六年级上册英语课件-Unit8 Chinese New Year (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共21张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit8 Chinese New Year (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共21张PPT)_第1页
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六年级上册英语课件-Unit8 Chinese New Year (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共21张PPT)_第2页
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六年级上册英语课件-Unit8 Chinese New Year (第2课时) |译林版(三起) (共21张PPT)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,译林版小学英语六年级上册,Unit8 Chinese New Year,(Grammar time),Wh,at,are they,going to do on Chinese New Years Day,?,Its Chinese New Years Day tomorrow.,Bobby and Tina are,talking about their plans.,Lets review,Think,and,say,They are going to,_,Aunt Alice in the morning and,_,in the evening,.,Bobby,is going to,see,AuntAlice,in the morning.,He is going to,watch,fireworks in the evening.,Tina,is going to,see,AuntAlice,in the morning.,She is going to,watch,fireworks in the evening.,see,watch,肯定句构成,:,主语,+,be going to,+,动词原形,一般将来时,She,is,going to,listen,to music,.,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。句中会出现表示将来时间的短语。如:,this afternoon/evening,,,tomorrow,,,next., soon,Look and guess,What is she going to do?,be going to +,动词原形,She,is going to,ride,a bike.,be going to +,动词原形,What are they going to do?,be going to +,动词原形,They,are,going to,fly,a kite.,be going to +,动词原形,What is he going to do?,be going to +,动词原形,He,is going to,draw,a picture.,be going to +,动词原形,She,is going to,ride,a bike.,They,are,going to,fly,a kite.,He,is going to,draw,a picture.,肯定句:,be going to +,动词原形,She,will,ride,a bike.,He,will,draw,a picture.,They,will,fly,a kite.,=,will,+,动词原形,Bobby and Tina are going to see their aunt,.,They,are going to buy some presents for,her,. They are talking about it.,B,: Hi, Tina. Where are you going?,T: Im going to the shop .,B: What are you going to buy?,T: Im going to buy some flowers for,Aunt Alice,B: Thats a good idea.,Em, Im going to buy a present for,her, too.,T: : What are you going to buy?,B: Guess!,T: Are you going to buy a new scarf?,B: No, Im going to buy a nice cup for,her,.,T: Great! Lets go!,Where are you going?,What are you going to buy?,Are you going to buy a new scarf?,Are,you,going to,buy,a new scarf?,Where,are,you,going,?,What,are,you,going to,buy?,一般将来时的疑问句,Are,you,going to,buy,a new scarf?,一般疑问句构成,:,Be,+,主语,+,going to,+,动词原形?,A: Is he going to play with a yo-yo?,B: No, he isnt going to play with a yo-yo.,isnt,He is going to play football.,A: Are they going to make puppets?,B: No, they arent going to make puppets.,arent,They are going to play chess.,否定句:,be not going to,+,动词原形,will,not,+,动词原形,=,1.H,e,isnt going to,play with a yo-yo.,2.T,hey,arent going to,make puppets.,H,e,will not,play with a yo-yo.,T,hey,will not,make puppets.,Where,are,you,going,?,What,are,you,going to,buy?,特殊疑问句构成,:,特殊疑问词,+,be,+,主语,+,going to,+,动词原形?,一般将来时的,疑问句,1,、一般疑问句,:,Be,+,主语,+,going to,+,动词原形?,2,、特殊疑问句,:,特殊疑问词,+,be,+,主语,+,going to,+,动词原形?,Bobby and Tina _buy some presents for their grandparents tomorrow.,B: I want to buy some presents for grandparents, too.,A:_,_,you,_ _,buy for grandpa?,B: I _a radio.,A: _ you,_ _,buy a radio for grandma, too?,B: No, Im _. Im going to buy some beautiful flowers.,A: Sounds great!,are going to,What,am going to buy,Are,not,Read and complete,are,going,to,going,to,Summary,一般将来时:,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。,可以用,be,going to,+动词原形/,will,+动词原形表示,。,句中会出,现表示将来时间的短语。如:,this afternoon/evening,,,tomorrow,,,next., soon,等,肯定句:主语,+,be going to,+,动词(短语)原形,+,其他,否定句:主语,+,be not going to,+,动词(短语)原形,+,其他,一般疑问句:,Be,+,主语,+,going to,+,动词(短语)原形,+,其他,?,特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词,+,be,+,主语,+,going to,+,动词,(短语)原形,+,其他,?,


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