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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1. His house is very large and close to his school.,2. It usually takes some time to make friends with them.,3. Is your father still working in that computer company?,他的房子很大,离他的学校也很近。,跟他们交朋友通常需要一些时间。,你父亲还在那间电脑公司工作吗?,你的兄弟还在房间里做作业吗?,Is your brother still doing,his,homework in his room?,4. My teacher promised to talk to my father about it.,5. I was so angry that I told him to his face what I thought of him.,6. The chairman of the meeting is an old man over sixty.,会议的主席是一位六十多岁的老人。,我非常生气,就当面告诉了他我对他的看法。,我的老师答应就此事与我父亲谈谈。,7. We still have a long way to go to catch up with the advanced countries.,8. I dont know why they refused to accept her invitation.,9. Its a good chance to get some useful advice from the famous artist.,我们要赶上先进国家还有很长的路要走。,我不知道他们为什么拒绝接受她的邀请。,这是一个从那位著名的艺术家那里得到有用指教的好机会。,10. You have no right to criticize your parents like that.,11. There was only one dollar in his pocket then.,12. The old man and his grandson would go fishing on Sundays.,你没有权力像那样批评你的父母。,当时他的口袋里只有一美元。,那位老人和他的孙子星期天总是去钓鱼。,13. Do you mean you are willing to help them if they ask you?,14. They are always having a lot of meetings to attend, so they are very busy.,15. More skilled workers are badly needed in my uncles factory.,你的意思是说如果他们请你,你是愿意帮助他们的,是吗?,他们总是有很多会议要参加,所以他们很忙。,我叔叔的工厂急需更多的熟练工人。,16. It is said that he has already gone to Australia.,17. The present he gave me is right in the school bag.,18. They will try their best to improve their working conditions.,据说他已经去了澳大利亚。,他给我的礼物就在书包里。,他们将尽力改善工作条件。,19. They invited him to make a speech at the meeting.,20. We dont believe the story he told us.,21. He is fond of pop music while his parents prefer folk songs.,他们邀请他在会上作个发言。,我们不相信他给我们讲的故事。,他喜欢流行音乐,而他的父母却偏爱民歌。,22. At last he bought a new house of his own.,23. The doctor advised him to give up smoking.,24. He wanted very much to finish his homework, but he couldnt keep his eyes open.,最后他终于买了一幢属于自己的新房子。,医生劝他戒烟。,他很想做完作业,可他连眼睛都睁不开了。,25. It is important for the college students to master a foreign language.,26. I remembered having met him before.,27. After all the students had taken their seats, the teacher began to hand out the examination papers.,大学生掌握一门外语是很重要的,我记得以前曾经见过他。,所有的学生就座之后,老师开始分发试卷。,28. They lived in a big house surrounded by green trees.,29. The teacher often encouraged Tom to study,maths,well.,30. His parents died when he was only a boy of five.,他们住在一幢绿树环绕的大房子里。,老师经常鼓励汤姆把数学学好。,他的父母死了,那时他还只是一个五岁的孩子。,31. The old man said that we could stop to have a rest.,32. In order to improve the listening ability, they decided to listen to the tape every evening.,33. With the help of my classmates, I did very well in all the exams.,那位老人说,我们可以停下来休息一下。,为了改进听力,他们决定每天晚上听录音(磁带)。,在同学们的帮助下,我各门考试都考得很好。,34. She agreed to stay with me for a couple of days.,35. We are very much surprised that he should have set the prisoners free.,36. What he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.,她同意跟我在一起呆几天。,他竟然把那些犯人放走了,我们感到非常吃惊。,他在会上所说的话使在场的每个人都感到吃惊。,37. John told me that he was brought up by his uncle.,38. Jack asked me to buy him some envelopes on my way home.,39. Last Sunday morning, I went to the station to meet my uncle.,约翰告诉我他是由他叔叔抚养大的。,杰克要我在回家的路上给他买一些信封。,上个星期天的上午,我去车站接我叔叔。,40. The teacher gave him a piece of paper and asked him to write a composition.,41. Frankly speaking, I dont quite agree with what he just said.,42. As far as I am concerned, I dont like this kind of music.,老师给他一张纸,让他写一篇作文。,坦率的说,我不太同意他刚才说的话。,就我而言,我不喜欢这种音乐。,43. If you dont work hard, how can you expect to pass all the exams?,44. One evening, I went out for a walk with my mother.,45. The photos reminded him of his happy childhood.,如果你不努力学习,你怎么指望通过所有这些考试呢?,有一天晚上,我和母亲一起出去散步。,这些照片使他想起了他快乐的童年。,46.,Mr,White agreed to look into the matter himself.,47. Watching too much TV will do harm to your eyes.,48. It is reported that lots of people are worried about the result.,怀特先生同意亲自调查此事。,看电视太多对你的眼睛有害。,据报道,很多人对这个结果担忧。,49. The book is made up of fifteen chapters.,50. He left his hometown at the age of twelve and has never been heard of ever since.,51. It looked as if there were no more fish left in the lake.,这本书由十五个章节组成。,他十二岁时离开家乡,此后再无音讯。,看起来这湖里没剩下什么鱼了。,52. Doctor Li often uses some advanced instruments to treat his patients.,53. Once you show any fear, the dog will attack you.,54. To buy these gifts, I think, is really a waste of money.,李医生经常使用一些先进的仪器治疗他的病人。,一旦你显出惧怕的样子,这条狗就会向你进攻。,我想,买这些礼品确实是浪费钱。,55. No matter what she is, she must pay for her meals.,56. In this way, you can find out how many people are using the machine.,57. He made a telephone call to Jack and told him what to do.,不管她是谁,她吃饭必须要付钱。,以这种方式,你就可以查出来有多少人在使用这台机器。,他给杰克打了个电话,告诉他该做什么。,58. I think we should fix a date for the next meeting now.,59. Almost all the newspapers carried this important news.,60. He expressed his satisfaction with the result and added he would work harder.,我想我们现在应该为下一次会议定个日期。,几乎所有的报纸都登载了这个重要新闻。,他对结果表示满意,并补充说他将更加努力地工作。,61. It was the old lady who attended his wife when she was ill.,62. I dont care whether he quarreled with my brother.,63. His father was fired by a company one month ago.,正是那位老太太在他妻子生病时照顾她。,我不在乎他是否跟我的兄弟吵过架。,一个月前,他父亲被一家公司解雇了。,64. They often kill time by playing cards and chess on Sundays.,65. At the foot of the mountain, there flowed a small river.,66. If you dont like the house, I can try and find another for you.,每逢星期天,他们经常是打牌、下棋来消磨时间。,山脚下有,(,流淌着,),一条小河。,如果你不喜欢这座房子,我可以试着再给你另找一座。,67. Wed better put off the plan till next year because we cant get enough money at present.,68. As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by a group of journalists.,69. The city where I live is an old city set up two thousand years ago.,我们最好把这个计划推迟到明年,因为我们目前弄不到足够的钱。,他一从车里出来就被一群记者包围住了。,我住的那座城市是一座两千年前建的古城。,70. My grandma always tells us never to waste any food.,71. Finally I realized that the letter was not intended for me.,72. What she should do is to help them to help themselves.,我爷爷总是告诉我们千万别浪费粮食。,最后我意识到,那封信不是写给我的。,她应该做的事情是帮助他们自助。,73. The question is whether the price is worth paying.,74. The book is cheap and at the same time informative.,75. At that time she was waiting for a long distance call.,问题在于是否值得付出这样的代价。,这本书售价便宜,内容又丰富。,那时她正在等一个长途电话。,76. The teacher encouraged me to make up my mind to catch up with the rest of the class.,77. As long as we rely on the masses, Im sure the task will be finished on time.,78. As far as I know, Jack is now in charge of an important department.,老师鼓励我下定决心赶上班里的其他同学。,只要我们依靠群众,我相信,任务就一定会按时完成。,据我所知,杰克现在负责一个重要部门。,79. Tom was very disappointed when he heard the disappointing news.,80. Its nearly ten years since we moved into the small village.,81. The population of the city will be decreased by 10% by the end of 2008.,汤姆听到这个令人失望的消息非常失望。,自从我们搬到这个小村庄已经将近十年了。,到,2008,年年底为止这个城市的人口将增加百分之十。,82. Do you plan to attend the meeting to be held next week?,83. It is said that he made an exciting speech at the meeting.,84. You should try your best to get the students to practice by themselves.,你打算参加下周召开的会议吗?,据说他在会上作了一个令人激动的演讲。,你应当尽力让学生自己练习。,85. The teacher doesnt allow the students to enter the teachers office without permission.,86. I insist that you should talk to your father about it.,87. He often encourages me to do better in my English studies.,老师不允许学生未经许可进入教师办公室。,我坚持要你跟你父亲谈谈此事。,他经常鼓励我把英语学习搞得更好。,88. What happened proved that he hadnt given us any help.,89. We requested that he tell us a story about the Long March.,90. Frankly speaking, we are very much worried about their safety.,所发生的事情证明了他并没有给我们任何帮助。,我们要求他给我们讲一个长征的故事。,坦率的说,我们非常担心他们的安全。,91. A new hospital is being built near our school.,92. Although the computer is small, it can store a lot of information.,93. Its impossible for us to avoid meeting this kind of people.,我们学校附近正在建一个新医院。,尽管这台电脑很小,它可以储存大量的信息。,我们想避免碰到这种人是不可能的。,94. Then we decided to organize a trip to Qingdao.,95. What will you say if someone praises you for your good English?,96. He suggests that we review our lessons by asking each other questions.,接着,他们决定组织一次旅游去青岛。,如果有人夸你英语很好,你会说什么?,他建议,我们(可以)通过彼此提问来复习功课。,97. He just wanted to know how to write an English composition.,98. The professor simply doesnt understand why the boy has so many strange ideas.,99. He told the girl that he wanted to send a letter to Singapore.,他只是想知道怎么样写一篇英语作文。,那位教授简直不明白那个孩子为什么有那么多奇怪的想法。,他告诉那姑娘他想往新加坡寄封信。,100. The next day he asked me to go to his office for an interview.,101. What you should do is to choose a topic and write a composition.,102. When we got there, we found the hall already filled with people.,第二天,他要我去他办公室面试,/,见面。,你所要做的事情就是选一个题目,写一篇作文。,当我们到达那里时,我们发现大厅里已经坐满了人。,103. He immediately took off his clothes and jumped into the lake.,104. Two hours passed, but he still didnt turn up.,105. She has already made up her mind to go to the south with him.,他立刻脱掉衣服跳进湖里。,两个小时过去了。可他还没有露面。,她已经打定注意跟他一起去南方。,106. He asked the boss to give him a chance to try this method.,107. As soon as they got there, they began to climb the mountains.,108. I gave him a telephone call at once and advised him to give up smoking.,他要求老板给他一个机会来试一试这种方法。,他们一到那里就开始爬山了。,我立即给他打了个电话劝他戒烟。,109. I like my grandma, for she is good at telling stories.,110. I was about to leave home when a,neighbour,came to borrow my bike.,111. There are five buildings in our school, three of which were set up last year.,我喜欢我的奶奶,因为她会讲故事。,我正要离开家,这时一位邻居来借我的自行车。,我们学校有五座大楼,其中三座是去年建的。,112. Alice is always the first to come to school.,113. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some in case.,114. This is the book I told you about; I borrowed it from Professor Li yesterday.,爱丽丝总是第一个来学校。,我想我不需要钱,不过我还是带一点以防万一。,这就是我跟你说过的那本书;我昨天从李教授那儿借的。,115. The teacher suggested that each student have an English-English dictionary.,116. There is a newly opened supermarket nearby, where you can get what you want.,117. Do you still remember the place where we first met?,老师建议每个学生备一本英英词典。,附近有一家新开张的超市,在那里你可以买到你想要的东西。,你还记得我们初次见面的地方吗?,118. Dont forget to return the magazine to the reading room when you finish reading it.,119. Did you remember to pay the money back to Jack?,120. He had promised to get a ticket for you, but he didnt.,你看完这本杂志以后别忘了还给阅览室。,你有没有记住把钱还给杰克?,他答应给您弄张票的,可他没有弄到。,121. He wanted to join the army but was turned down because he was not old enough.,122. Why did you throw the bottle out of the window?,123. Would you rather watch TV or go out for a walk?,他想参军可是被拒绝了,因为他年龄不够大。,你为什么把瓶子扔出窗外?,您是愿意看电视呢,还是想出去散步?,124. Do you think it possible for us to visit the small town again?,125. I dont know what he bought some cigarettes for.,126. You should have well prepared for the speech.,你觉得我们有可能再次参观这个小镇吗?,我不知道他买香烟干什么用。,这次演讲你本来是应该做好充分准备的。,127. All their time has been devoted to helping the patients to improve their health.,128. Do you have any idea what Jack does all day?,129. The village where my grandparents live is twenty kilometers away from here.,他们所有的时间都花在帮助病人康复上了。,你知不知道杰克整天在做什么?,我祖父母居住的村庄离这里有二十公里远。,130. When and where we will hold the sports meet is not decided yet.,131. Its no wonder he always gets the first place in any examination.,132. By this time next year, we will have graduated from this senior middle school.,我们何时何地召开运动会还没有决定。,难怪他无论什么考试总是得第一名。,到了明年这个时候我们已经从这所高级中学毕业了。,133. Judging from his appearance, he must be from Africa,.,134. I dont like the idea that we three share a room.,135. Dont hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.,根据他的外貌判断,他一定来自非洲。,我可不喜欢我们三个人合住一个房间的主意。,如果我能帮上忙,就告诉我,别犹豫。,136. Do you find it hard to pick up BBC,programmes,?,137. Richard bought the walkman for Robbies birthday.,138. The old man wanted to borrow a bike to visit his friends in town.,你觉得很难收听到,BBC,的节目吗?,理查德给露比买了一个随身听作为生日礼物。,那位老人想借一辆自行车去城里看朋友。,


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