八年级下册英语U1 复习课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,听写单词,词组,句子,1.,我们自己,2.,小刀,3.,决定,n 4.,意外,5,情况,6,重要性,7,她自己,8.,生病的,adj.,9.,呼吸,v. 10,击打,11.,勇气,12.,死亡,13.,问题,苦恼,n. 14.,躺下,v.,1,胃疼 头疼 牙疼,7,习惯于,.,2,嗓子疼 脖子疼 背疼,8,休息,3,发热 感冒 咳嗽,9.,躺下休息,4,另某人吃惊的是,10.,陷入困难,5,做某事有困难,11.,用光(物作主语),6,出鼻血,12.,掌管生命,1.He has problems _(breathe).,2.We should look after _(we).,3.I used to _(get) up late but now Im used,to_ (get) up early.,4.He was _(interest) in music when he was,young.,5.Mr. Li _(die) last week and everyone was,very sad to hear his _(die).,6.He had made a wrong _ (decide) and he,decided_ (change) it at once,1.breathing 2. ourselves 3. get, getting,4.interested 5 died, death,7. We use _ (,小刀,)to cut up bananas,8.Does he have a _(,发热,)?,9. He had a _(,胃疼,)?,10.Does Mary have a _(,嗓子疼,),11.Bob hurt himself by_(,意外,),12 This means being in a dangerous_(,情况,),7. knives 8 fever 9 stomachache,10.sore throat 11 accident 12 situation,1.26,路公交车正沿着中华路行驶,这时司机看见一位老人正躺在路边。,2.,老人有心脏病应该去医院。,3.,另她吃惊的是,他们都同意看电视。,4.,他期望所有的乘客下车等下一班车。,5.,多亏了这位司机和乘客,老人及时的被医生们救治。,6.,司机只考虑拯救一条生命了。,At 9:00 a.m,yesterday, bus No.26 was,_ (,go,),along Zhonghua Road when the driver,saw,an old man _,( lie ),on the side of,the road. A woman,next,to him was _,_( shout ),for help.,The bus driver,24-year-old WangPing,_ (stop),the bus,without,_(,think,) twice.,He,_(get),off and asked the woman,what _(,happen,),. She,_(,sa,y),that the man ha,d,a heart problem and,should,go to the hospital. Mr.Wang,_ (,kn,ow,),he had,_(,act,),quickly,.He,_(tell),the passengers that he must,_(take),the man to hospital.,going,lying,shouting,stopping,thinking,got,happened,said,knew,to act,take,told,He,_(expect),most or,all of the passengers,_(,get,),off and,wait,for the next bus. But,to,his surprise, they all,agree,d,_(,go,),with him. Some,passengers,helped Mr. Wang,_(,move,),the man,onto,the bus.,_,_(thank),to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors,_(,save,),the man,in,time,.“It,s sad that many people dont want to help,others,because they don,t want any,trouble,” says one passenger. “But the driver,_(,n,o,t,think,),about,himself,. He only,_(think),about,_(,sav,e),a life.,expected,to get,to go,Thanks to,saving,(to) go,saved,didnt think,thought,Aron,是一个对爬山感兴趣的美国人,。,who,2.,作为一名登山者,,Aron,习惯了冒险。,(be used to),3.,有很多次,Aron,差点由于事故失去了他的生命,。,(lose ones life),4.,当水喝完的时候,他知道他要做点什么来救自己的生命,。,(ran out),5.,他用刀把右臂砍断一半,.(cut off),6,.,然后用左臂给自己包扎,这样他就不会失血过多,(,so thattoo much),7.,他对爬山如此热爱,以至于他继续爬山。,(sothatkeep on),8.,Aron,讲述了做好决定和掌控生命的重要性。,the importance of,9.,这个意思是你处在一种看似无法摆脱的困境中,.,seem to,Aron,Ralston is an America man who is interested mountain climbing. As a mountain climber,Aron,is used to take risks. This is one of the exciting thing about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when,Aron,almost lose his life because accidents. In April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.,短文改错,1.American 2.in 3.taking,4.things 5 lost 6.of 7.On,On that day,Arons,arm was catch under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climb by himself in the mountains. Because he would not free his arm, he stayed there in five days and hope that someone will find him. But when his water run out, he know that he would have to do something save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too many blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help.,1.caught 2climbing 3.could 4.for 5.hoped,6.would 7.ran 8.knew 9.to 10.too much,


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