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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,话题 1 个人情况,(Personal information),本文主要介绍了马克思的生平。,D,2. B 3. A,4. Marxs revolutionary activities in Europe,美文研读,university 2.journalist,3.journey 4.develop,5.government e across,7.make sure 8. end with,9.all over 10.,锁链,11.,诗,12.,公平地,13.,有把握的,;,积极的,14.,共同的,;,共有的,15.,在,帮助下,复记强化,一、句子翻译,1. enjoy / like painting, but I, it to, my,2. Choosing the, career is, most, us, spend, of, lives, jobs,3. I want to work as an electrical engineer when I grow up.,4. I used to have a lot of fun when I was that age.,知识运用,5. The young man has built up his own business. He owns a fast food restaurant.,6. At the age of 16, my cousin left school and went to university in Hong Kong.,7. Like many girls, my aunt dreamt of becoming a film star at an early age.,8. I firmly believe that I can achieve my goal in life through hard work, and my future is in my own hands.,二、短文填空,learned from am interested in, 18-year-old come from, am good at In my spare time, an active young person, get along with make friends, looking forward to,how the author changed from a self-centered person to a person who cared about other people more than about herself.,技能导练,1,本文为一篇记叙文。描述作者从刚读大学时以自我为中心到后来主动帮助别人,特别通过经常去护理院探望一个患痴呆症老太太的经历,领悟了帮助别人也可以让自己快乐这个做人的道理。,第一步,跳读短文,把握大意。,第二步,再次阅读,选择答案。,1. C,由第二段第一句“,my change started”,可确认答案。,2. D,根据文中前后句所谈到的“改变”,可推知“我”现在是个与之前“不同”的人了。,3. C,根据常识,上大学可以得到学位,而“我”起初就仅仅是为了拿到“学位”。,4. A,根据句意,“,我”自认为比其他同 学聪明,故不屑和他们说话交往。,5. B,根据下句“全班同学只有我一人没有朋友”,当然就很“孤独”了。,6. C,根据下句“我开始给身边需要的人提供帮助”可知,“,我”这样做,是一个“尝试”。,7. B,作者是出自自愿的行为,而,offer to do,sth,.,正表示“主动做某事”。,8. D,作者从不理睬到主动帮别人,体现了一个大的跨越(,step,)。,9. A,前文说的是作者行为方式的转变,故用,attitude,(态度)。,10. A,作者经常去护理院看望患病老太太,而老太太将她看成女儿,这种关系当然只是朋友关系了。,11. D,根据前后句的句意就能推断,老太太自己真正的女儿从来都不来看望她。,12. D see,在此相当于,understand,。老太太开心的表现使作者进一步领悟,making others feel good made me feel good too,的道理。,13. B,作者是通过和患病老人的交往更加深刻领会做人的道理,老太太人已经去世,因此只能是“感激”她了。,14. A,主要正是作者本人的“尝试”和与老人的交往这两段经历导致作者做人方式的转变。因此这些“经历”是忘记不了的。,15. B,作者非常认同自己生活态度的转变,当然是“喜欢”改变后的“我”。,disease 2. confident,3. experience 4. curious,5. offer 6. attitude,7. make friends 8. have fun,9.,妥协;让步,10.,热情的,11.,宽宏大量的,12.,伤心的,13.,脾气不好的,14.,内疚的,15.,乐意地,16.,感谢的,复记强化,第一步,跳读短文,抓住大意。,Lynns busy and successful life.,第二步,再次阅读,填写答案。, 关联词,where,。考查地点状语从句。, 冠词,an,。后面是元音读音开头的名词短语。, 非谓语动词,conducting,。用于,spenddoing,sth,.,结构。,技能导练,2, 人称代词,my,。与前句的主语“,I”,一致。, 形容词比较级,easier,。形容词作宾语补足语,并依据前后文的语意贯通。, 并列连词,so,。逗号之后又是一个主谓结构完整的分句,再加上句意判断。, 介词,to,。,in addition to,是一 个固定习语搭配。, 谓语动词,have had,。现在完成时表示从他们出生到现在(写文章的时候)。, 介词,With,。在名词词组,great help,之前,再加上,with,表示“在,之下”。, 副词,carefully,。该空白需要能够修饰动词,plan,的,careful,的副词形式。,非谓语;谓语;形容词比较级; 副词,1. previous 2. award,3. principal 4. major,5 . addition to 6.,组织;安排,7.,富有成效的,8.,感到庆幸的,9.,记得详细准确的,10.,处理,11.,中断,12.,达到,复记强化,1. I am a senior 3 student.,2. Nothing is impossible!,3. I am becoming increasingly anxious about the coming college entrance examinations.,4. My fear was proving completely wrong.,5. My face had gone red in the hot sun.,6. The future is looking good.,7. All my wishes will come true.,技能导练,1,1. My head aches.,2. My plan has changed.,3. The plan takes off at 9:30 pm.,4. I came from a well-educated family.,5. I got to Shanghai on the morning of February 8, 2011.,技能导练,2,1. Unfortunately, I missed seeing the sight.,2. I expect to return to Guangzhou within a week.,3. I managed to finish my homework on time.,4. I cant stand losing a close friend.,5. My uncle chose not to go abroad until later.,技能导练,3,6. We are planning to go on a trip to Europe next month.,7. I couldnt help thinking about the past at the sight of my former,maths,teacher.,8. To save money I suggested going there on foot.,9. I should like to hear others views.,10. I dont feel like going to the movie.,11. I didnt want to risk being late for school.,12. I cant put off going to the dentist any longer.,1. My English teacher gave me several English novels.,2. My aunt bought me an MP3 player on my birthday.,3. I sent Li Ming an e-mail last night.,4. I wrote my parents a long letter.,5. I lent my cousin the new English-Chinese dictionary the day before yesterday.,技能导练,4,一、翻译句子,1. My grandfather named me Sarah.,2. I found the sports magazine very interesting.,3. My grandparents encouraged me in my studies.,4. I advised my grandmother to stay in bed and rest.,技能导练,5,5. I could feel my heart beating fast,6. Ive never heard the song sung,7. My father expects me to do my best.,8. My cousins have invited me to spend the weekend with them.,二、完成句子,1. had, some, photos, taken, on, the,2. prefer, her, not, to change, her/the,3. remind, myself, to fill, with, hopeful,4. noticed, a, sit/sitting, at, the, of, the,5. to invite, the, to, my, next, Saturday,6. pretended, not, to observe, climb, the,7.finally, persuaded, to go, the, with, me,8. name, is, but, friends, call, me,1. There is a lab building behind the main classroom building.,2. There are 22 boys and 23 girls in our class.,3. There will be a lecture in the meeting room tomorrow afternoon.,4. There used to be a well in the garden.,5. Theres a bed, a table, and two chairs in this room.,技能导练,6,


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