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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考复习,amusing a. n.,care n./v.a. adv.,chemistry n.a.,collect v. n.,honest a. (opp. a.)n.,electric a.n.,forget v.a.,independent a.v.,locate v.n.,long a.n.,mix v.n.,memory n.v.,operate v.n.,physics n.a.,please v.a.(,人,) a. (,物,)n.,speak v. n.,succeed v.n. a.,penny n. n.(pl.),有关文体活动的核心词汇,indoor activity, outdoor activity, amusement,basketball, tennis, football, volleyball,break,,,rest,,,cycle, boat v. n.,Olympic, sport, jump, kick, swim, race, run, rush,piano, violin, chess, dance, game, movie, music,performance, show,journey, travel, trip, tour,In_,匆忙; 一会儿; 另外; 主管,负责; 在课上; 处于危险中; 用英语; 事实上; 赞同,赞成; 在,的前面; 住院; 在某人无事多岁时; 为了; 换句话说; 作为回报; 惊奇地; 最后,终于; 在将来; 在,的中间; 在过去,从前; 这样; 及时; 处于困境中,On_,按平均值,通常; 出差; 走路; 在休假; 在某人一边; 在听 ; 在去的路上; 准时; 在工作日,另一方面,_on,旋开; 穿戴,表演; 依靠;靠,为生; 继续; 走吧,跟我来; 喜爱; 等等;试穿,1.Rush hour t_ is a problem in many cities. Commuters往返者rush to and from their jobs in car, buses, subways trains and even on bicycles.,2.The Lantern Festival is a festival for people have f_. Lantern shows, lion and dragon dances are major events for this festival.,3.He got a very bad cough. He coughed day and night. So he decided to get some m_.,4.He has read all the books in all the s_ .The librarian knew him well.,5.They are v_ that might help you anything you need help.,句子的主语、宾语动宾,介宾、表语常用名词,注意可数名词的单复数形式。,raffic,un,edicine,helves,olunteers,Mum used to d_ me to school, but now I have started,riding our bikes to school.,2.As your reading i_, you will probably find your,schoolwork becomes much easier.,3.A lot of money is s_ on rubbish treatment, so dont litter.,4.She hadnt c_ at all. She was still tall and beautiful with,wavy hair and bright green eyes.,5.Get out your pen and a piece of paper,,,and start w_ .,You could be the next Han Han or Guo Jingming.,谓语动词充当谓语,注意符合时态与语态的要求。,非谓语动词不定式和动名词往往出现在词组搭配中,rive,mproves,pent,hanged,riting,1. It is i_ for this kind of small animal to eat a big tiger.,2. An a_ earthquake that was like a nightmare(,梦魇,)hit Yushu ten days ago.,3. Beautiful beaches, tasty seafood and fashionable shows make the island a_ . It became the most popular place for tourists.,4.The ship sailed in the r_ sea so difficultly that the staff had to asked for help.,5. Mike and his father hardly have time to have a talk. However , he has a much b_ relationship with his mother.,系动词后的表语、名词前的定语、一些动词make,find,keep)后的宾语补足语,,使用形容词,要注意是否使用其比较级,最高级。,mpossible,wful,ttractive,ough,etter,1.Delicious food is one of the most important things I must think of.,I prefer French food. I a_ like Japanese food.,2.The ancient buildings are familiar to me. I a_ look at them,when I am on the travel to work.,3. Peter has a_ found out the truth. You neednt tell a white,lie.,4. Nobody knew where the shy boy came from. He was a_,the missing prince.,不影响整个句子的语法意义,对句子其修饰作用时用副词:,注意副词所在句子与相邻句群的关系,以判断其意义。,lso,lways,lready,ctually,1. Tim loves to visit his grandmother, he doesnt get to visit her very often b_ his family lives in a city that is six hours away.,2.A _ none of these Japanese students could understand French ,the French writer had to have a man put what he said into Japanese.,3. B_ the I came back to my seat, all the tourists had left.,4. A_ she graduated from the university, she started her own business to make money.,5. They have been pen pals for several years and known each other well b_ they have never met.,连接两个句子使用连词,要分析主从句或是并列句之间的语义关系,选择适当的连词。,ecause,s,efore,fter,ut,The stars we see at night really huge suns like our sun, but they are much_ away in space. Some of them have planets like our earth traveling round them.,The starts are so hot that they give off great light and h_-more than the hottest, brightest fire you can imagine. As we all know, light travels at 300,000 kilometers per second. But the stars are so far away that their light s_ takes years to reach us. The light we see coming from some far-off stars started more than a hundred years ago.,The moon is a ball of cold rock. It is smaller than the earth. It circles round the earth as the earth circles round the sun. The whole j_ of the moon round the earth takes twenty-eight days. We see it c_ from new moon to h_ to full and back to new moon every twenty-eight days. Our word “m_ comes from the word “moon.,I,首字母填空题的解题技巧,1.,泛读全文,领会大意,2.,细读全文,初选试填,3.,复读全文,校核答案,英语文章或段落都有中心主题,.,答题前应该从头到尾快速阅读一遍全文,这样就有了,一个正确的解题思路,.,填空时,每看完一句,不要急于 “定锤. 请根据语义,语法,逻辑与搭配上的需要来推测所填词汇.*动词要注意时态, *名词要注意单复数, *形容词和副词要注意比较级和最高级.,完成填空后,还需最后的校核. 考试时可以放在做完其他试题之后进行,防止思路停留在原来的文字上,回头再次校核能使你从另外的角度考虑问题,从而提高正确率.,


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