Unit 1 Will people have robots Period 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Will People Have Robots,Section A,1a 2b,Feb.13,New words on P2-3,1.robot,机器人,2.wont=will not,将不,3.theyll = they will,他们将,4.everything,每件事情,5.paper,纸,纸张,6.use,使用;利用,7.less,(,little,的比较级)较少;较小,8.fewer,(,few,的比较级)较少的;较少数,Pollution,污染,9.tree,树;树木,10.shell = she will,她将,Useful Expressions,1.,未来的一百年后,2.,将有,3.,在家用电脑学习,4.,免费;有空,5.,活到,200,岁,6.,一百年后(将来),7.,更多,/,少的人,8.,更多,/,少的污染,in the future,100 years from now,there will be,study at home on computers,be free,live to be 200 years old,in 100 years,more/ people,fewer,more/ population,less,9.,人们家里将有机器人。,People will have robots in their homes.,10.,人们将不再用钱了。所有的东西都将免费。,People wont use money. Everything will be free.,11.,书本只出现在电脑上,不再是纸做的。,Books will only be on computers,not on paper.,12.,孩子们将不上学。他们将在家里通过电脑学习。,Kids wont go to,school.Theyll,study at home on computers.,13.,将来只有一个国家了。,There will only be one country .,14.,人们将活到,200,岁。,People will live to be 200 years old.,15.,空余时间将会更少。,There will be less free time.,16.,人们将会更少地乘坐地铁。,People will use the subways less.,17.,城市会变得很大、很拥挤。,Cities will be very big and crowded.,18.-,一百年后人们还会用钱吗?,-,不,他们不会用钱了。,-Will people use money in 100 years?,-No,they wont.,19.-,将来,所有的东西都会免费吗?,-,是的。,-Will everything be free in the future?,-Yes,it will.,20. -,一百年后人们家里会有机器人吗?,-,会有的。,-Will there be robots in peoples home in 100 years?,-Yes,there will.,21.,你认为一百年后人们家里会有机器人吗?,-,是的。,-Do you think (that) there will be robots in peoples home in 100 years?Yes,there will.,21.-,污染将会较少吗?,-,不,不会。,-Will there be less pollution ?No,there wont.,22.,一百年后,孩子们将不到学校上学。,Kids wont go to school in 100 years.,23.,五十年后不会有更多的树。,There wont be more trees in fifty years.,P2 Section A,1.Look at the picture. What are the two boys talking?,2.Practice the dialogue in groups of two.,P2 1a,未来,100,年后,世界与现在将有怎么样的不同?读这些预言。如果同意,选,A,;,如果不同意选,D,。,Check the students answers.,P2 1b,听录音,圈出,1b,中你所听到的预测。,Answers:,1.People will have robots in their homes.,2.People wont use money.Everything will be free.,3.Books will only be on computers,not on paper.,4.Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home,on computers.,5.There will only be one country.,6.People will live to be 200 years old.,Tapescripts,Section A 1b,A: Do you think people will have robots in their,homes in 100 years?,B: Yes,I do . I saw a robot on TV,and it cleaned,the kitchen.,A: Well,I dont think people will use money.,B: Do you think everything will be free?,A: Yeah,probably.,B: I think there will be only one country.,A: Only one country in the whole world? Will,there be world peace?,B: I hope so.,A: I bet kids wont go to,school.Theyll,study at,home on computers.,B: Oh,I disagree.,A: You do ?,B: Yeah,there will always be schools.,P2 1c,Pairwork,就,1a,的预测问答,A: Will people use money in 100 years?,B: No,they wont . Everything will be free.,Will people live to be 200 years old ?,A: Yes,they will.,Ask and answer questions about the predictions in activity 1a.,Homework:,1.,你认为她会喜欢我的礼物吗,?,当然,2.,你认为老师会让我们放学回家吗,?,恐怕不会,.,3.,你认为小马能把这道题解出来,?,是的,.,他数学很好,.,4.,你认为你会通过考试吗,?,是的,.,我会通过的,.,5.,今晚公园里将有一场音乐会,.,6.,我希望天气能变一变,.,P3 2a,听录音,圈出你所听到的词。,There will be more / less / fewer people.,There will be more / less / fewer free time.,There will be more / less / fewer cars.,There will be more / less / fewer pollution.,There will be more / less / fewer trees,.,P3 2b,再听一遍,录音,勾选出你听到的预测,_ 1. There will be fewer people.,_ 2. There will be less free time.,_ 3. People will use the subways less.,_ 4. There will be more pollution.,_ 5. Cities will be very big and,crowded.,Tapescripts,Section A 2a,2b,Woman: OK, now I want to hear everyones,predictions about the future.,Girl 1: Well,I think there will be more people.,Woman: More people? OK. What else?,Boy 1: I predict that there will be less free time.,Woman: I hope not.,Girl 2 : Well, I think there will be fewer cars.,Woman: You do ?,Girl 2 : Yes,people will use the subways more.,Woman: Thats a great idea. Lets hear another,prediction.,Boy 2 : There will be less pollution.,Woman: That will be good for the earth!,Girl 1: I think there will be fewer trees. I,think cities will be really big and,crowded because there will be a lot,more people.,P3 2C,Groupwork,看,2b,中的活动,造有关预测的对话,A,:,I think there will be more pollution.,B: Well, I dont agree. But I think there,will be fewer trees.,A: I agree.,P3 Grammar Focus,Will there be less pollution? No,there wont.,There will be more pollution.,Will there be fewer trees? Yes,there will.,Kids wont go to school.,Kids will study at home on computers.,fewer less,用,fewer,修饰可数名词 用,less,修饰不可数名词,There will be trees. There will be less pollution,Homework,1.,分开男同学和女同学两组,分别在,There will be fewer,和,There will be less,后面尽可能多地加上可数名词和不可数名词(学过的),2.,自学,P95“,一般将来时”,


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