Chapter 3Morphology

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Chapter 3 Morphology,Morphology refers to the part of the grammar that is concerned with word formation and word structure.,Open class word and closed class word,Open class words-content words of a language to which we can regularly add new words, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, e.g.,beatnik(a,member of the Beat Generation), hacker, email, internet,“,做秀,时装秀,”,in Chinese.,Closed class words-grammatical or functional words, such as conjunction, articles, preposition and pronouns.,Morpheme-the minimal unit of meaning,-,-Words are composed of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes, e.g.,1-morpheme boy, desire,2-morpheme,boy+ish,desir(e)+ble,3-morpheme,boy+ish+ness,desir(e)+bl(e)+ity,4-morpheme,gentle+man+li+ness,un+desir(e)+abl(e)+ity,5-morpheme,un+gentle+man+li+ness,6-morpheme,anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism,Free morpheme & bound morpheme,Free morpheme-is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itself, such as,bed, tree, sing, dance,etc.,Bound morpheme-is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme. They can not stand by themselves, such as,“,-s,”,in,“,dogs,”,“,al,”,in,“,national,”,“,dis,-,”,in,“,disclose,”,“,ed,”,in,“,recorded,”, etc.,Allomorph,Some morphemes have a single form in all contexts, such as,“,dog, bark,cat,”,etc,. In other instances, there may be some variation, that is, a morpheme may have alternate shapes or phonetic forms. They are said to be the allomorphs of the morpheme, the plural morpheme may be represented by:,map-map,s,s,dog-dog,s,z,watch-watches ,iz,mouse-m,i,ce ,ai,ox-ox,en,n,tooth-t,ee,th,sheep-sh,ee,p,Each of the underlined part is called an allomorph of plural morpheme.,Derivational morpheme & inflectional morpheme,Derivational morphemes- the morphemes which change the category, or grammatical class of words, e.g. modern-modernize, length-lengthen, fool-foolish, etc.,Inflectional morphemes- the morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on; they never change their syntactic category, never add any lexical meaning, e.g.,a) number: table,s,apple,s,car,s,b),person, finiteness and aspect: talk/talks/talking/talked,c) case: John/John,s,Affix,Prefix - morphemes that occur only,before,others, e.g.,un-,dis, anti-,ir,-, etc.,Suffix - morphemes that occur only,after,others, e.g.,-,ful, -,er, -,ish, -ness, -able, -,tive,tion, etc.,Some other terms,Root,Stem,Base,Root,A root is that part of the word left when all the affixes (inflectional & derivational) are removed, e.g.,“,desire,”,in,“,desirable,”,“,care,”,in,“,carefully,”,“,nation,”,in,“,internationalism,”,“,believe,”,in,“,unbeliev(e)able,”,Stem,A stem is part of a word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed, e.g.,“,undesirable,”,in undesirables,Base,A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. This means any stem and root can be termed as a base.,The difference between root, stem & base,A base can be added by both inflectional ,A base is derivationally analyzable (e.g.,undesire,in,undesirable),while a root cannot be further analyzed, e.g.,desire,in,undesirable;,Root, stem and base can be the same form, e.g.,desire,in,desired;,Undesirable,in,undesirables,is either a stem or a base;,Desirable,in,undesirable,is only a base.,Morphological rules,The rules that govern the formation of words, e.g. the,“,un- + -,”,rule.,unfair unthinkable unacceptable,Compounding is another way to form new words, e.g.,landlady rainbow undertake,Compounds,Noun compounds,daybreak (N+V) playboy (V+N) haircut (N+V),callgirl,(V+N) windmill (N+N),Verb compounds,brainwash (N+V),lipread,(N+V),babysit(N+V,),Adjective compounds,maneating,(,N+Ving,) heartfelt (,N+Ved,),dutyfree,(,N+adj,.),Preposition compounds,into (P+P),throughout (P+P),Some points about compounds,When the two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will be in this category, e.g.,postbox, landlady, icy-cold, blue-black,When the two words fall into different categories, the class of the second or final word will be the grammatical category of the compound, e.g. head-strong, pickpocket,Compounds have different stress patterns from the non-compounded word sequence, e.g. red coat, green house,The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts.,


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