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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Entertainment and Sports,一,.,词汇:音乐与影视,演员_ 女演员_ 角色_,舞台_男主角/男英雄_,女主角/女英雄_ 观众 _,艺术家_ 制片人_,导演_ 粉丝_ 电影_,电影院_ 音乐会_,剧院_ 影评_,现场的_票_,音乐厅_ 京剧_,actor,role/ character,actress,stage,hero,heroine,audience,artist,producer,director,fan,movie/ film,cinema,concert,theater,film review,live,ticket,concert hall/ music hall,Peking opera,一,.,词汇:音乐与影视,节目_情节_章节_,(小说,电影的)背景_ 欣赏_愉快的,有趣的_小说_钢琴_ 钢琴家_,音乐 n._ 音乐的adj._,音乐家_ n.舞蹈n./跳舞v._,舞蹈家n._唱歌_ 歌唱家_,使娱乐 v._娱乐n._,娱乐的 adj._幽默的_,令人印象深刻的 adj. _,performance,plot,chapter,setting,enjoy,amusing,novel/ fiction,piano,pianist,music,musical,musician,dance,dancer,sing,singer,entertain,entertainment,entertaining,humorous,impressive,一,.,词汇:体育与赛事,篮球_ 足球_排球_游泳_棒球_体育馆_,操场_ 运动员_,教练_评委_,天赋_ 有天赋的_,(体育)比赛 _ 奖牌_,track _ table tennis_ badminton_ participate v. _ participant_n.,swimming pool_,champion冠军 basketball court 篮球场,basketball,football,volleyball,swim,baseball,stadium,playground,player/ athlete,coach,judge,gift/talent,gifted/ talented,match,medal,n.,跑道;,v.,跟踪,乒乓球,羽毛球,参加,参与者,游泳池,二,. 短语,1. 强身健体_,2 使某人摆脱压力_,3. 使某人放松_,4. 对有天赋_,5. 减少疾病_,6. 不遗余力做某事_,7. 沉迷于做某事_,8. 屏住呼吸_,9. 引起激烈的讨论_,10. 培养某人的耐心_,build up ones body,be gifted/ talented for,relax oneself,be addicted to doing sth.,reduce disease,spare no effort to do sth.,relieve ones stress from,hold ones breath,arouse heated discussion,cultivate ones patience,二,. 短语,11. 克服困难_,12. 室内/室外运动_,13. 伴着音乐跳舞_,14. 参加_,15. 赋予生命力_,16. 扮演角色_,17. 创造/ 保持/ 打破记录_,18. 爆发出欢呼声/笑声/哭声,_,19. 弹钢琴/拉小提琴_,overcome the difficulty,indoor/ outdoor activity,dance to the music,take part in/ participate in,give life to ,play the role of,set/keep/break a record,burst into cheer,s,/ laughter/ tear,s,play the piano/ the violin,20. 赢得金/银/铜牌,_,21. 踢足球/ 打篮球,_,22. 为而竞争/与竞争 _,23.举办音乐会_-,24使某人高兴_,win a gold/ silver/ copper medal,play football/ basketball,compete for / compete against,give a concert,cheer sb. up,三,.,填空,1. Most teenagers spend their spare time _(play) computer games.,2. He has demonstrated a strong _,(prefer)for being dressed in running shoes.,3. You must keep to the rules even if you think they are _ (fair),4. In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe and _ (enjoy) form of exercise.,5. I agree with the truth that the best _,(defend) is offence,playing,preference,unfair,enjoyable,defense,6. With an _ (injure) knee, James is out of todays training.,7. An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair _ (compete),8. Try to keep a balance between work and _ (relax),9. He stopped and watched with _,(amuse) to see the child so absorbed.,10. It is said that the game was designed for,_and education, And people think it really _. (entertain),injured,competition,relaxation,amusement,entertainment,entertaining,四完成下面的句子,1.,如,今,越来越多,的,人开始意识到体育锻炼的重要性和必要性。,Nowadays, more and more people become aware of the_ and necessity of _.,2.有规律的运动不仅可以强身健体,而且可以帮助我们释放压力。,Taking exercise regularly can not only _ but also help us _.,importance,taking physical exercise,build up our body,relieve our stress,四完成下面的句子,3. 很显然,音乐在我们生活中是不可或缺的一部分,它是快乐和灵感的源泉。,It is obvious that music _in our life, which is the source of joys and _.,4.他是如此沉迷于玩电脑游戏以至于没通过英语考试。,He was so addicted to _that he failed to pass the English exam.,plays an essential part,inspiration,playing computer games,四完成下面的句子,5. 看电影使我们感觉放松,减轻我们学习与生活的压力,_ can make us feel _,_ can reduce our pressure in study and life .,6. 听音乐对于我们来说是一种建立自信和克服困难的好的方式,_ is a good way for us to _ and overcome difficulties.,Watching movies,which,relaxed,Listening to music,build up our confidence,四完成下面的句子,7. 音乐为我们提供了一个平台,在这个平台我们可以了解另一种文化,Music provides us with a platform _we can _another culture.,8. 音乐是人类的共同语言,使来自不同国家的人交流起来容易。,Music is known as a universal language, which makes it easy for people _to _ each other.,where,learn about,communicate with,from different countries,四完成下面的句子,9.毫无疑问,运动对我们的健康有好处。人经常运动可以保持身体健康。更重要的是,运动可以使你自信。如果你经常和你的朋友锻炼,你们之间的关系会更加,亲,密。毕竟,运动可以使你的生活更加丰富多彩。,_ sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will _. Whats more, exercise can make you confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will _ them. After all, sports can make your life _.,There is no doubt that,keep fit,more colorful,be closer to,五写作,(一)假定你是李华。你所在的校乒乓球队正在招收新队员。请给你的留学生朋友Eric写封邮件邀请他,加入,,内容包括:,1. 球队活动;,2. 报名方式及截止日期。,注意:,1. 词数100左右;,2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,Dear Eric,How time flies! It has been several weeks since we met last time.,I am writing to invite you to join our school table tennis team, which is admitting new players.,I know you are always keen on table tennis, so I think this news will,interest you,. Now let me tell you some activities about our team.,Usually on Thursday evening, we players,would be offered many useful skills by excellent coaches,.On Saturday afternoon, we would,compete with,other teams to,gain practical experience.,If you want to join, please send your email to,821412 or register on-site before July 15th.,I sincerely hope that you could accept the invitation,. I am looking forward to your acceptance.,Yours,Li Hua,Dear Eric,How time flies! It _ (be) several weeks since we met last time.,I am writing_ (invite) you to join our school table tennis team,_ is admitting new players.,I know you are always keen _,table,tennis,so I think this news will _(,interest),you,. Now let me tell you some _(,act),about our team.,_(usual),on Thursday evening, we players would be offered many useful skills by excellent coaches.,has been,to invite,which,on,interest,activities,Usually,On Saturday afternoon, we would compete with other teams to gain _(,practice),experience.,_ you want to join, please send your email to 821412 or register on-site before July 15th.,I sincerely hope that you could accept the _(invite). I am looking forward to your acceptance.,Yours,Li Hua,practical,If,invitation,(二)音乐在我们的日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色,请根据以下提示以“The role of music”为题写一篇文章。,1你平时会在什么情况下听什么样的音乐,为什么喜欢,?,2音乐在你的学习和生活中的重要性,。,3你对待音乐的态度是什么,?,注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,As is known to all,music plays an important role in our life.,I am fond of listening to light music when I am depressed, because it can cheer me up.,Music is of great importance in our life,. First ,it can make us feel relaxed both mentally and physically, which can,reduce our pressure,in study and life . In addition, music,provides us with a platform,where,we can learn about another culture. At last, music is known as a universal language,which makes it easy for people,from different countries,to,communicate with each other.,As far as I am concerned,Music is a,necessary,part in our daily life,which makes our life colorful and wonderful.,As is known to all, music plays a important,role in our life. I am fond of listening to light,music when I am depressing, because it can,cheer me up.,Music is great importance in our life. First ,it,can make us to,feel relaxed both mentally and,physically,which can reduce our pressure in,study and life . In addition, music provide,us,with a platform which,we can learn about,another culture.,an,depressed,provides,where,of,At last, music is known,for,a universal,language, which makes it,easier,for people from,different,country,to communicate with each,other.,As far as I am concerning,,Music is a,necessary part in our daily life, which makes our,life colorful and wonderful.,concerned,as,easy,countries,


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