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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lecture 14,The Beauty of Britain,(Nov. 11),Activities,I.,教学目的和教学重点,II. Topic sentences finding,+ Key words listing,III. Comprehension + Word puzzle,IV.,A thousand readers, a thousand Hamlets.,a three-paralleled approach to the text,a literal interpretation,a cultural interpretation,a psychological interpretation,I.,教学目的和教学重点,1.,了解文章的结构和文风。,文风清新、,自然,,不露痕迹,。,2,.,作者围绕中心句和关键词旁敲侧击含沙射影,敏锐地读出句子的言外之意并学以致用。,3.,欣赏英国自然与人和谐相处,天人合一,物我两忘。,II. Text discourse,Para 1,Topic sentence:,it is immensely varied within a small range.,Key words: beauty/ variety/ smallish,1. Comprehension: The beauty of our country or at least all of its south of North Scotland i,s as hard to,define,as it is easy to enjoy.,as hard to as it is easy to: to the same degree?,(,0802,燕娜,*,0804,丽娜,*,0801,莹莹,) easy to enjoy but difficult to describe,(,*,0805,王宇 *,0802,文静,)is indescribable but easy to appreciate,只可意会不可言传,2.,W,ord puzzle:,But we have,superb variety.,A great deal of everything,is packed into little space.,everything has to,be neatly packed into,a small space.,is immensely varied within a small range?,is,to be well adapted,is,adjusted to/placed into the scale of the island,Neatly,:,be crowded/squeezed/ put into,tidily/orderly,(0604,李娜,),井然有序地,?,(0602,蒙蒙,) to be fitted into,in a pleasing shape,(0604,金琴琴,) be put,harmoniously,into,A mountain 12,000 feet high,would be a horrible monster here,as wrong as,a plain 400 miles long, a river as broad as the Mississippi.,as improper/unsuitable in this small range as?,与总体的环境不协调 (,0602,盛优,),格格不入,突兀,as a plain 400 miles long which (0804,金丽,) as disagreeable/ unfit as,(0801,真宇,),as incongruent as,as incompatible as,(0802,包唯,) would not fit snugly into,doesnt match/ go well with,isnt in harmony with,is not adjusted to a,smallish region /,Topic sentences finding/organization,:,3,folds / 2 transitional sentences,Para 1,We see at once that,one of its charms is that,it is immensely,varied,within a small range.,Para 3,With variety,goes surprise.,Ours,is the country of,happy surprises.,Para 5,Another,characteristic of our landscape is its,exquisite moderation.,Para 2,Topic sentence:,Nevertheless, you feel that they are mountains and not mere hills, for these peaks, some of them less than 3,000 feet high, have all the air of great mountains.,1.,Why the Swiss guide had made the wrong estimate about the peaks of the Lake District?,Help prove his point:,Small,in scale, but have all the air of great mountains,which misled the Swiss guide.,(0604,何俊,),Switzerland is a country rich in splendid mountains, the Alps.,(0603,杨晶晶,),are small in size, but they have,a grandiose vigor, which gives the climbers a false sense of being hard to conquer.,landscapes with grandeur and splendor,地域不辽阔,山川却不失宏伟气魄,Para 3,T,opic sentence:,With variety goes surprise.,Ours is the country of,happy surprises.,1. Comprehension: If you go down into,the West,Country, among,rounded,hills and,soft,pastures, you,suddenly,arrive at,the bleak tablelands,as if the North had left a piece of itself down there.,(1201/1202) to outline the geographic feature of rich varieties in the West country,(,*,0806,平艳,0804,碧瑶,),Full of surprises, the West is immensely varied to have,both,the bleak tablelands of the North and the queer bit of marshland of Cambridge (the East).,(0603,努热艾力,肉孜,)The,Xin,Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a land, which,is full of varied geographical features, with a big plain bordering on a desert.,2.,But before you have reached them you have already been surprised by the queer bit of marshland,as if a former inhabitant had been sent to Cambridge and,had brought his favorite marshland walk back from college with him into the West.,marshland,沼泽地?,湿地;湖泊,3.延伸:,a brainstorming on the possible similar situation in Chinese poem about Cambridge.,再别康桥徐志摩,lost himself in the charms of River Cam,再别康桥徐志摩,轻轻的我走了,,正如我轻轻的来;,我轻轻的招手,,作别西天的云彩。,那河畔的金柳,,是夕阳中的新娘;,波光里的艳影,,在我的心头荡漾。,软泥上的青 ,,油油的在水底招摇;,在康桥的柔波里,,我甘做一条水草!,那榆荫下的一潭,,不是清泉,是天上虹;,揉碎在浮藻间,,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。,寻梦?撑一支长篙,,向青草更青处漫溯;,满载一船星辉,,在星辉斑斓里放歌。,但我不能放歌,,悄悄是别离的笙箫;,夏虫也为我沉默,,沉默是今晚的康桥。,悄悄的我走了,,正如我轻轻的来,,我挥一挥衣袖,,不带走一片云彩。,Para 4,topic sentence:,The Weald is another of them, happy surprises.,1. the dramatic Peak District, with its genuine steep slopes, never fails to astonish me, for I feel that,it has no business to be there,.,1) 在此处有何贵干,a touch of humor,2) 本不该在那里,地形出人意料,给人太多的惊喜,It never fails to astonish me?,(,0802,燕娜,0801,琼琪,*,0801Room 403 0806,陈晔,),It shouldnt have been there.,(,0706,晓婧,) It is not in harmony with things around it,(0506徐青青,)Because the midlands are easy rolling, suddenly appears the genuine steep slopes on the Peak District. It looks as if it,isnt,harmonious,.,(0503应春柳),It rises drastically, which seemingly does not,fit to this place,.,(0,702,凤霞海玲),The Peak District is,wrong,to be there.,(,0502,徐娜锋) 突兀在那里,2.,Comprehension and rhetoric:,It is nothing but,a,crumpled,green pocket handkerchief,.,Because of is genuine steep sleeps?,(,*,0605,玲玲,),metaphor:,shape or terrain and color,(*,0806,肖洁,) Its green with steep slopes and cone-shaped hills.,(*,0801,嘉妮,0806,朱晖,),The Peak District, which has genuine steep slops and greens, bears a good resemblance to a crumpled .,.,(0604,孙美玲,)The slopes in the Peak District have different height and,are distributed over,that area, just like a handkerchief,full of irregular folds,.,(*,0804,丽娜,)Compared with the landscape around it,the Peak District with genuine steep slopes is very majestic.,(0603,孙恺,)The green hills,pop up,suddenly here and there, and the steep slopes make the ground uneven and rough.,(,0503,冯文燕),Seen from the top, youll find many ups and downs,crowding,the areas.,高高低低,,绵延起伏,,绿意喜人,Again, there has always been something,surprising,to me about those,cone-shaped,hills that,suddenly,pop up,in,Shropshire,and along the Welsh border I have never explored this region properly, and so it remains to me,a country of mystery,with a delightful fairy-tale quality,about its cone-shaped hill.,(,0801,徐平,) spring up,Para 5 Para 5,Topic sentence: is its exquisite moderation. It has been born of a compromise between wildness and tameness, between Nature and Man.,Key words:,(*0706,晓晓,/,王卉,) moderation/ happy compromise / (balance /harmony),1. With us the cities,pretend,they are not really there until we are well inside them. They almost,insinuate,themselves into the countryside.,1) rhetoric: 2 personifications,2) With us the cities,pretend,they are not really there until we are well inside them.,(0706,麦迪娜,) Its smoothly that most of our cities begin, so that man has no idea theyve reached cities.,(,*,0805,婷婷 *,0704,月桓,) They are so successfully combined with wilderness.,Because they have melted themselves into the countryside so successfully and perfectly.,The cities,fit snugly into,the peaceful scenery of the countryside.,宁静恬美的田园风光,3) They almost,insinuate,themselves into the countryside.,integrate into,(0604,洪斐,*,0,703,),The cities,creep/slide/sneak itself into,the countryside slowly, smoothly and peacefully.,(*,0806,刘颖罗晨,)There is no exact borderline between cities and suburbs.,(,0601,湖川,) the cities here seem to begin gradually and smoothly,Its very difficult to tell where the city ends and where the countryside begins in Britain.,2.A man in a newish suburb feels that he has one foot in the city and one in the country. As this is the kind of compromise he likes, he is happy.,2.1) (*,0,702,朝静,) People get the most civilized way of life while enjoying the peace of countryside. (0704,慧君,) The harmonization between the city and the country meets his needs of living a convenient life and enjoying the nature beauty.,2.2),(0601,晓微,),The suburb is the transition from the countryside to the city, containing that exquisite balance/,perfect harmony,between Nature and Man.,水乳交融,浑然一体,2.3) Other examples:,Chen,Yifei, as a well-received painter and businessman, was glad to have one foot in art and one foot in business.,2. Scared by the crowdedness and restlessness of the city life, but drawn to its civilization and modernization, Im self-content to have one foot in,Jinhua,and one in Shanghai.,to have summer holidays to visit the Grand Theater and Museum in Shanghai and rest my soul in,Jinhua,.,3. Youre at 3500 feet height. Your head is in New York. Your heart is in Paris. Your Rolex can be at both places at once.,身在3500英尺的纽约上空,巴黎的浪漫仍系心中唯你的劳力士可两地兼容。,4.,Women today enjoy more equal chances as men do to have one foot in the kitchen and one foot in the office.,(0704,燕飞,) The wedding in China nowadays is one foot in western style and one foot in traditional Chinese style.,(,*0703,欣欣0502柯倩倩,0706,李李),余光中在乡愁中描述了一种身在台湾,心系大陆的情怀,林雨堂文章中既包含东方文化又将西方文化运用自如,女子十二乐坊中的陈美小提琴乐可以同时领略到古典与现代的艺术情怀。,Para 6,Topic sentence:British landscape is the result of,a compromise,between wilderness and cultivation, Nature and Man.,1. key words listing:,it contains that,exquisite balance,between Nature and Man.,The fence and the gate are man-made, but,are not severely regular and trim,.,Nature has not been forced into obedience,.,Even the cottage, which has an irregularity and coloring that make it,fit snugly into the landscape,(as all good cottages should do), looks nearly,as much a piece of natural history as the trees,: you feel,it,might have,grown there,.,Men and trees and flowers, we feel,have all settled down,comfortably together.,This exquisite harmony between Nature and Man explains in part the enchantment of the older Britain, in which,whole towns fitted snugly into the landscape,as if they were,no,more than bits of woodland,;,and roads went winding,the easiest way as naturally as rivers,; and it was impossible to say,where cultivation ended and wild life began.,It was a country rich in trees, birds, and wild flowers, as we can see to this day.,2. Isnt regularity and trimness good? Why?,(,*,0805,婉转,) Nature is nature, with everything going in its way.,(0801,张渊,) We should leave them where they were built or settled.,(*,0803,童勇,) Nature should be irregular and wild.,(,0801,琼琪,)Regularity and trimness are not so natural.,(0806,居麦古丽,) Nature has its own beauty that is related to its irregularity.,(0703,健伟,) Because it will damage the original beauty of nature. The landscape is not a feast for eyes.,(0605,廖晓珍,) R,egularity,blurs the line,between Man and Nature.,(0601,雅红,),Because cultivation does not mean,assimilation,.,(,0501,来芳玲),It will make the solid evidence of,mans presence,.,(,0501,李佩琴),Man should,follow natures rules,.,Everything that is the natural,is meant to,make us think of irregularity without being trim.,3.Brainstorming:,中国的文物保护应该注意什么?,(*,0502,李莉),要注意天然和谐,不可一味地追求整齐而扼杀了自然的灵性。,(*0805,竺莉,) Overdone is more than undone.,(0802,升权,) preservation takes priority, then we could make some artificial alternation in the purpose of sightseeing.,(*0803,童勇,) They should be kept as they used to be.,(0801,杏姿,0802,雪雯,) Let them be as they are. (0806,朱晖,) More natural, more beautiful.,(0603,孙恺,*0801,美玲,) promote the publics awareness/ keep it as it was/ protect it from being spoiled,(,0501,周宁),we should protect those historical assets from being destroyed,by decorating or renovating them less,.,(,*,0503纪文燕),Its irregularity,uncompromising, that suggests they are not made by man but by the nature.,(,0501,冯文燕),If we try to do a lot of trimness which makes the nature,a copy of our thoughts.,(,*,0505王琪琪) 与其巧夺天工,不如鬼斧神工。,4. comprehension +word puzzle:,How might the cottage have grown there?,The cottage has insinuated into the nature.,“Live and let live.”,(*,0803,琦琼,) Man and nature live in exquisite balance/ harmony. have all settled down comfortably together,(,0601,章怡,),和谐共处,Why whole towns were no more than bits of woodland?,(0806,伊颖,) Whole towns are wild and natural.,


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