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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,导语:朵拉在我们公司是最美的一位员工了,很多单身男士都曾对她有过想法,包括我。当我了解她与男朋友之间的事情之后,我只觉得,也许我要找的那个女孩子,根本不是她。今天无意间,遇见朵拉和他的新男友走出小区,她穿着迷人的紫色短裙,把她纤细的腰肢勾勒得分外妖娆,抹着淡淡的桃红色唇彩,使得嘴唇看起来,如亮晶晶的两月果冻,画着淡淡的金色眼影,眨眼间仿佛星星一闪一闪,披肩的柔顺长发随风摇摆,像弱柳扶风,她就这么轻飘飘地走入了我的视线,我想任何男子对于这样的女子都没有抵抗力吧,我想对他身边的男子更具杀伤力,他旁边已经不是憨厚强壮的小田,而是一个干瘦的英俊青年,小伙子穿着时尚,只是眉眼间笼着一层阴影,我想是长期睡眠不佳所致,给人颓废之感。他们一前一后走着,并没有牵手,但看着朵拉笑靥如花的模样,我就断定此人就是她的新男友了。朵拉算是我们公司最美的员工了,刚进公司,就成了所有单身男士谈论的焦点,尽管如此,却没有一个本单位的男士,对她伸出魔爪,我们俩是同一批进的公司,所以彼此知根知底,知道她刚进公司前就有了男朋友小田。她和小田在大学相识,从大二确立关系,一直到毕业感情都很好,但朵拉早就计划来海南工,译林英语六年级下册,Unit 2 Good habits,(Sound time & Cartoon time),Try to recite “,Good habits,”,WangBing is a good boy .,He has many,good habits,.,He,gets up early,in the morning and,never,goes to bed late,.,He,brushes his teeth,in the morning and,before bedtime.,At home, Wang Bing always,puts his things in order.,He usually,finishes his homework,before dinner.,Try to recite “,Good habits,”,LiuTao is a good boy too.,He,listens to his teachers,at school.,He also,does well,at home.,He,keeps his room clean and tidy,.,He also,helps his parents,.,But Liu Tao has some,bad habits,.,He often,does his homework,late,at night,and,does not,go to bed early,.,He sometimes,feels sleepy,in the morning.,Try to recite “,Good habits,”,Wang Bing and Liu Tao are friends.,Wang Bing,knows,Liu Tao,well,.,Did you go to bed late,last night, Liu Tao?,Yes, but Im not sleepy. I can,walk fast,.,Ouch!,You,shouldnt,go to bed late, LiuTao.,Lets learn,or,/:/,Lets read,Tip:,Read in four.,四人齐读,。,Tip:,Find and discuss in four. 摘下or字母组合发/:/的苹果。,f,or,ty,m,or,ning,c,or,n,doct,or,w,or,ld,act,or,w,or,k,or,n,or,th,p,or,k,or,n,or,th,c,or,n,f,or,ty,p,or,k,m,or,ning,or,/:/,doct,or,w,or,ld,act,or,w,or,k,Lets think,/,/:/,Tinas house,Miss Rabbit and Mr. Duck come to Tinas house. They go into the house.,Cartoon time,How many rooms do they talk about? What are they?,Listen and answer,Three.,They are a living room, Tinas bedroom and Bobbys bedroom.,Tips:,1. Read and underline the information. 读并标记所需信息。,Room,A living room,Tinas bedroom,Bobbys bedroom,big and clean,small but nice,messy and dirty,Go into the house.,How is it?,Tip:,Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.模仿语音语调。,Watch and repeat,Lets read,Tip:,Choose one to read in four. 选择一种四人练习。,1.Read it together.,2.Each student,reads a sentence.,3. Read in roles.,自己分配角色,。,Bobby has bad habits. He often makes his bedroom messy and dirty.,Tip:,Give some suggestions to Bobby. 提建议。,Help Bobby.,Bobby, you should .,Today,we took some _ and _to Tinas _. Firstly, we _ _ the living room. Its _and _. Then we went into_ bedroom. Its _ but _. At last we went into _ _. Its _ and _. There were a lot of _ and _ on the floor. Tina was very _ because Bobby had _ habits. She told Bobby that he should _ everything _ _. I thought he should _ , _, and _.,Write a diary.,house,went,into,clean,big,small,nice,Bobbys,bedroom,messy,dirty,books,toys,angry,bad,put,in,order,Tip:,Write three suggestions to Bobby.,Thursday, Dec.11,th,flowers,apples,Tinas,Homework,2. Tell the story to your parents.,1.Read sound time and the story three times,.,Thank you!,


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