No.13 henry james

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Language: highly-refined, polished, (,文雅,) insightful, accurate,c. Construction: complicated, intricate,are not the liking of the common readers,The differences between Howells, James, and Mark Twain,Although Howells, James and Twain all worked for realism, there were obvious,differences,between them.,A. In thematic terms, James wrote mostly of the,upper reaches,of American society; Howells concerned himself chiefly with,middle class life,; Mark Twain dealt largely with,the lower strata,of society.,B. Technically, Howells wrote in the vein of,genteel realism, James pursued an “imaginative” treatment of reality or,psychological realism, but Mark Twains contribution to the development of realism and to American literature as a whole was partly through his theories of,localism,in American fiction, and partly through his,colloquial,style.,伊莎贝尔,阿切尔,,一位,美国少女,父母双亡后,被她富有的姨母带,到英国,。在,那,,先后拒绝了,英国,贵族,沃伯顿,和,美国富商,戈德伍德,的求婚。她的表兄,拉尔夫,也爱上她,但他知道自己患不治之症无法结婚,,便,说服父亲把,一笔巨额遗产,留给表妹。,伊莎贝尔又结识,了,梅尔夫人,,对这位已,彻底欧洲化,了的美国女人十分倾倒。姨父,死,后,伊莎贝尔得到遗产去意大利游,历,。进入梅尔夫人布下的圈套。梅尔夫人介绍她认识了长期侨居意大利的美国,人,奥斯蒙德,,,外表,儒雅斯文。伊莎贝尔为之动心;他的女儿,帕茜,,也引起她的爱怜。她不顾亲戚朋友的警告和反对,自作主张下嫁于他。,婚后她发现自己受骗,奥斯蒙德是,平庸卑鄙的小人,。她还发现梅尔夫人是奥斯蒙德的情妇,帕茜是他们的私生女。痛苦,中,,她强作欢颜,对外人隐瞒了婚姻,的,不幸。表兄拉尔夫在英国病危,伊莎贝尔不顾丈夫的反对赶去看他。拉尔夫死后,伊莎贝尔出乎众人的预料,又回到罗马。,The Portrait of a Lady,Isabel Archer,Touchett.couple,Ralph,Lord Warburton,Gaspar Goodwood,Madame Merle,Gilbert Osmond,Pancy,aunt and uncle,love,love,love,Meet in England,married,lovers,daughter,son,friend,themes,independence,identity,contrasting regions,women and femininity,possession,pride,wealth,love,lies and deceit,theme of independence,In this novel,Isabel Archer is totally independent after getting the fortune but it is the,independence that make,s,her have so many self-judgment and ignore othe,r,s advice.,Unrestricted independence,dangerous,The theme of wealth,Independence,happiness,attraction,Danger,desire,tragedy,Having money is nice ,but it comes with a lot of baggage,lovable,tough,glorious,intelligent,brave,responsible,fragile,pitiful,naive,Over-independent,Over-individual,kind,tragic marriage,reasons,personality reason:,over-clever , over-confident, over-independent, full of illusion and naivety,times reason;,new American culture vs,.,ancient European culture,individual subjective limi,t,ations:,self-judgment ignore others advice,


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