quoting from some book or person.,D) Predicting future developments.,Multiple Choice,E) Making a suggestion in the form of a question.,Useful Expressions in Para6-7,19. with a few exceptions,除了少数人,/,少数情况外,20. the ultimate purpose,最终目的,21. the desired action,要做的动作,22. a desirable outcome,所希望的结果,23. accomplish the task,完成任务,24. in due course,到时候,25. the critical point was that.,关键在于,.,26. solve a problem effectively,有效地解决问题,27. a principal value of child rearing,首要的一条育儿观,28. make up for a misdeed,弥补错误行为,G R _,Questions and Answers,2,2. Read Para8-10. Tell the main idea of this part.,Further study on the Chinese way of teaching children by holding their hands.,29. in retrospect,回想起来,30. it becomes clear to me that,我清楚地意识到,31. well-intentioned observers,善意的观察者,32. come to ones rescue,帮助某人,33. guide sb. with extreme facility and gentleness,极其熟练地、轻轻地引导,34. continual molding and shaping,不断地塑造和引导,35. apply (equally) to .,(同样)适用于,36. work on/at doing .,从事,做某事,Useful Expressions in Para11-13,37. reversal of priorities,颠倒了优先次序,38. boldest departure,大胆的背离(传统),39. be inseparable from.,离不开,40. evolve to.,发展到,41. summarize the position,概况立场,42. originality and independence,创新和自立,43. harbor fear,心怀担忧,44. no comparable hurry to do,不同样着急做,45. promote creativity,促进创造力的发展,46. emerge,出现,47. pick up skills,获得技能,Useful Expressions in Para11-14,48. overstate ones case,夸大其辞,49. enormous creativity,巨大的创造力,50. artistic innovations,艺术革新,51. exaggerate creative breakthroughs,夸大创新突破,52. assuming that the contrast is valid,假定对比是成立的,53. worthwhile goals,值得追求的目标,54. a superior way to .,更好的方式,Translation on Page19,1.,背离传统需要极大的勇气。,主语,谓语 宾语,to,make a departure,from the tradition,句型:,It + v. + (sth.) + to do .,It + be + adj. + to do.,It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.,Translation on Page19,汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。,Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was,bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.,or:,so bold that he could give,Translation on Page19,3.,很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。,(Many educators think that),It is,desirable,to foster the,creative,spirit in the child at an early age.,4.,Assuming (that) the painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it,s,worthwhile to,buy it?,5.,If the data is statistically,valid, it will,throw light on,the problem we are,investigating.,Translation on Page 20,To improve our English,it is,critical,to do,more reading, writing, listening and speaking.,Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important.,Without,an,enormous,store,of good English writing in your head you cannot,express yourself freely,in English.,(If you don not store an enormous amount of good English writing,),Translation on Page 20,It is also helpful to,summarize,our experience as we go along,for in so doing, we can,figure out,which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most,desirable,result,.,As long as,we keep,working,hard,on,it, we will,in,due,course,accomplish,the task,of mastering English.,6,7,1,2,8,9,3,4,10,5,Across,1. help to develop,2. join one thing to another,3. young, gentle,4. basic,5. a particular time,Down,6. very important,7. afraid,8. better than others,9. main, chief,10. extremely large,You probably think you will never be a student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better if he or she wants to. It is true that you may not be about everything that you study, but by using your time properly you may improve your grades without work. Heres how:,1. carefully. 2. Find a good place to study. 3. before you read.,A R _,Synonyms 1,Spot Dictation,scholar,_,top,_,enthusiastic,_,additional,_,Plan your time,_,Scan,_,4. your time in class. 5. Study,6. Develop about tests.,There are other that might help you with your studying. Only a few have been mentioned here. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.,Make good use of,_,regularly,_.,a good attitude,_,techniques,_,


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