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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/12/8,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/12/8,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/12/8,#,劳作殉道者,焊接,(,v.,),润滑,(,v.,),猛拉,(,v.,),断裂肋骨,楔入,(,v.,),公鸡啼叫,推理的,调停者,同盟者,叛逆行为,性别束缚,缕缕光线,女性冤情,供调遣,据说,(,adv.,),冷酷严峻,穿越,(,v.,),征用,(,v.,),男人欺凌,我的困惑,Martyrs of labor,我的推理,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,脊椎受伤,rooster crow,wedge,weld,lubricate,wrench,broken rib,spinal injuries,shafts of light,female grievance,mens bullying,My bafflement,run errands,levy,allegedly,陌生世界,alien world,解放,(,v.,),emancipate,男人特权,My deduction,traverse,bleak and grim,bonds of sexism,rebellion,mediator,ally,deductive,privileges of men,爱国主义,patriotism,Topic?,The status of male laborers,crow,grievance,martyr,shaft,wrench,It is almost impossible for the victims of fate to _ themselves from its grasp.,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,Her smile, like a brilliant _ of sunlight, burst through the doorway of my inner world.,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,wrench,shaft,crow,grievance,martyr,shaft,wrench,When you _ over your boom in life, it may be the aura of your doom.,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,For years shes nursed a _ against her parents who were strict with her.,grievance,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,crow,crow,grievance,martyr,shaft,wrench,Few of those who promise to be _ to love will remain true to their word.,martyrs,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,errand,rebellion,deductive,emancipate,mediator,To keep up with the flow of times, we need to _our minds from the old ways of thinking.,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,When ones life goes wrong, one tends to feel _ against anything around.,rebellious,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,emancipate,errand,rebellion,deductive,emancipate,mediator,Deep down, she knew she was going on a fools _; but she did not change her mind.,errand,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,Whatsoever is validly derived from each other is also _from one another.,deducible,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,errand,rebellion,deductive,emancipate,mediator,It was through his _ that the dispute between the two parties was settled.,mediation,B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Extr. & App.,Background,Video Watching,Jotter,1. alien,(Para. 6),Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,a.,1. very different from what you are used to, esp. in a way that is difficult to understand or accept,陌生的,2. (,only before noun,) from a different country, race, or culture,外国的;异域的;异族的,3. (,only before noun,) relating to a planet other than earth, or relating to a creature from a planet other than earth,外星球的;外星人的,Task 2,Detailed learning of key vocabulary,Part-translation,作为一个女孩子,成为一名宇航员对于我的家人和邻居来说是不可想象的事情。,儿童可能比成人更容易适应外国文化。,男人们认为女人是某种外星生物。,1.As for a girl, becoming an astronaut _ my family and neighbors.,2.It may be easier for children to _ than for adults.,3.Men believe that women are a certain _.,adapt to an alien culture,alien creature,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,would seem alien to,2. lightweight,(Para. 6),a.,1.,weighing less than other things of the same type,重量轻的;薄型的,Translation:,你去远足的时候,像睡袋这种轻的物品应该放在行李袋的最上面,拿出来放进去都方便。,When you go hiking, lightweight items like sleeping bags should go high in your bag, where theyre easy to take out and put back.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,2. lightweight,(Para. 6),a.,2.,not serious or important,轻松的;不重要的;无足轻重的,Translation:,这个女孩,被认为是团队里一名无足轻重的成员。,The girl was considered as a lightweight member of the team.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,3. cater to sb. / sth.,(Para. 6),provide people with sth. they want or need, esp. sth. unusual or special,迎合;满足;投合,Translation:,这本杂志十分迎合年轻职业女性的需要。,The magazine caters well to young career women.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,4. racket,(Para. 7),n.,1.,sing. (,infml.,) a loud noise,吵闹声;喧嚷声,Translation:,听到门上一阵声响,我很惊讶。那听起来不像是敲门声,倒像是打架。,I was surprised when a racket broke out at my door. It sounded more like a fight than a knock,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,4. racket,(Para. 7),n.,2.,C an object used for hitting the ball in games such as tennis, with a long handle and a round part with strings,(网球等的)球拍,Translation:,这里免费提供网球拍和网球。,Tennis rackets and balls are all provided for free here.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,4. racket,(Para. 7),vi.,(, about,),喧哗;大声吵闹,Translation:,孩子们总是在院子里吵吵闹闹的。,The children always racket about in the courtyard.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,5. emancipate,(Para. 7),vt.,(,fml.,),give freedom and rights to sb.,解放;使不受束缚,Translation:,她认为女性需要解放自己,并且使自己尽可能独立。,She thinks women need to emancipate themselves and give themselves as much independence as they can.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,5. emancipate,(Para. 7),emancipation,n.,(从束缚、支配下) 解放,e.g. the emancipation of women,Translation:,18,岁时,我上了大学,从父母的束缚中解放了出来。,When I was 18, I went to college and got emancipated from my parents.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,emancipate sb. from sth.:,free sb. from sth.,使,摆脱;使,不受束缚,Productive Pattern ,As such things are never / seldom spoken of,X,does not realize,Y,.,Context II,由于此类事情从未谈及,你就意识不到平凡人也常常会过出不平凡的人生,。,In this context,X,= “,you,”, and,Y,= “,how often ordinary people live an extraordinary life,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,As such things are never spoken of,you,dont realize,how often ordinary people live an extraordinary life.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,No.,Chinese,English,1,2,3,4,5,自给自足的,off the grid,勉强维持生活,scrape by,从,中提取,extract sth. from sth.,跑腿,run errands,满足;投合,cater to sb./sth.,B. Extraction & Application of Lexical Collocations,短语逆译,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,No.,Chinese,English,6,7,8,9,10,安然度过,come through,吵闹;喧嚣,make a racket,使,摆脱,emancipate sb. from sth.,有发言权,have a say on / over sth.,注定的,be destined to,B. Extraction & Application of Lexical Collocations,短语逆译,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 1,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,off the grid,把所有因素都考虑进去,现代人很难过自给自足的生活,。,意群提示,with all factored in; the modern man,With all factored in, it is hard for the modern man to live,off the grid,.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,off the grid,Phrase 1,很难想象在,2016,年还能有人可以与世隔绝地生活,。,意群提示,it is hard to imagine that,It is hard to imagine that someone can realistically live,off the grid,in 2016.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Phrase 2,Lexical Collocation ,scrape by,那年冬天,粮食供应被切断后,伤病员靠吃野菜渡过了难关。,意群提示,cut off; manage to do sth.; on wild herbs,When food supplies were cut off that winter, the sick and wounded soldiers managed to,scrape by,on wild herbs,.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,scrape by,Phrase 2,智者纳闷,啃老族的父母一旦过世,他们靠什么度日,。,意群提示,the best mind; the boomerang kids; pass away,The best mind wonders what the boomerang kids will,scrape by,on once their parents pass away .,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 3,Lexical Collocation ,extract sth. from sth.,民族设计的生命力取决于其汲取民族文化精髓的多少,。,意群提示,the vitality of national designs; depend on; national culture,The vitality of national designs depends on how much essence they have,extracted from,national culture.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,extract sth. from sth.,Phrase 3,你能从你的大学生活中获取什么去破解工作中的难题?,意群提示,crack the hard nuts in work,What can you,extract from,your college life to crack the hard nuts in work?,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 4,Lexical Collocation ,run errands,他宁愿为明人跑腿,也不愿为蠢人主事。,意群提示,would rather than ; take charge of affairs,Hed rather,run errands,for the wise than take charge of affairs for the stupid.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,run errands,Phrase 4,常言道,跑跑腿不如动动嘴。,意群提示,as,the saying goes; give lip service,As the saying goes, it is always better to give lip service than to,run errands,.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 5,Lexical Collocation ,cater to sb. / sth.,在当代西方社会,快速变化的时尚迎合了人们追求新奇和个性的需求,。,意群提示,contemporary western world; peoples desire for novelty and individualism,In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles,caterto,peoples desire for novelty and individualism,.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,cater to sb./sth.,Phrase 5,我们的文艺应该为人民群众所喜闻乐见,。,意群提示,literature and art; popular taste,Ourliteratureandartoughtto,caterto,populartaste.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 6,Lexical Collocation ,come through,只要全中国人民团结起来,中华民族就可度过任何艰难险阻,。,意群提示,the Chinese nation; any hardships and dangers; hang together as a whole,The Chinese nation will,come through,any hardships and dangers as long as the Chinese people hang together as a whole.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,come through,Phrase 6,他总在想什么能使他度过多舛的人生?,意群提示,dwell on; ones tortuous life,He dwells on what will enable him to,come through,his tortuous life.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 7,Lexical Collocation ,make a racket,他们在外面吵闹,弄得我无法入睡,。,意群提示,such.that; get to sleep,They were,making,such,a racket,outside that I couldnt get to sleep.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,make a racket,Phrase 7,规矩点,不要在公共场合喧哗。,意群提示,behave oneself; in public,Behave yourself and dont,make a racket,in public.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 8,Lexical Collocation ,emancipate sb. from sth.,她认为女性要从旧的束缚中自我解放出来,并且使自己尽可能,独立。,意群提示,hold the viewpoint; old restrictions; much independence,She holds the viewpoint that women need to,emancipate,themselves,from,old restrictions and give themselves as much independence as they can.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,emancipate sb. from sth.,Phrase 8,为使我们从旧的观念中解放出来,我们需接受新事物。,意群提示,old concepts; keep ones mind open to new things,To,emancipate,ourselves,from,old concepts, we need to keep our minds open to new things.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 9,Lexical Collocation ,have a say on / over sth.,国家事务要搞“群言堂”,不搞“一言堂”,。,意群提示,state affairs,Letall,haveasay over,the state affairs,notjustone.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,have a say on / over sth.,Phrase 9,没有调查就没有发言权,。,意群提示,Where there is there is ; no investigation of sth.; no right to do sth.,Where there is no investigation of something there is no right to,have a say over,it.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Phrase 10,Lexical Collocation ,be destined to,常言道:“不是冤家不聚头。”,意群提示,as the saying goes,“Enemies and lovers,are destined to,meet,” as the saying goes.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Patterns,Jotter,Lexical Collocation ,be destined to,Phrase 10,在知识爆炸的时代,不学无术的人注定生活艰辛,。,意群提示,in an era of knowledge explosion; an ignoramus; lead a hard life,In an era of knowledge explosion, an ignoramus,is destined to,lead a hard life.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Extr. & App.,Writing Device,Productive Patterns,Jotter,“,They drowned their livers in beer from cheap copper mugs at a bar near the local brewery or racecourse.,” (Para. 1, Text) is declarative knowledge. To make it possible to use creatively, however, we have to convert it into a productive pattern as follows:,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,A. Extraction & Application of Productive Patterns,Productive Pattern I,X,drowns,Y,in,Z,; where,X,Y,and,Z,are variables that vary from context to context.,应用提示,用于“,描述处事方式,”,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,Productive Pattern ,X,drowns,Y,in,Z,.,Context I,借酒浇愁,愁更愁。,In this context,X,= “,he who,”,Y,= “,his sorrow,”, and,Z,= “,liquor,”;,愁更愁,:,gets his sorrow doubled,. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,He who,drowns,his sorrow,in,liquor gets his sorrow doubled.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,“,There were times, studying them, when I dreaded growing up.,”,(Para. 2, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,A. Extraction & Application of Productive Patterns,Productive Pattern II,There are times when,X,does / is,Y,; where,X,and,Y,are variables that vary from context to context, while “,does / is,” stands for any verb available in the given context.,应用提示,用于“,描述事物常态,”,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,There are times when,X does / is Y,.,Context I,有时候,人需要憧憬幸福的明天。,In this context,X,= “,one,”,Y,= “,happy days to come,”, and “,does / is,” = “,need to long for,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,There are times when,one needs to long for happy days to come.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,There are times when,X does / is Y,.,Context II,有时候,人要反思自己的价值观和生活态度。,In this context,X,= “,one,”,Y,= “,ones values and attitudes toward life,” and “,does / is,” = “,should reflect on,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,There are times when,one should reflect on ones values and attitudes toward life.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,This is what,X,is for ,X does / is Y,.,Context II,这就是榜样的作用,他们可为我们日常行为的楷模。,In this context,X,= “,the good examples,”,Y,= “,the role models to our actions in daily life,” and “,does / is,”= “,serve as,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,This is what,the good examples,are for, they serve as the role models to our actions in daily life.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,“,I could no more imagine growing up to become one of these sophisticated people than I could imagine becoming a sovereign prince,.,”,(Para. 4, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,A. Extraction & Application of Productive Patterns,Productive Pattern IV,X,could no more,do / be Y,than,X,could,do / be Z;,where,X,Y,and,Z,are variables that vary from context to context, while “,do,/,be,” stands for any verb available in the given context.,应用提示,用于“,进行事物类比,”,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,X,could no more,do / be Y,than,X,could,do / be Z,.,Context I,他无法改变她的性格,就像他无法让太阳从西边升起一样。,In this context,X,= “,he,”,Y,= “,her character,” and,Z,= “,the sun,rise in the west,”, and “,do / be,” = “,change,” as well as “,have,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,He,could no more,change her character,than,he,could,have the sun rise in the west.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,X,could no more,do / be Y,than,X,could,do / be Z,.,Context II,我无法失去你的爱,就像我无法度过没有阳光的漫漫冬季一样。,In this context,X,= “,I,”,Y,= “,your love,”, Z = “,a long winter without sunlight,” and “,do,/,be,” =,“lose,” as well as “,get through,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,I,could no more,lose your love,than,I,could,get through a long winter without sunlight.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,“,No doubt, had I taken a more deductive look at their lives, I would have envied them less.,” (Para. 6, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,A. Extraction & Application of Productive Patterns,Productive Pattern V,No doubt, had,A done / been B, A,/,C,would have,done / been D,; where,A,B,C,and,D,are variables that vary from context to context, while “,done/been,” stands for the past participle of any verb available in the given context.,应用提示,用于“,对事物的反省,”,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,No doubt, had,A done / been B,A / C,would,have,done / been D,.,Context II,毋容置疑,如果人们重视一个个小改变,那就可期待未来的大惊喜,。,In this context,A,= “,people,”,B,= “,one small change after another,”,A / C,= “,they,”,D,= “,a great surprise in time to come,”, and “,done / been,” = “,made much of,” as well as “,looked forward to,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,No doubt,had,people made much of one small change after another, they,would have,looked forward to a great surprise in time to come.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,“,As such things were never spoken of, I did not realize how often women suffered from mens bullying.,” (Para. 6, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,A. Extraction & Application of Productive Patterns,Productive Pattern VI,As such things are never / seldom spoken of,X,does not realize,Y,; where,X,and,Y,are variables that vary from context to context.,应用提示,用于“,表述未意识到的事物,”,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,As such things are never / seldom spoken of,X,does not realize,Y,.,Context I,他没有意识到好心也会办坏事,因为这样的事情很少被提及过。,In this context,X,= “,he,”, and,Y,= “,how likely his good intentions were to serve the devil,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,As such things were seldom spoken of, he,did not realize,how likely his good intentions were to serve the devil.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,Productive Pattern ,As such things are never / seldom spoken of,X,does not realize,Y,.,Context II,由于此类事情从未谈及,你就意识不到平凡人也常常会过出不平凡的人生,。,In this context,X,= “,you,”, and,Y,= “,how often ordinary people live an extraordinary life,”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,As such things are never spoken of,you,dont realize,how often ordinary people live an extraordinary life.,Warming-Up,Text Reading,Essay Writing,Further Dev.,LexicalCollocations,Jotter,1,勉强度日,2,看得见的或看不见的,3,长期遭受着持续劳作的病痛,4,唯一的归宿,5,遥远而不真实,6,我社交圈子里极其难得的荣耀,7,艰险残酷、伤痕累累的生活,scrape by,visible and invisible,to be the martyrs of constant work,the only destiny,remote and unreal,a rare enough feat in my social circle,grim and wounded life,8,用更具理性的方式审视,9,从,束缚中解放出来,10,跑腿,11,迎合;满足;投合,12,吵闹;喧嚣,13,同样苍白和严酷,14,(有)发言权,to take a more deductive look


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