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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar,Look at the following sentences. Pay,attention to the differences:,This is the book that you asked me to buy.,This is the,just,book that you asked me to buy.,I know his phone number.,I,do,know his phone number.,function ?,Emphasis,用,词,或,短语,帮助强调,so, very, just,the only,You are the,very,person I am looking for.,Men dont enjoy shopping,at all,.,What,on earth,are you doing?,Why,in the world,are you always late?,at all, on earth,in the world,You are,the only,person who is honest in this world.,用助动词帮助强调,Do,be,careful!,He,did,tell,me the news.,She,does,love,talking.,强调,谓语,(,predicate,),有,人称,和,数,的变化,Do,teach him a lesson!,It is,I,who,am wrong.,It is,in a small factory,that,my brother is going to work.,强调句型,What kind of sentences are they,?,强调句型,(sentence pattern),1.,构成,(structure),It,is /was,+,强调部分,+that,(who/whom),+,其他成分,强调,除谓语以外,的句子成分,强调,人,只能是,单数,They,will have,a meeting,in the hall,tomorrow,.,强调主语,It is,they,that/who will have a meeting in the hall tomorrow.,强调宾语,It is,a meeting,that they will have in the hall tomorrow.,强调地点状语,It is,in the hall,that they will have a meeting tomorrow.,强调时间状语,It is,tomorrow,that they will have a meeting in the hall.,2.,强调句型的注意点,It is,your father,who,is,wrong this time.,It is,his parents,who,have,come to China.,主谓一致,:被强调部分作,主语,时,其形式与,谓语动词,在,人称,和,数,上保持一致。,主语,谓语,一致,It is Mary who often _ (help/helps) me with my English.,It is I that _ (be) against you.,It is the boy students of Class Two who _ playing football on the playground.,helps,am,are,人称照应,:强调主语用主格,强调宾语用宾格。,It is,I,who am wrong.,It was,her,whom I saw in the street just now.,主语,主格,宾语,宾格,这次得冠军的是她。,It was _ that won the,championship,this time.,你明天要去采访的是他。,she,It is,him,who you will interview tomorrow.,It,must be,Peter who has let this secret out.,It,may be,next week that she leaves for Tokyo.,It,might be,last night that the thief broke in their house.,be,前面可加情态动词,问句形式:,一般问句:,Is/Was it,+,被强调部分,+,that,+ -,Is it,the dictionary,that,you are looking for?,Was it,yesterday,that,he was fired?,What,is it that,you want me to do ?,Who,was it,that,told you the news?,When was it that,you called me?,How was it that,you succeed?,特殊问句:,疑问词,+,is/was,+,it,+,that,+-,他想申请的是这家公司吗?,_ that he wants to apply for?,你们是在哪里买到这本小说的?,Is it this company,Where was it that you bought,the novel?,I,didnt realize,what trouble he was in,until,at that time,.,It was,not until,at that time that I,realized,what trouble he was in.,当强调,notuntil,结构时,必须将,not until,连用,后面接肯定式。,The teacher,didnt,stop,his lesson,until,the bell rang.,(,改成强调句,),It was,not until,the bell rang that the teacher,stopped,his lesson.,直到他父亲来了男孩才开始做作业。,It was not until his father came that the boy began to do his homework.,把,“,It is/was - that”,去掉,如果剩余部分句子结构仍然完整,那么这个句子就是强调句;如果句子不完整,则不是强调句。如:,It is,true,that,he once went to America.,It was,at 8 oclock,that,he came back.,主语从句,强调句型,3.,强调句型的判断,1. It was at the theatre _ Lincoln was murdered.,A. where B. at which C. which D. that,2. It was the theatre _ Lincoln was murdered.,A. which B. that C. where D. the one,It was,midnight,_ he came back.It was,at,midnight,_ he came back.,when,that,It is,in the classroom,_ we will have the test.,It is,the classroom,_ we will have the test.,that,where,4.,强调句型高考考点,1,)强调句型与定语从句合用,增加试题,迷惑性。,It was,on,the day,when he joined the Party,that,he was killed.,他正是在,入党的,那天被杀害的。,定语从句,It was in,Beihai,Park _ they met for the first time _ the old couple told us their love story.,A. where; that B. that; that,C. where; when D. that; when,该题中,“,they met for the first time”,为被强调部分,“,Beihai,Park”,的定语,(,),2,)强调句型与宾语从句合用,强调句型 用于宾语从句,为一大热门考点。,例如,:,She looks sad. Could you please,tell,me _ that prevents her from being as happy as before?,A. what it is B. it is what,C. how it is D. it is how,(,),Exercises:,1. - Was it in 1969_ the American astronaut succeeded_ landing on the moon,- Quite right.,A. when; on B. that; on,C. when; in D. that; in,2. It was_ he said _,disappointed me.,A. what; that B. that; that,C. what; what D. that; what,3. _ is no possibility _ Bob can win the first prize in the match.,A. There; whether B. It; that,C. There; that D. It; whether,4.-Where was,you picked up the wallet,-Just near the school gate.,A. it B. it that,C. the place D. the place that,5. I must find out why,so many students made the same mistake.,A. is it that B. was it which,C. it is what D. it was that,6.,is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.,A. There B. It,C. That D. This,7. Our classroom is very clean. Do you,know who,cleaned it,A. was it that,B. it was that,C. was it who D. he was,8. Is it in the factory,you visited last week,this kind of car is made,A.,;,that B. where,;,when,C. where,;,that D.,;,when,9. It was _ 1920,regular radio broadcasts began.,A. until; when B. not until; when,C. until; that D. not until; that,10. It is ten years _ Miss,Gao,returned to China.,A. that B. when,C. since D. as,11. It will be three years _ we get together again.,A. that B. when,C. since D. before,Homework,Workbook,P,126,C,1,& C,2,;,Exercise book,P,143,&,144,


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