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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading,Warming-up,Earthquake in,Wenchuan,Volunteer,The definition of Volunteer,People,who help others in their community or outside their community,would be called volunteers. However, they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or friends.,If we were volunteers, what could we help them?,Act out,Just do it!,If everybody offers a little love, the world will become more beautiful.,Sharing is perfecting,Independent State of,P,apua,N,ew,G,uinea,巴布亚新几内亚独立国,Do you know where PNG is?,Pre-reading,巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽,(,极乐鸟,),巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人”。,16,世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见当地,居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,故称之,为新几内亚。,首 都,:,莫尔兹比港,Port Moresby,面 积,: 46.2,万平方公里,人 口,: 430,万人 语 言,:,英语,民 族,:,美拉尼西亚族,宗 教,:,基督教新教、拜物教,货 币,:,基那 国庆节,: 9,月,16,日,时 差,:,比北京时间早,2,小时,气 候,:,热带雨林气候,Look at the photos and answer the questions.,1. What kind of,student was,in Jo,s class?,2. Describe the classrooms?,The classrooms are made with wooden poles and have bamboo walls and grass roofs (except for the new science lab which has a metal roof). The floor has bamboo matting on it. The walls do not reach the roofs (except the walls of the science lab). There is no glass in the windows.,Differences from my classroom,1 Some of the walls are missing.,2 There is a pole holding up the roof,in the middle of the room.,3 There is no school uniform.,4 The students have no textbooks.,5 There is no glass in the windows.,6 The students have no repair the,classroom themselves.,1. The purpose that the author wrote the letter is that _.,she wanted to tell Rosemary her,teaching life in the high school.,B. she wanted to tell Rosemary her learning life in the high school.,C. she wanted to tell Rosemary that she couldnt get any money by teaching the poor students,D. she wanted to tell Rosemary how happy she was in the small village.,A,Choose the best answer.,2. In a chemistry experiment the boys jumped out of the windows because they _.,A. were frightened by the bubbling,mixture,B. couldn,t stand the terrible smell of the,mixture,C. didn,t like doing chemistry experiments,D. knew chemistry was not relevant to them,A,3. Which of the following is TRUE about Jo,s attitude?,A. She is sure that all the boys will go to,college in the future.,B. She believes that chemistry is very,useful to the boys.,C. She is wondering if she can make,any difference to the boys,lives.,D. She doesn,t like the simple life in the,mountain village.,C,4. Which of the descriptions is NOT right about,Tombes,house?,A. It was a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof.,B. It was dark and there was a fireplace in the centre of it.,C. It was round-shaped, with small windows and a narrow doorway.,D. There were only a few possessions in it.,C,Roses given,fragrance in hand.,A proverb to enjoy,赠人玫瑰,手留余香。,


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