泛读教程2 Unit 4课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Four,英语专业教研室,张燕华,zyhreading,Outline,Discussion,New lessons,1. Reading Skills,2.,The Lady on Pemberton Street,3. Exercises,Summary & assignments,Abstract from Michelles Speech,Studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future. Its also about,shaping the future,of your countries and of the world we all share.,出国留学绝不仅是改善你们自己的未来,也关乎塑造你们的国家、关乎我们共有的世界的未来。,And thats why it is so important for information and ideas to,flow freely over the internet and through the media.,同时,这也是为什么信息和思想在互联网上、以及通过媒体自由流动是如此重要。,Because thats how we discover the truth. thats how we learn whats really happening in our communities, our country and our world.,因为那是我们如何得以发现真相,.,那是我们如何得以了解我们的社群、国家和世界到底在发生着什么。,And thats,how we decide which values and ideas we think are best,一,by questioning and debating them vigorously,. by,listening,to all sides of every argument and by,judging for ourselves.,那也是我们如何解决我们认为那些价值观和思想是最好的,通过有力地对它们提出疑问,进行辩论,.,通过每次倾听争论中的所有各方,也通过我们自己进行判断。,Because,time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and,more prosperous,when the voices and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.,因为我们一次又一次地看到,当所有公民的声音和观点都能得到倾听的时候,国家会变得更加强大和繁荣。,But when it comes to expressing yourself freely, and,worshipping,as you choose,,,and,having open access to information,- we believe those are,universal rights,that are the birthright of every person on this planet.,然而,就自由地表达自我、选择自己所崇拜,以及享有信息公开而言,我们相信那些是这个星球上的每个人与生俱来的普世权利。,Homonym,Homonyms are words that are both alike and different.,They sound alike,when you say them, but,they have different spellings and different meanings,. Often, the differences in spelling are quite smallone or two letters may be different.,1,. counsel / council,He refused to listen to the old mans,counsel,.,the State,Council,2. complement /compliment,The two suggestions,complement,each other.,They gave us a,compliment,on our beautifully set table.,3. elicit / illicit,In one hour he had,elicit,ed,the truth.,an,illicit,association with his secretary,4.,principal / principle,Drinking is a,principal,cause of highway deaths.,Each side declared that it would never abandon its,principle,.,5.,stationary / stationery,Nothing is,stationary,.,I walk to,buy,a,ruler,in,the,stationery,shop.,6.,discrete /discreet,a government with three,discrete,divisions,You need to be,discreet,in giving advice, humble in accepting it.,Albert,DiBartolomeo,Albert,DiBartolomeo,is the author of the novels,The Vespers Tapes,and,Fools Gold,. He has written for,Readers Digest,Magazine,Philadelphia Magazine, The,Philadelphia Inquirer,and so on. He has been anthologized in the,Chicken Soup for the Soul,series and Human Ecology.,Block Captain,The,key,person,in any Neighborhood Watch group is the,Block Captain,. This person is an,essential,component to keeping the block actively involved in,crime prevention efforts,as well as the important process of,information exchange,between neighbors. Many Neighborhood Watch groups flourish, but some dwindle while others disappear totally. How successful they are depends on the Block Captain and the support he or she receives from neighbors.,a row house,(,联排式住宅),:,one of a series of identical houses situated side by side and joined by common walls.,Comprehending Questions,Who was Mable Howard?,What was a block captains function?,Why did the author use capitalized letter “BLOCK CAPTAIN” in Para. 7?,Why cant we put any trash out before 7 oclock?,5. What made us wake on our first morning on Pemberton Street?,6. To whom did the 3 dollars belong in the end?,7. Why did Mable ask me to repair the Alley Gate?,8. What did the neighbors do after the block cleaning?,9. Does Mable sweep every day this year? Why?,10. How did Mable Howard perform her duties?,11. Did Mable influence the author? How?,1.,The only place,within our means,was,a row house,on a little street called Pemberton.,means,: income or resource,to live within ones means,:,to base ones expenditure upon ones income:,量入为出地生活,to live beyond ones means,:,过着超过自已收入的生活,Language Points,Expressions,1.,means,:,income or resource,to live within ones means,:,to base ones expenditure upon ones income:,量入为出地生活,to live beyond ones means,:,过着超过自已收入的生活,2.,On the side,refers to work done or money earned apart from that coming from ones main occupation,(工作或收入)额外地,e.g. His nominal wage is fifteen pounds a week, but he makes a few pounds more,on the side,.,3.,scrawl,: scribble; write carelessly,Dont,scrawl,on the wall.,不要在墙上乱涂。,4.,abreast: alongside each other, facing in the same direction,We should,keep abreast with,the present state of science.,我们应当赶上现代科学的发展。,5.,Two weeks before, Mable,affixed,placards to,utility poles,admonish,ing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified.,提前两个星期,梅布尔就在,告示杆,上张贴了一张布告,敦促我们在指定的星期六把各自的汽车开走。,affix: attach,affix,a label,to,a bottle,admonish: advise or warn,Admonish,your friends in private, praise them in public.,在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。,6.,There was a certain,combativeness,in her voice, as if those who did not help had,sided with,the dark forces responsible for litter, decay and dilapidation.,她的声音带有某种好战情绪,似乎那些不供帮助的人都站到了黑暗势力一边,要对垃圾、腐败、倾颓负责。,To side with,: to put oneself on the same side as somebody.,e.g.,We shall,side with,the people.,我们应该站在人民一边。,7,.,That,incongruous,sight was soon,eclips,ed by a gushing,fire hydrant,and,phalanx,es of neighbors pushing brooms to work the water and dirt down the street.,在消防水龙头冲洗和邻居们组成的大扫除方阵的努力下,街道上的污水和灰尘被清扫干净了,原先那种不协调的景象很快就消失了。,A fire hydrant,is a pipe from,a water main,for street-cleaning, putting out fires etc.,消防栓,Phalanx,es,is a body of soldiers in close formation for fighting (,方阵,).,These remarks dont have any relationship to the problem at hand; they are,incongruous,and should be deleted from the record.,这些话与眼下的问题无关,它们是不恰当的,应从记录中删除。,8. Mable seemed to be everywhere at once, calling,directives,.,梅布尔好像总能突然出现在任何地方进行,指导,。,directive,: an instruction; order,He gave the workers precise,directives,about what to do and how to do it.,关于做什么和怎样做,他给工人们作了明确的指示。,9. I found myself wiping down the sign that,proclaim,ed Mable block captain.,我在擦洗宣布梅布尔为街区监督员的布告牌。,proclaim,:declare formally; declare someone to be something,The government has,proclaimed,a new law.,政府已公布了一项新法令。,10. even though I am more,in Mables debt,than she is in mine.,即使我欠她的比她欠我的多。,in debt/out of debt,He is heavily,in debt,at the moment, hoping to be,out of debt,when he gets paid.,我现在负债累累,但希望拿到工资后就能把债务还清。,Discussion,How does the author describe Mable Howard? What do you learn from her?,She swept in light rain. She swept in winds that scattered leaves. She swept snow.,“You have to let her pay you, otherwise, she wont sleep at night.,behavior,others comments,There was,more,crime,than we had been exposed to in the past. But our block seemed okay.,“,Im block captain,”,“,Trash day is on Tuesdays,.”,observation,words,Two weeks before, Mable,affixed,placards to,utility poles,admonish,ing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified. On Friday, she reminded everyone again.,Mable seemed to be everywhere at once, calling directives.,behavior,behavior,Review what we learned today.,Finish Fast reading and Home reading.,Preview Unit 5.,Prepare reading report about one of your favorite persons.,Summary & Assignments,Thank You,


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