unit 9 基础模块上册 text Food-for-thought

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 9 cultivation,教养,修养,Food for Thought,引人思考的事,有益的教诲,There was,once,a little boy,with a bad,temper,. He,often,had fights with,his,friends.,One day, his father gave him a,bag of nails and,told him to hammer,a,nail into the fence,every time,he lost his,temper. The boy,listened to,his father,and,did what his father told him to do,Para-1.,曾经有一个脾气不好的小男孩。他经常和他的朋友们打架。有一天他的爸爸给了他一袋钉子,告诉他每次发脾气的时候就把一颗钉子钉在篱笆上。这个男孩听了爸爸的话,照他爸爸说的做了,。,The first day, the boy drove 17 nails into,the fence. Then,the number of,nails,became,less and,less,in the following,days,. The boy found that,it was easier to,keep his temper,than to drive the nails,into the fence.,Para-,2,.,第一天,这个男孩把,17,颗钉子钉到了篱笆上。后来的那些天,钉子的数量越来越少了。这个男孩发现控制自己的脾气比往篱笆上钉钉子容易。,Finally, the day came when the boy,did,nt,lose his temper,at all,. He told his,father about it and his father,asked him,to,pull out,one nail,each time,he was able,to keep his temper.,Para-,2,.,终于有一天,这个男孩一点脾气也不发了。他把这件事告诉他爸爸,他爸爸让他每次控制住自己脾气时拔出一颗钉子。,The days,passed,and the young boy was,finally able to tell his father that all the,nails,were gone,. The father,took his son,by the hand,and,led him to the fence,. He,said:,“,You have done well, son, but look,at the holes in the fence,Para-,3,.,一天天过去了,这个小伙子最后终于能够告诉他爸爸所有的钉子都拔完了。爸爸拉着儿子的手,把他带到篱笆前。他说:,“,你做得很好,我的儿子。但你看看篱笆上的洞。,”,The fence will never be,the same as,it,was before. When you say some words,in,anger, your bad temper will leave a scar,just,like,the hole.,Even if,you say youre,sorry, the wound is still there.,Para-,3,.,篱笆不再像原来那样了。当你说一些气话的时候,你的坏脾气将留下像这个洞一样的伤痕。即使你说对不起,伤痕依然在那儿。,”,If you,hurt,a person with words, the,wound is,as bad as,a physical one.,Friends are,rare jewels,. They,make you,smile,and feel happy. So never hurt your,friends.”,Para-,3,.,若用语言伤害一个人,造成的伤痕和肉体上的伤痕是一样的。朋友就是最珍贵的珠宝,他们让你笑,让你感到快乐。所以不要伤害你的朋友。,”,Since then,the boy had never fought,with his friends. He learned how to,get,on with,others and he never,lost his,temper,again.,Para-,4,.,从那以后,那个男孩再也没有和朋友打过架。他学会了怎样和别人相处,而且再也没有发过脾气。,Para-1.,1. once,:,曾经,从前,There was once a hospital here.,这里曾经有一家医院。,Para-1.,2. with a badgood temper,“,坏,好脾气的,with:,具有,带有,a girl with golden hair,留着金发的女孩,a room with two doors.,有两个门的房间,Para-1,.,3.,have fight with sb,.与.打架,He sometimes,has fights with others,.,We shouldnt,have fight with,others.,4,.,tell sb,.,to do,sth. 告诉某人做.,tell sb.,not to do,sth.告诉某人不要做.,The mother,told,her baby,not to play,in the street.,My parents,told,me,to study,hard.,2,),Every time,I _there, I will buy him something nice.,A. went B. will go C. go D. have gone,1),Every time,I see him, he wears a,pleasant smile.,5,.,every time / each time每当,.,引导时间,状语从句,6,. listen “听” 听的动作,强调过程,listen to,“听”加宾语,hear “听见,听到” 强调结果,sound “听起来” 感官系动词,Listen to,the teacher carefully!,Listen to,me!,I,heard,Lily get the first prize.,It,sounds,great,.,7,. The boy,listened,to his father,and,did,what his father told him to do.,What,did,his father,tell him to do?,(疑问),His father,told,him to,hammer the nails.,(对划线部分提问),What,his father,told him to do,(陈述语序,),分析:,小结:,宾语从句要用陈述语序,。,活学活用:,1. I didnt hear _ because there was,too much noise.,A. What did he say,B. what was he saying,C. what he said,D. What to say,.,活学活用,:,2.,Can you tell me when _ back?,A. will he be,B. does he come,C. he will be,D. did he come,1.,number,the,number of,+复数名词,,“.的数量”,指数量的总和,若用作主语,其谓语用,单数,:,a,number of,+复数名词,意为,“许多”,(= a lot of),若用作主语,其谓语用,复数,:,The number of my students _over 500 and a number of them _ my close friends.,A. is; is B. are; are,C. are; is D. is; are,活学活用,:,2. little - less - least,比较级 + and + 比较级,“,越来越.,”,less and less 越来越少,more and more 越来越多,hotter and hotter,colder and colder,more and more popular,more and more beautiful,The boy found that,to keep his temper,was easier than,to drive the nails into,the fence.,3,.,找出下列句子与原句不同的地方:,was easier,it,用作形式主语,:当不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时,为避免头重脚轻,通常在句首使用形式主语,it,,而把真正的主语放在句子末尾。,1),It,is hard,to make a friend,but,it,is easy,to lose a friend,.,英汉互译,:,It,s easy,to lose my temper,but,it,is hard,to keep my temper,.,2),我发脾气很容易但是不发脾气很难。,4,.,not .at all,根本不,一点也不,I do,nt,like English at all .,This question is,not,difficult,at all,.,He does,nt,stay there,at all,.,5,.,ask sb,.,to do,sth. 要求某人做.,ask sb.,not to do,sth.,The teacher,asked,us,to clean,the classroom after class.,The headmaster,asked,the students,to do,morning exercises.,be gone,消失不见,All my hope is gone/missing/lost,Catch/take sb. by the,hand/arm/leg/nose,hit sb in the face,Hit /pat/ strike sb. on the head/shoulder/back,The mother,take her baby by the,hand,to cross the street.,The policeman,caught the thief by,the arm,.,3.,lead sb to someplace:,领某人去某地。,Can you lead me to the school library?,4.,the same as,与.相同,一样,Lily looks,the same as,her sister.,Li Ming has,the same,qestion,as,yours.,Your car is,the same as,mine.,even if,即使;尽管,even though, although , though 尽管,虽然,即使,Well go,even if,it rains.,Even if,I fail this time, I would try again.,He will come on time,even though,it rains.,Even though,you do not like it , you must do it.,5,.,as.as,像.一样,(中间加原级),not as/ so . as,不像.一样,My car is as expensive as yours.,Lily is as tall as Lucy.,Lucy is not as beautiful as Lily.,6,.,make sb.,do,sth. 使某人做.,sb. be made,to do,某人被迫做.,使役动词make , let , have, 主动省to,被动加to,The teacher,made,Lily,clean,the blackboard.,Lily,was made,to clean,the blackboard.,直击高考,:,(2012.)She forgot to clean the blackboard. So she was made _ it by her teacher.,A. clean B.cleaning,C.to clean D.cleaned,C,After Reading:,( )1. There was a little boy _ bad temper.,A. has B. with a C. has a D. in a,( )2. The boy listened to his father and did what his father told him_,A. do B. to do C. not to doD. what to do,B,B,( )3. The number of nails became _ in the following days,A. little and little B. fewer and fewer,C. less and less D. lesser and lesser,( )4. The boy found it _ to keep his temper than _ the nails into the fence.,A. easier, to drive B. easier, drive,C. easily, driving D. more easier,C,A,


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