新目标人教版九年级英语Unit13 Section B课件优秀版

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,九年级,Unit,13,We are trying to save the earth,.,Section B 1a-3b,What can we do to help save the,planet?,Rank these items from the easiest (1) to the,most difficult (5),1a,_,stop riding in cars,_,recycle books and paper,_,turn off the lights when,you leave a room,_,turn off the shower while,you are washing your hair,_,dont use paper napkins,1b,Compare your answers in,1a with,your,partner.,A: Recycling paper is really easy.,B: I agree.,But,its hard to stop riding in cars.,1c,Listen,and,check ().,Things Julia and jack talk about,Things Julia is doing now,Things Julia will do in the future,Things Julia would never do,_ turn off the lights,_turn off the shower,_not using paper napkins,Things Julia and jack talk about,Things Julia is doing now,Things Julia will do in the future,Things Julia would never do,_ taking your own bags when shopping,_not riding in cars,_ riding a bike,_recycling paper,1d,Listen again. Check () the things that Julia is doing now, the things,she will do in the future and the things she would never do.,Never do-turn off the shower; not riding in cars, riding a bike,Doing now-turning off the light,Will do-taking your owm bags when shopping,A: We really shouldnt use paper napkins,you know.,B: I know. I stopped using them last year.,Make a conversation using the information from the chart above. Say,what is true for you.,1,e,A: We really should,take our own bag when go shopping.,B: I know. I,have a set of bags of different sizes, so every time I choose biger one or smaller one when I go shopping,.,Look at the title and the pictures in 2b. Can you guess what the passage,is about?,2a,Its about how people can think of creative ways to use things that are no longer wanted.,Read the passage and complete the chart,below.,2b,UNDERSTANDING PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES,Recognize how prexes and sufxes,may change the meanings of words,and how they are used.,Do you often throw away things you,dont need anymore? Have you ever,thought about how these things can,actually be put to good use? Nothing is a,waste if you,have a creative mind,.You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes, but,she is a most unusual woman. She lives in a house,in the UK that she,built herself out of rubbish.,Rethink, Reuse, Recycle!,The windows and doors come from old buildings,around her town that were pulled down. The top,of the house is an old boat turned upside down.,And the gate in front of her house is made of,rocks and old glass bottles. Amy recently won a,prize from the Help Save Our Planet Society. The president said, “Amy is an,inspiration,to us all.”,Amy isnt the only one,who is good at recycling.,Jessica Wong from Hong Kong uses old clothes that,people dont wear anymore to make bags. She has,been doing this for a few years now. She opened a,small shop where she sells her bags, and she has also,set up a website to sell them online. She especially,likes to use old jeans to make handbags. Her bags are,cute and useful. “I plan to write a book about new,ways to use old clothes,” she said.,“I hope people can read my,book and enjoy it!”,Wang Tao set up a small business in Shanghai four years ago. He is known for using,iron and other materials from old cars to make beautiful art pieces.,Some are large pieces that look like animals or humans, and,some are smaller pieces you can put at home. The more popular,works can even been seen in art shops around the city. Wang,Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” theme park to show people,the importance of environmental protection,.,Not only can the,art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold,hard iron can be brought back to life with a litt le creativity.,Name,s,Whats materials did they use?,What did they make?,Amy Hayes,Jessia Wong,Wang Tao,Name,Whats materials did they use?,What did they make?,Amy Hayes,windows and doors of old bulidings that have been pulled down,an old boat,rocks,old glass bottles,a house,Name,Whats materials did they use?,What did they make?,Jessia Wong,old clothes, especially old jeans,bags,Wang Tao,iron and other materials from old cars,beautiful art pieces,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.,2c,put to good use,build . out of,pull,down,set up,known for,not only . but also,1. Amy Hayes lives in the UK. Many of,the old buildings in her neighborhood,were,_,.,2. All the rubbish and old things in,Amys neighborhood were then,_,when Amy built her house.,pull,down,put to good use,3. Amy is very creative and she,_,her front,gate,_,rocks and old glass bottles. She put,an old boat on top of her house.,4. Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small,shop, but she has also,_,an online business,to sell them.,5. Though Jessicas bags are made from old,clothes,her bags are,_,being cute,and,useful.,6. Wang Tao,_,makes large pieces of metal,art,that look like,animals or humans,_,makes,smaller pieces for the home.,built,out of,set up,known for,not only,but also,Underline the words in the passage based on the words below. What are,the differences?,2d,think,use,usual,actual,build,create,special,recent,environment,important,protect,inspire,recent,environment,important,protect,inspire,Make a list of things that need to be done to save the environment.Which things can be done by regular people every day? Which things,have to be done by governments and organizations? Discuss these with,your group.,2e,Things which can be done by people every day:,take your own bags when you go shopping.,spend less time in the shower,turn off the lights when you leave a room,take public transport rather than drive,avoid using air conditioners,Things which have to be done by governments and organizations:,educate the public,ensure that factiries get rid of waste in a responsible way,preserve the forests,preserve endangered species,not allow activities that seriously endanger the environment,Think about the environment in your town,/,city,and complete the chart below.,3a,1.,Which parts of the town or city have a nice,environment and why?,2.,Which parts may be less nice and need to,be improved? Why?,3a,Good environment,Why?,Central park,clean,greenery,fresh air,nice to look at,quiet and peaceful,Bad environment,Why?,Rubbish disposal areas at the bottom blocks,rubbish spilling out of bins,bad smells,unsightly,unhealthy,full of pests like rats, insects, cockroaches,Write a letter to the city mayor about the problem,s and your suggestions.,I think that .,We should/could.,I suggest.,3b,In your letter, describe the environmental problems in your town/city.,What are the problems?,Where are they?,What or who os causing there,problems?,then, give suggestions or possible ways to solve the problems.,Writing tips,Dear Sir/Madam,I have lived in this town ever since I was,born and i love this town very much.,I think that there are beautiful areas in this,town, but there are also areas that arent,attractive, like,the rubbish disposal areas at,the bottom of our apartment blocks,. there is,rubbish coming out of the bins, and flies,cockroaches and rats running all over the,rubbish.,It is unpleasant to,look at, smelly,and it,makes the environment very unhealthy,.,the ploblem is there because the rubbish collectors do not come often enough to collect the rubbish. the people living here may also be throwing away too much rubbish.,We could try to ask,people to produce less rubblsh,. I sugest that,rubbish collectors collect rubbish more often as well,.,I believe that a better environment can be created in this town and we could all work together to acheive it.,Your faithfully,Wang Xi,Circle,可数名词,意为 “,圆圈,”,也可表示,具有共同兴趣爱好或职业等的 “阶层;圈子;,界”,.e.g.,The children stood in a circle around the fire.,He is well-known in theatrical circles.,Circle,还有动词的意思,表示“圈出”。,Please circle the correct answer.,Language Points,Not only but also,意为 “,不但,而且,”,遵循一下三个原则,(a),并列连词,连接两个并列成分,其中,also,可以省略。,(b),主谓一致原则:,not onlybut also.,连接两个,主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上要与,but also,的主语保持一致。,Language Points,(c) 倒装原则:not onlybut also连接两个并列分句时, not only 置于句首,表示强调,其引导的句子要用,部分倒装,,即将谓语动词的一部分(情态动词,助动词等)放在句子的前面,而but also后的句子用正常语序。,Not only he but also,I am,interested in pop music.,Not only,do I,feel good about helping people, but also I get to spend time doing what I love to do.,need doing=need to be done,需要被,现在,分词,doing,表被动“需要被做”,相当于,need,to be done,。,My watch needs repairing. =My watch needs,to be repaired.,我的表需要修了。,need,后加不定式,证明,need,为实义动词,而,非情态动词,这时,need,有人称和数的变化,。,He needs to get up early.,他需要早起。,辨析:,need to be done; need doing,与,need to do,例句:,S,omething is wrong with my car.,I,t needs _.,A. repairB. to repair,C. repairing,D. to be repair,解析:need to be repair= need repairing,表示头发该收拾了。,cause,用作动词,当“,引起,造成,使得,”讲。一般指引起或造成不好的结果。,cause sb.,sth.=,cause sth.,to sb,.(,后接间接宾语,+,直接宾语,),为固定用法。,He caused his parents much trouble.=,He caused much trouble to his parents.,他给父母带来很多烦恼。,例,句,:,I,t caused him lots of worries.,I,t caused lots of worries _ him.,to,自我练习,用方框中词的适当形式完成下面的句子。,1. Mr. Wang is the _,_,_ of the company.,2. The young man likes Lu Xuns _.,3. Could you please give me a _,_,_ of water?,4. Tom! Someone is waiting for you at the school _.,5. We should _,_,_ garbage, not burn it,recycle,gate,bottle,president,work,president,works,bottle,gate,recycle,II,. 单项选择。,1. ,Your coat looks nice.,It,s made _ cotton. And it was made _ Shanghai.,A. in; by B. from; by C. by; in D. of; in,2. ,_ he _ I,have been to Beijing.,Really? When did you do there?,A. Not only; but also,B. Neither; nor,C. E,i,ther; orD. Too; to,3. T,h,e old city walls are dangerous.,S,o they will be _ soon.,A. pulled downB. pulled out,C. pulled overD. pulled off,4. The old man built himself a house _ wood.,A. out ofB. in to,C. to useD. in for,5. They decided to _ a small business to make some money.,A. set upB. put up,C. take up,D. go up,III.,根据汉语提示完成句子。,1.,她扔掉了昨天的报纸。,She _ _ yesterdays newspaper.,2.,我在新的工作中充分地利用了我的经验。,I _ my experience _ _ _ in my new work.,3.,请别将杯子倒置。,Please dont turn the cup _ _.,4.,这些照片唤起了我美好的回忆。,The photos _ _ lots of good memories.,5.,杭州以龙井茶而闻名。,Hangzhou is well _ _ its Longjing Tea.,known for,threw away,put,to good use,upside down,bring back,1.Iwilltakemy_examinationnextweek,andthenIwillleaveuniversity.,2.Hegotupearlythismorningsothathecould_theearlybus.,3.Thereistoomuch_inthisclass.Icanthearyouclearly.,4.Theboxissoheavythathecant_it.,5.Thelittleboylikestoseetigersand_inthezoo.,catch noise monkeys final left,final,catch,noise,left,monkeys,6. 这本书一定是李老师的。,Thebook_Mr.Li.,7.弟弟用光了所有的钱买他喜欢的邮票。,Mybrother_allthemoneytoby,hisfavoritestamps.,8.我小时候常在这条河里游泳。,I_intheriverwhenIasyoung.,9.听,一定有人在外面说话。,_.,must belong to,used up,used to swim,Listen!Theremustbesomeonetalkingoutside.,Write a letter by your own as 3b request,.,Homework,洁心与大熊在进入高中的第一天相识,两人都是大个子,分座位的时候,老师让男女生各排一队,一队一个次第走到座位上,最后一排有六张桌子,洁心谦虚地站到一个比自己矮一点点的女生前面,与大熊成了同桌,他们一个15岁,一个16岁,花开的季节。初学立体几何,大熊用小纸壳手工助洁心理解立体与平面的迥异,地理考试这对同桌囊括了班里两个第一,大熊94分,第一名,洁心47分,倒数第一。大熊不知怎么就让无论如何都搞不懂季风洋流方向的洁心尤如神助,醍醐灌顶。洁心盼着上作文课,老师会朗读几篇上榜佳作,每每读到洁心的作文,大熊会看洁心一眼,好像在说我知道这一篇是你写的,洁心也会漫不经心瞥一眼,故作平淡地回复嗯,是我。不知从何时起,他们走进彼此的心。大学毕业的第二年,他们结了婚,第三年,有了一个可爱的孩子。洁心的日常开始以大熊小熊为中心,辞去优渥工作,成为家庭主妇,曾经的诗情画意干练要强变成琐碎的柴米油盐酱醋茶,窈窕淑女变成自带三层救生圈的黄脸婆,大熊成为业内认可的职业经理人,小熊也取得全国乃至世界各大数学竞赛计算机竞赛的各色奖牌。被大熊小熊的光环映着,洁心日复一日忙忙活活庸庸碌碌地快乐着。人和人之间的比较,是丢失快乐最简单的方式。昔日的同学大多事业有成,成为各自领域的精英,而洁心日渐落伍,好像被抛弃在另一个时代。比较也是客观认识自己最直接的方式。失落带来思考,洁心终于意识到这十几二十年的岁月她把自己搞丢了。洁心想重回轨道却无力又无助,知识陈旧,书生意气,与社会严重脱节,抱怨,她偏执地认为大熊消耗了她的青春改写了她的命运,而人到中年的大熊再不会像过去只要听到洁心呼唤,马上放下全世界飞奔而来,事业有成的他也不再对洁心的发号施令全盘言听计从,洁心觉得自己失去了整个世界。洁心没有意识到很多时候大熊只是在迁就她,不和她计较,也没有意识到一个企业高管若凡事对一个家庭主妇唯命是从究竟是好事还是坏事,她越来越暴躁,越来越容易愤怒,家庭气氛像一只随时会被引爆的火药桶,说不定什么琐事就会成为导火索。大熊忙碌粗心,洁心心灰意冷,俩人之间有了罅隙,有了不满,洁心不止一次发怒时大喊分手。洁心最脆弱的时候,大熊没有及时给予支持和关注,洁心撕心裂肺的难过,大熊忙于工作,浑然不觉,洁心认为大熊不再爱自己,痴心错付,悔不当初,对自己的婚姻感到绝望,她给自己7天的时间思考,要不要走出这曾欣欣然冲进来的围城。一位生性爱冒险的作家本杰明,无法走出半年前的丧妻之痛,带着一个青春期一个幼儿期的两个孩子,生活一团糟。本杰明放弃了专栏写作,拒绝开始新感情,欲带着儿女换一个崭新环境开始新生活,于是他买了新房子,未曾想这房子却是一个经济窘迫、难以维系正常运转的动物园本杰明走投无路之时,发现妻子给留下的“冒险基金”,妻子自知无法常相陪伴,竭尽所能给丈夫最后的成全,这份爱让人唏嘘汗颜。本杰明给一双儿女讲述他和妻子初次见面,一见钟情,自惭形秽,踌躇不前时,自己骨子里天生的冒险精神推着自己抓住了这份非你莫属的爱情。看着本杰明和一双儿女对着阴阳相隔的妻子、妈妈,互诉衷肠,洁心百感交集,泣不成声,她想世人听过见过无数美丽的爱情故事,但都是别人的,现实的生活总会有种种难言的苦楚不如意,“万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方。”接受人和事的缺憾不完美,才是真实的生活。发起冷战的第三天,洁心不再继续臆想徒生闷气,她决定给彼此一个机会,和大熊进行了一次推心置腹长谈,长谈的结果是洁心庆幸失而复得的婚姻和爱情,大熊说洁心没失去过,自己一直都在,从未离开,只是不该忽视了洁心的内心需求。洁心开始找回自己的人生旅程,列清单,定目标,开始学习、锻炼、尝试,由内而外改变自己,每晚洁心大熊两人瑜伽对望,相伴练习腹肌撕裂。假期里,大熊更多地陪伴洁心,两人相濡以沫走遍千山万水,洁心开始一展所长,用文字记录下他们的所见所闻,所感所悟。人到中年,两人相互珍惜,共同成长,生命和爱情焕发出绚丽光彩,照亮了彼此的人生,很多小伙伴说因为他们,自己又开始相信并渴望爱情了。一日,麦克是校园篮球明星,他本可以因篮球特长被全额奖学金保送进大学,但因女友怀孕他放弃了关键的冠军赛而向女友求婚。20年后,麦克穷困潦倒,事业家庭均失意,戏剧性地他重返了17岁,仍是青春闪耀,17岁的他遇到现实中的一对儿女,中年的妻子,一切重来,当他又站在可以延续辉煌改变人生命运的关键时刻,他意识到妻子和一双儿女才是他人生最宝贵的财富,依旧做出了和20年前相同的选择。当麦克和妻子紧紧相拥时,麦克又恢复了中年的模样,妻子说,你应该选择保送读大学的。麦克深情地对妻子说:你是我做过的最好选择,只是我忘记了。,你很容易找到。他是我们三年级二班的一个男生,晨会、做操、放学排路队时总是站在第一排,教室里最脏的抽屉一定是他的。对了,他的书包通常不是放在课桌抽屉里,而是扔在地上。几乎每节课我都要提醒他或是帮他捡起,但下节课再来看,他的书包又咧着大嘴躺在了地上,书本散落一地,他的双脚,正无情地踩在一个练习本上每每此时,我都无语凝噎,不忍直视那么,他的抽屉里不放书包放什么?课外书、牛奶盒、瓜皮果壳、小玩具、蚂蚁、毛毛虫、小树枝、黑乎乎的樟树籽、金灿灿的棕榈树籽总之,五花八门,应有尽有。老师刚收缴了一批,立马他又塞进另一批其更新换代的速度堪比火箭发射,让人叹为观止因为小Z的不讲卫生,每到周一换座位时,轮到坐他座位的同学总是叫苦连天、自认倒霉,皱着眉头、捂着口鼻一遍一遍地擦,先用抹布蘸着水擦,再用纸巾擦,直到完全闻不到异味才勉勉强强坐下。尽管如此,小Z同学却有很多的好朋友。每次分组活动,大家都抢着要他。为什么?第一,他是个小书迷,知识渊博;第二,他表达能力强,说话幽默风趣有条理;第三,他为人大方,乐于分享。从小Z的优点来看,你是不是认为他应该是个学霸?这怎么说呢,目前算不上,但未来极有可能看看作文课上他即兴画的思维导图吧,有条理,有创意,让小伙伴们佩服得五体投地,怎么看都不像是一个熊孩子,一个“学渣”的作品。可是,我每天给孩子们听写十个词语,他每天的正确率只有百分之六十左右,很多字不会写。他是一个不折不扣的“君子”,光读光看不动手写,哪怕就是新学的几个词语,他也不愿意写一写抄一抄。无论课上课下,凡是要动笔写时,他不是钻到桌子底下东找找西摸摸,就是在书包里左翻翻右抖抖,总之就是老半天下不了笔。别人已经写完了拿给老师批改,他可能才开始写第一题那磨磨蹭蹭的样子,活活要把老师气死。他妈妈认为他从小握笔姿势错误怎么也纠正不了,导致写字速度很慢,所以不愿意写字。我却不这么认为,我觉得没这么简单,一定另有原因,只不过我现在还没弄明白而已。上周四上午第三、四节课,语文单元测试。两节课的考试时间过去,试卷一张张收了上来,最后一个交卷的是小我快速扫了一下卷面。哦买噶第一页的基础题几乎一片空白!作文也没写完,只写了三四行!这样子,批改出来总分顶多也就二三十分!怎么会这样!再差也不会如此啊!考试时不务正业偷玩蚂蚁去了?还是故意不做?身为语文老师兼班主任的我气得跳脚,一阵胸闷。怎么办?把他叫到办公室狠批一顿?或者请他家长来学校?此时,脑海里突然闪出一幕幕画面:他在班级读书分享会上侃侃而谈,他在课堂上回答问题时妙语如珠,他把自己的零食和玩具大方地给同学们分享,他羞涩地笑着把他饼干递到我手中虽然在完成作业方面他确实做得不好,尽管在上课时经常偷看课外书,但不可否认的是,他绝对是个好学上进的好孩子!试卷答成这样,也许另有原因吧?不不不,不能那么简单粗暴!我应该先了解一下真实的原因。要知道,“刑讯逼供”最容易“屈打成招”午餐后的自习时间。我笑眯眯地对小Z说:“小Z,我们的教室好脏啊,你愿不愿意为大家服务一下,打扫一下教室?“愿意!”他二话没说,跑着去拿扫把。不要做作业,估计他心里乐开了花。他一手拿扫把,一把持簸箕,认真地扫着。看到谁的脚下有纸屑,他就轻声提醒他抬起脚来,再把纸扫出来,态度友好,而且不影响他人。扫地的动作也很是娴熟、麻利不一会儿功夫,他就把教室打扫得干干净净,我当众狠狠地表扬了他一番,然后把他叫到我身边,拿了把椅子让他坐下他顺从地坐下了,刚才还因为受了表扬而神采飞扬,此时却目光黯淡,低着头不敢看我,像是在担心暴风雨的来临。我摊开他上午考的那张试卷,和颜悦色地柔声问道:“这么多题没做,我想了半天也想不出原因,你能告诉我为什么么?换句话说,我很想知道你是怎么答题的,因为这真的不是你的真实水平。”“我一拿到试卷就想着要挑分值多的题目做,就先挑了二十多分的阅读题。可是没想到阅读题花的时间好多,


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