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*,*,*,*,章节复习,Unit 1,My names Gina,.,Unit 2,This is my sister.,Unit 3,Is this your pencil,?,Unit,4,Wheres my schoolbag?,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Unit 7 How much are these socks?,Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.,Unit 1,My names Gina,能力提升训练,.,词汇专练,(A),根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,1. Hello! My n_ is Lucy.,2. Nice to m_ you. Im Bob.,3. My telephone n_ is 3324567.,4. His f_ name is Wang.,5. My best f_ is Eric.,(B),根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子,1. _ (,他的名字,) is Wang Li.,ame,eet,umber,amily,riend,His,_,name,2. My _ (,电话号码,) is 4468899.,3. My _ (,朋友,) is Li Ming.,4. His _ (,姓,) is Smith.,5. His _ (,名字,) is Lin.,.,句型专练,1. My name is,Jim,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ your name?,2. My family name is _,(,对画线部分提问,),_ _ family name?,3. I am Bob. (,改为同义句,),My _ Bob.,telephone,/,phone,_,number,friend,family,_,name,first,_,name,What,s,Li,What,s,your,name,s,4. My telephone number is_. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ telephone number?,5. My first name is,Jack,(,对画线部分提问,),_ _ first name?,2234455,What,s,your,What,s,your,.,单项选择,( )1. What is this?,_,A. This is “F”,B. That is “F”,C. This is a “F” D. Its “F”,( )2. Good morning!,_,!,A. Good morning to you,B. Good morning,C. Hello,D. My name is Tom,D,B,( )3.How are you?,Fine, thank you._,?,A. Too,B. How do you do,C. How are you D. How old are you,( )4. Whats your name?,_.,A. My name is Jim Green,B. My name is Green Jim,C. Jim Green is I,D. This is Green Jim,C,A,( )5.Good afternoon, Miss Wang._.,Nice to meet you, too.,A. OK to see you,B. How are you,C. Nice to meet you,D. Fine, thank you,( )6.,当别人夸你英语说得好时,你应说:,_,A. Hello! B. Thank you!,C. No. D. Yes.,C,B,( )7.,当你不知道对方的名字时,你应该问:,_,A. Good morning!,B. My name?,C. Whats your name?,D. Excuse me!,( )8. Sit down, please.,_,A. Fine, thank you,B. Thanks,C. No, thank,D. Morning,C,B,Unit 2,This is my sister,指示代词,:,This,(这个),- These,That,(那个),- Those,This is his pencil sharpener.,That is her English dictionary.,Is,this,your pencil?,Yes,it,is.,No,it,isnt.,Is,that,her eraser?,Yes,it,is.,No,it,isnt.,在,be,动词引起的一般疑问句中,,be,动词的形式由,主语,决定。,当主语为,第三人称单数,时,谓语用单数,is,;,当主语为,第二人称或其他复数人称,时,,be,动词用,are,;,当主语为,I,时,,be,动词用,am,。,注意,:,am,和,not,不能缩写,。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,1.,这是我的姐姐。,_ _ my sister.,2. “,那是你的哥哥吗? ”,“不,不是。”,_ _ your _,?,No, _ isnt.,3.,这是,Anna,,那是,Paul,。,_ _ Anna _ _ is Paul., 重点句型,This,is,Is,that,brother,it,This,is,and,that,4. “,她是你的姑母吗?”,“是的,她是。”,Is _ your _,?,Yes, _ is.,5.,那是我的祖父母。,_ _ my _,6.,谢谢你的全家福。,_ _ the photo _ your family.,7.,这是我的家庭照片。,This is my _ _,8.,那两个男孩不是我的弟弟。,Those two boys _ my_.,she,aunt,she,Those,are,grandparents,Thanks,for,of,family,photo,aren,t,brothers,能力提升训练,.,词汇专练,(A),根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,1. My fathers mother is my g_,2. My uncles children are my c_.,3. My parents d_ is my sister.,4. This is my f_,photo.These,are my parents and this is me.,5. T_ for your letter (,来信,)!,randmother,ousins,aughter,amily,hanks,(B),根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子,1. These are my two _(,哥哥,),2. Are those your _(,朋友,)?,3,_ (,谢谢,)for the photo of your family.,4. Those arent his _(,父母亲,),5. Here are my family _ (,照片,),brothers,friends,Thanks,parents,photos,.,单项选择,( )1.Is he your friend?,Yes, _.,A,it is,B,it isnt,C,he is D,he isnt,( )2.Is this your father?,No, _,A,it is B,it isnt,C,he is D,he isnt,C,B,( )3.Is that your _ ?,A,a picture B,picture,C,pictures D,nice pictures,( )4.Are _ Kates _,?,A,this; book B,that; book,C,these; books D,those; book,( )5.Is,Guo,Peng,your brother?,_.,A,Yes, it is B,No, it isnt,C,Yes, he isnt D,No, he isnt,B,C,D,( )6.Thanks _your last letter.,A,of,B,from,C,for,D,to,( )7.Anna is not my sister. _ my cousin.,A,He B,Hes,C,She D,Shes,( )8. Is _ your aunt? Whats _ name?,A,he; his B,she; her,C,he; her D,she; his,C,D,B,( )9.What are those?, _.,A,They are apple trees,B,They are apples trees,C,Those are apple trees,D,Those are apples trees,( )10.I have,two_and,a _ .,A,brothers; sister,B,brother; sister,C,brothers; sisters,D,brother; sisters,A,A,.,句型专练,(A),根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词,1,这是你的父母吗?,_ _ your _,?,2,那是我的堂弟,我婶婶的儿子。,_ is my _,,,my aunts _,3,这是我的全家福。,This is a _ _ my _,4,谢谢你的英语字典。,_ _ your English dictionary.,Are,these,parents,That,cousin,son,photo,of,family,Thanks,for,5,这些是我的钥匙。,_ _ my keys.,(B),按要求完成下列句子,1. That is her photo.(,改为一般疑问句,),_ _ her photo?,2. They are my uncles. (,改为否定句,),They_ _ my uncles.,3. She is my cousin. (,改为同义句,),She is my aunts _.,4. These are my grandmother and my grandfather. (,缩写句子,),These,are,Is,that,are,not,daughter,These are my _,5. Those are rulers. (,改成单数形式,),_ _ _ _,grandparents,That,is,a,ruler,Unit 3,Is this your pencil?,Is,this / that,your sister? ,这,/,那位是你的姐姐吗?,this,、,that,为指示代词,当涉及辨认近处和远处的人或物体时,近处用,this,远处用,that,。,对于,“,Is this / that .”,的提问,指照片上的人物或其他不知性别的人物时,可用,it,来指代。,根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列短语,1.,铅笔盒,_,2.,请原谅。,_,.,_,3.,谢谢你。,_,4.,电脑游戏,_,5. Lost and Found _,6. a set of keys _,7. my notebook _,8. this dictionary _, 重点短语,pencil,_,box,Excuse,_,me,Thank,_,you,computer,_,game,失物招领,一套钥匙,我的笔记本,这本字典,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,1,“这是你的铅笔吗?”,“是的,它是。”,_ _ your pencil?,Yes, _ _,2. “,那是你的橡皮吗? ”,“不,它不是。”,_ _ your _,?,_,,,_ _, 重点句型,Is,this,it,is,Is,that,eraser,No,it,isn,t,3.,这是她的课本。,_ _ _ book.,4.,你怎么拼写它?,_ do you _ it?,5.,打电话,4953539,找,Allan,。,_ Allan _ 4953539.,This,is,her,How,spell,Call,at,能力提升训练,.,词汇专练,(A),根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,1. This is my book a_ that is your book.,2. E_ me, is this your eraser?,3. Please c_ Lucy at 13696548335.,4. Is that your key in the Lost and F_,?,5. This is my c_.,nd,xcuse,all,ound,omputer,(B),根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子,1. This is my _ _ (,电子游戏,),2. _ _ (,劳驾,). Is this your pen?,3. Is that your _ (,字典,)?,4. It is my _ _ (,铅笔盒,),computer,game,Excuse,me,dictionary,pencil,box,.,单项选择,( )1.Is this his schoolbag?,_,A. No, it is,B. Yes, it is,C. Yes, it isnt D. Yes, its,( )2. ,Whatt,this?,It is _ “A”,A. a B. an C. the D. this,( )3. Please call Jenny _ 45216500.,A. at B. in,C. on D. of,B,B,A,( )4. How _ you spell “eight”,?,A. is B. are,C. do D. /,( )5. Whats _ name?,_ name is Tom.,A. my; Your,B. your; My,C. his; Her,D. her; His,C,B,( )6.Your watch is very nice.,_,A. Yes, it is,B. No, it isnt,C. Thank you,D. Thats right,( )7. Is that your pencil?,Yes, _ is.,A. that B. this,C. it D. its,C,C,( )8. Please call Jack. Its _ book.,A. his B. your,C. her D. he,( )9. Is that your computer game _ the Lost and Found?,A. at B. in,C. of D. on,( )10. _,Is this your book?,Yes, it is.,A. Sorry B. OK,C. Excuse me D. Thanks,A,B,C,.,句型专练,(A),按要求完成下列句子,1. Is this your book? (,作否定回答,),_,,,_ _,2. Thats a ruler. (,改为一般疑问句,),_ _ _ _,?,3. Thats,a,_in,English.(,对画线部分提问,),_ _ in English?,4. _,(,根据答语写出上句,),Thats all right.,No,it,isn,t,Is,that,a,ruler,dictionary,What,s,that,Thank,_,you,_,5. That is a ruler. (,改为否定句,),That _ a ruler.,(B),根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词,(,含缩写词,),1.,那是你的戒指吗?,Is _ your _,?,2.,打扰一下,那个用英语怎么说?,_ _. _ that _ English?,3.,你怎么拼写“,schoolbag”,?,_ _ you _ “schoolbag”,?,4.,请打电话,3454321,找汤姆。,Please _ Tom _ 3454321.,5.,我的手表在失物招领处。,My _ is in the _ and _.,isn,t,that,ring,Excuse,me,What,s,in,How,do,spell,call,at,watch,Lost,Found,Unit,4,Wheres my schoolbag?,温故导航,1.,在沙发上,_,2.,在底下桌子,_,3.,在你的书包里,_,4.,快点儿,_,5.,我认为,_,6.,在你的祖父母的房间里,_,7.,我不知道,_,8.,录音机,_,9.,飞机模型,_, 重点短语回顾,on the sofa,under the table,in your schoolbag,come on,I think ,in your,grandparents room,I dont know,tape player,model plane,一、单元语法回顾,(一)、表示位置关系的介词和介词短语,1,、表示位置的三个介词,在,里,在,上,在,下,.,2,、介词短语的构成,the,介词,+,名词所有格(名词后加,s,表示“某人的”,),+,名词,形容词性物主代词(,my your his her our their,),在,Tom,的书包里,在桌子下面,on my sofa,在她的桌子上,in,on,under,in Toms schoolbag,under the table,在我的沙发上,on her table,1.,桌子上有一个钟。,There is a clock _ the table.,2.,图画中的那个人是谁?,Whos that _ Picture 1?,on,in,根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。,3.,书在盒子下面。,The book is _ the box.,under,典例精讲,根据句意及图片提示,用适当的介词填空。,31. My pencil is _ my pencil case.,32. His books are _ the bookcase.,33. Your eraser is _ the chair.,34. The baseball is _ the floor.,35. Emmas notebook is _ the sofa.,变式训练,in,in,under,on,on,2.,表示,“某物在某地”,,句型结构是,主语(名词或名词词组),+ is/ are +,介词短语,单数句型,The bookcase,is,in the schoolbag.,The hat,.,(帽子在床上),My book,.,(,我的书在书包里 ),His key,.,(他的钥匙在桌子底下),is on the bed,is in the schoolbag,is under the desk,典例精讲,复数句型,My keys,are,on the table.,His pencils,(在铅笔盒里),.,Our schoolbags,(在桌子底下,).,Her CDs,. (,在桌子上),My dictionary and my radio,.,(在桌子上),.,典例精讲,are in the pencil box,are under the table,are on the table,are on the table,2,、,A,:,Where are +,复数主语,?,答句中,要用主格人称代词,they,代替,B: They are +,介词短语 。,(,1,)、,A: Where are my hats ? B:,in her drawer .,(,2,)、,A: Where are his beds ? B:,in the Han Mens room,。,Theyre,Theyre,典例精讲,典例精讲,-Wheres your book?,-,in my schoolbag.,Theyre B Im C Its D Shes,2. -,are Lucy and,mary,?,in China.,A. is; Shes B. is;,theys,C. are ,theyre,变式训练,My eraser is,in the pencil box,.(,对划线部分提问),is,eraser?,2.Where are my pencils?(,将答语补充完整),.,in your pencil case.,Where,your,Theyre,划线部分提问,The pencil is,in the pencil box,.,2.My key is,in the room,.,3.The cats are,on the box,.,4.Her jackets are,in her mothers room,.,Where is the pencil?,Where is your key?,Where are the cats?,Where are her jackets?,三,.,确认地点及其肯定回答和否定回答。,(,分清楚,单数 和 复数 形式,),讲解,一般疑问句,: be,动词提前并且大写,记住句末加,?,肯定回答用,Yes,,主语,+ be.,不能缩写。 否定回答用,No,,主语,+ be not.,.,It is under the table. 2. They are on the sofa.,一般疑问句,肯定回答,否定回答,典例精讲,Is it under the table?,Yes , it is.,No ,it isnt,Are they on the sofa,?,Yes , they are.,No , they arent.,练习,1. It is on the table. 2. The baseball is under the sofa,一般疑问句,: _,一般疑问句,: _,肯定回答:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,3. They are on the chair. 4. Is it under the desk? (,改为复数形式句子,),一般疑问句,: _,思考,Is,复数形式是,_,肯定回答:,_ it,复数形式是,_,否定回答:,_ _,小试牛刀,把下列句子变为一般疑问句,并做出回答,The pencil is in the pencil box.,2.My key is in the room.,3.The cats are on the box.,4.Her jackets are in her mothers room.,Is the pencil in the pencil box? Yes, it is.,No ,it isnt.,Is your key in the room? Yes, it is.,No ,it isnt.,Are the cats on the box? Yes, they are.,No , they arent.,Are her jackets in her mothers room?,Yes, they are. No ,they arent.,把下列句子变为否定句,The pencil is in the pencil box.,2.My key is in the room.,3.The cats are on the box.,4.Her jackets are in her mothers room.,The pencil isnt in the pencil box.,My key isnt in the room.,The cats arent on the box.,Her jackets are not in her mothers room.,4. know,是实义动词,意思是,_,。,-Where are the pencils ?,铅笔在哪里?,- I dont know.,我不知道。,/ Sorry , I dont know.,对不起,我不知道。,当回答别人的问题时,如果你不知道,可以用,_ / _,回答。,典例精讲,知道 了解,I dont know,Sorry, I dont know.,1.Wheres my ruler?-,.,A Sorry , I dont know. B Yes , I know.,C yes , it is. D No ,it isnt,.,2.Wheres Jim?- I,.(,不知道,),dont know,5. think,是实义动词,意思是,_,。,I think,意思是,_,含有实义动词的句子,在变成否定句时,用,dont +,实义动词,例如:,I think he is a student. (,改为否定句,),I think its in your room. (,改为否定句,),典例精讲,认为,我认为,Unit 4,基础知识梳理,5. and,是连词,意思是和,表,关系。,but,是连词,意思是但是,然而,表,关系。在句中,,but,前后的词或短语有,对立,关系。,Im tidy,Gina is not.,I have a clock, _he doesnt have.,My brother has a basketball,a football.,She has a model plane_ a model car.,He is a boy, _Im a girl.,Tom likes white , blue _yellow.,I have a basketball, _ I dont have a football.,典例精讲,but,but,and,and,but,and,but,并列,转折,变式训练,I have a clock,Mary doesnt.,A .or B but C and D so,Unit 4,能力提升训练,达标演练,( )1. Where are _,?,_are on the desk.,A. the books; They B. books; They,C. the book; It D. books; It,( )2. The model plane is _ the chair.,A. in B. on C. at D. of,( )3. Wheres the CD?,Sorry,,,_,A. I can B. Im not C. it isnt D. I dont know,( )4. Where is the football?,_,A. Its under the desk B. Its in the pencil box,C. Its in the eraser D. Its big,( )7. Is that _eraser?,No, its _ruler.,A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an D. a; a,( )8. Are your tapes in the bookcase?, _,A. Yes, I am B. No, I dont know,C. Yes, they are D. No, it isnt,( )9. _ is my pen?,Its on the desk.,A. What B. Where C. How D. Who,( ),10.wheres my English book?,-, I dont know.,A OK B No C Sorry D Yes,Unit 4,能力提升训练,1. The keys are on the bed. (,改为一般疑问句,),_,2. Her backpack is on the chair. (,对划线部分提问,),_her backpack?,3. Is your TV in your bedroom? (,给出肯定答语),_,Are the keys on the bed?,Where is,Yes, it is.,按要求完成下列句子。,达标演练,4. Its an alarm clock. (,改为复数句子),_,5. I know your telephone number. (,改为否定句),I _ _ your telephone number.,6. I think he is a good student. (,改为否定句),_,They are alarm clocks.,dont know,I dont think he is a good student.,根据首字母提示补全对话,A: Excuse me, Kate.,W,_,1,_ _is my English book?,B: It is,o,_,2,_ the sofa.,A: And where are the keys?,B:,T,_,3,_ are in the bookcase.,A: Is my computer,g,_,4,_ on the table?,B:,N,_,5,_,,,it,i,_,6,_. Its under the bed.,A: OK. Wheres my watch?,I,_,7,_it in your schoolbag?,B:,Y,_,8,_,,,it is.,H,_,9,_ you are.,A:,T,_,10,_ you.,B: Thats OK.,here,n,hey,ame,o,snt,s,es,ere,hank,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?, 重点句型,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,1,“,你有乒乓球吗?,”,“,是的,我有。,”,_ you _ a,ping,pong,ball?,Yes, I _.,2.,让我们打篮球吧!,Lets _ _,!,Do,have,do,play,basketball,Unit 5,基础知识梳理,3.,我们有许多排球。,We have many _.,4.,“,她有足球吗?,”,“,不,她没有。,”,_ she _ a soccer ball?,_,,,she _.,5.,那听起来很有趣。,That _ _.,volleyballs,Does,have,No,doesn,t,sounds,interesting,能力提升训练,Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,词汇专练,(A),根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,1.,Do you h_ a basketball?,Yes, I do.,2. Lets play v_.,3. Math is very d_. I dont like it.,4. This is an i_ game.,5. My sister w_ TV every day.,ave,olleyball,ifficult,nteresting,atches,Unit 5,能力提升训练,(B),根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子,1,I only watch sports _ _(,在电视上,),2,Soccer is _ _ _(,对我来说容易,),3,_ _ (,让我们,) play tennis.,4,Do you _ _(,打篮球,) every day?,5,I have a _ _(,乒乓球拍,),on,TV,easy,for,me,Let,us,play,basketball,ping,pong,bat,Unit 5,能力提升训练,(C),用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,1. I think she _ (have) a soccer ball.,2. Lets _ (play) soccer.,3. That _ (sound) relaxing.,4. He only watches _ (they) on TV.,5. We have three _ (baseball),has,play,sounds,them,baseballs,Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,单项选择,( )1. Li Ming _ like basketball, _ he,likes football.,A. dont; but B. doesnt; or,C. doesnt; but D,doesnt; and,( )2.,Lets _tennis.,That sounds good.,A. play,B. to play C,playing D,/,( )3. I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother,_.,A,is B,have C,does D,doesnt,C,A,C,Unit 5,能力提升训练,( )4.,Lets play computer games.,_. Lets watch TV.,A,Yes, lets go,B,No, its boring,C,That sounds interesting,D,You are right,( )5. Ann _ TV every day.,A. watches B. watch,C. looks D,sees,B,A,Unit 5,能力提升训练,( )6. My cousin doesnt like baseball. He thinks it is,_.,A. fun B. boring,C. interesting D. good,( )7. I like to watch basketball games _TV.,A. on,B,at,C,in,D,to,( )8. We _football. We play football every day.,A. like B. likes,C. dont like D,doesnt like,B,A,A,Unit 5,能力提升训练,.,句型专练,1. I have a computer. (,改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答,),Do,you _ a computer?,_,,,I _.,2,Tom has a basketball. (,改为否定句,),Tom _ _ a basketball.,3. My father plays sports every day. (,改为一般疑问句,),_ your father _ sports every day?,4. Does Bill have a soccer ball? (,作否定回答,),No, _ _.,5. We play tennis.(,变成由,Let,开头的祈使句,),_ _ tennis.,have,No,don,t,doesn,t,have,Does,play,he,doesn,t,Let,s,play,.,补全对话,(,方框中有两项多余选项,),A. Lets watch TV.,B. That sounds interesting.,C. Lets watch the videos.,D. I have a basketball.,E. Lets play tennis.,F,Where are they?,G. But I think Alan has one.,A: Lets play computer games.,B: 1._ Do you have a computer?,A: No, I dont.,B: But I have some video tapes. 2._,A: No, its boring. 3._ I have a tennis ball,and a tennis racket (,拍,),B: Great. 4._,A: In my drawer. Do you have a tennis racket?,B: No, I dont. 5._,A: OK. Lets go and ask him.,B,C,E,F,G,Unit 5,易错点针对训练,易错点针对训练,( )1. I dont have a volleyball, but my brother has,_.,A,a B,it C,one D,an,( )2. His mother _ a new TV set.,A,doesnt have B,dont have,C,isnt has D,isnt have,解析,代指上文提到的同一类而不是同一个物品时,,要用,one,来代替,故选,C,。,解析,因本句不含有系动词或情态动词,所以否定形,式应借助于助动词,又因主语是第三人称单数,所以应,借助于,does,故选,A,。,C,A,Unit 5,易错点针对训练,( )3. Lets play _ basketball after school.,A,a B,an C,the D,/,( )4.,Lets _ computer games.,That sounds _. I like it.,A,play; more good B,plays; difficult,C,play; fun D,plays; interesting,解析,球类前不加任何冠词,故选,D,。,解析,let,后加动词原形,排除掉,B,和,D,,又因,good,的比较级是,better,而不是,more good,,故选,C,


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