Great Expectations讲解

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Great Expectation,It is impossible to read,Great Expectations,without sensing Dickenss presence in the book, without being aware that in portraying and judging Pip he is giving us a glimpse of a younger self. In it he explores and perhaps exorcises the sense of guilt and shame that had haunted him all his life, as he rose from humble beginnings to success and wealth and fame; and chronicles his own at first ambivalent and then cynical response to the Victorian emphasis on gentility.,Great Expectations,is a work which seeks to define the crucial Victorian concept of the,Gentleman,The novel, which is in this sense a,Bildungsroman,. Pips psyche haunts the novel, which is in a sense about the process of becoming wholly human. One central theme is the extent to which wealth and power * and pride and ambition (which appears here as attributes of the upper class) are dehumanizing. Another important theme traces the effect of environment upon the development of the individual.,Bildungsroman,The,Bildungsroman,(,novel of formation,) is a genre of the novel which focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood. The genre arose during the,German Enlightenment,.,A,Bildungsroman,tells about the growing up or coming of age of a sensitive person who is looking for answers and experience. The genre evolved from folklore tales of a dunce or youngest son going out in the world to seek his fortune. Usually in the beginning of the story there is an emotional loss which makes the protagonist leave on his journey. In a,Bildungsroman, the goal is maturity, and the protagonist achieves it gradually and with difficulty. The genre often features a main conflict between the main character and society. Typically, the values of society are gradually accepted by the protagonist and he is ultimately accepted into society the protagonists mistakes and disappointments are over. In some works, the protagonist is able to reach out and help others after having achieved maturity.,Representative works,The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, by,Henry Fielding,(1749),David Copperfield, by,Charles Dickens,(1850),Treasure Island, by,Robert Louis Stevenson,(188182),Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by,Mark Twain,(1884),The Picture of Dorian Gray, by,Oscar Wilde,(1890),Martin Eden, by,Jack London,(1909),Sons and Lovers, by,D. H. Lawrence,(1913),A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by,James Joyce,(191415),Doubles,The most remarkable aspect of Dickens work is its structural intricacy and remarkable balance:,two convicts on the marsh (,Magwitch,and,Compeyson,),two invalids (Mrs. Joe and Miss,Havisham,),Two young women interest in Pip,Two secret benefactors (,Magwitch,and Pip),Two adults seek to mold children after their own purposes and both of their actions motivated by,Compeyson,Symbols,1.,Satis,House,A magnificent Gothic setting symbolizes Pips romantic perception of upper classes. Miss,Havishams,wedding dress on her decaying body is a symbol of death and degeneration. The wedding feast and the stopped clocks,symbolize,her attempt to stick to that day; the brewery next to the house indicates the connection between commerce and wealth, for her fortune is of a recent success in industrial capitalism; the crumbling dilapidated stones of the house and darkness and dust suggest the general decadence of the lives of its inhabitants and the upper class.,2. The mists on the marshes,The misty marshes are used several times to symbolize danger and uncertainty. Whenever Pip goes into the mists, something dangerous is likely to happen. Significantly, Pip must go through the mists when receiving his fortune, which alerts the reader the apparently positive development in his life may have dangerous consequences.,


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