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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Henry James,Features of James novels;,Some successful works;,The Jolly Corner,Features of James novels:,1,、,The international theme:,“The international theme” refers to the moral and psychological complications when the American innocence encountered the European sophistication,The typical Americans in James:,fresh, enthusiastic, eager to learn, and basically “good” , disregard of the conventions, stand for morality,The Europeans in James :,highly cultivated, elegant in manners, but sophisticated. stand for manners,2,、,His narrative with the limited point of view,He tells the story in the third person, but stays inside the confines of what is perceived, thought, remembered and felt mainly by a single character within the story, such as Strether in,The Ambassadors,(专使), Isabel Archer in,The Portrait of a Lady (,一个女士的画像,),3,、,psychological realism,Two examples:,1)“Art without life is a poor affair”; “the only reason for the existence of a novel is that it does attempt to represent life”, etc.,2) “It is art that makes life ”,Successful Works:,Roderick Hudson,(罗德里克,赫德森,,1875,),First full-length novel,A Passionate Pilgrim(,热衷游历的人,,1875),First book of short stories,Daisy Miller(,黛西,米勒,,1879),The Portrait of A Lady(,一个女士的画像,,1881),The American(,一个美国人,,1877),The Wings of the Dove(,鸽翼,,1902),The Golden Bowl(,金碗,,1904),The Bostonians(,波士顿人,,1886),The Jolly Corner,The Jolly Corner,is a short story by Henry James published first in the magazine,T,he English Review,of December, 1908. One of James most noted ghost stories, The Jolly Corner describes the adventures of Spencer Brydon as he prowls the now-empty,New York,house where he grew up. He encounters a sensation more complex than had ever before found itself consistent with sanity.,Key Themes:,This story treats a theme of nearly universal interest: the unlived life, the life a person,might,have had but didnt.,Attempts have been made to relate the story to Henry James own life. Certainly there are some parallels between the expatriate Brydon and the expatriate James. But too close an identification probably lessens rather than enhances the storys significance. In particular, likening the ghosts two lost fingers with the obscure hurt that James experienced during his late teens may well be too reductive and simplistic,短篇小说,欢乐的角落,(The Jolly Corner),写的是另外那个留在美国的詹姆斯变坏的可怕的幻象。毋宁说,他靠美国支援他辩证观点中的一个因素。那是一块神奇的土地,那里可能出现像米丽,塞尔那样的公主,那是他一度倾心的巳故表妹明尼,坦普尔的形象。事实上,詹姆斯一生都在文学的领域里寻找像他们那样的一个家庭,如果他能够在欧洲社会里找到一个类似的形象,他得把这个社会写得比实际的更先进;此外,他还得从他想像中的美国把明尼,坦普尔甚或他的近亲的灵性赋於欧洲社会。,金碗,鸽之翼,


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