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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语基础语法知识,名词,一、定义与分类,名词是表示人、事物、抽象概念等名称的词。根据名词的词汇意义,通常可将其分为,专有名词,和,普通名词,。,专有名词,表示人、地方、组织、机构等的专有名称,,专有名词的第一个字母通常大写,;,普通名词,表示人、物、概念等的一般名称。普通名词根据其语法性质可分为,个体名词,、,物质名词,、,集合名词,和,抽象名词,四类。,二、名词复数的构成方法,1.,基本变化规则,(1),在一般情况下,加词尾,-s,:,book / book,s,pen / pen,s,face / face,s,(2),以,s, x, z, sh, ch,等结尾的名词,通常加词尾,-es,:,bus / bus,es,box / box,es,dish / dish,es,【注】有些以,ch,结尾的名词,由于其发音不是,k,而是,tF,,那么其复数形式应加词尾,-s,,,stomach / stomach,s,(3),以,y,结尾的名词,其复数构成要分两种情况:以“辅音字母,+y”,结尾的名词,将,y,改为,ies,;以“元音字母,y”,结尾的名词,直接加词尾,-s,:,city / cit,ies,boy / boy,s,key / key,s,【注】以,y,结尾的专有名词,若在某些特殊情况下需要复数,通常加,-s,构成,:,Mary / Mary,s,Germany / Germany,s,二、名词复数的构成方法,(4),以,o,结尾的名词有些加词尾,-s,,有些加,-es,,有些加,-s,或,-es,均可:,piano / piano,s,tomato / tomato,es,zero / zero,(e)s,【注】有人对英语中所有以,o,结尾的名词作了统计,一共近,200,来个,其中绝大部分的复数形式通过加词尾,-s,构成,少数加词尾,-es,。,常见的加词尾,-es,的主要:,tomato,,,potato,,,hero,,,Negro,。,(5),以,f,或,fe,结尾的名词,也有两种可能:即有些直接加词尾,-s,,有些则把,f / fe,改为,ves,:,chief / chief,s,roof / roof,s,knife / kni,ves,【注】常见的要改,f / fe,为,ves,的只有 :,wife,,,life,,,knife,,,leaf,,,thief,,,half,,,self,,,shelf,,,loaf,,,wolf,。,另外,英语中的,handkerchief(,手帕,),一词的复数有两种形式:,handkerchiefs / handkerchieves,,但在现代英语中,以用,handkerchiefs,为多见。,二、名词复数的构成方法,2.,单数与复数同形的名词,。,sheep,fish,deer,Chinese,Japanese,Portuguese,葡萄牙人,Swiss,瑞士人,aircraft,飞行器,means,方法,series,系列,head (,牛等的,),头数,works,工厂,【注,】,fish,有时也用,fishes,这样的复数形式,尤其是表示种类时;,head,若不是表示牲口的“头数”,而是表示“人的头”或“人数”,则要用,heads,这样的复数形式。,二、名词复数的构成方法,3.,不规则的复数名词,。,有的名词单数变复数时,没有一定的规则:,man / men,woman / women,child / children tooth / teeth,foot / feet,goose / geese,mouse / mice ox / oxen,【注】,(1),一些以,man, woman,结尾的合成词,在构成复数时与,man, woman,的变化形式相同,,如:,policeman / policemen(,警察,),,,gentleman / gentlemen(,绅士,),,,Englishman / Englishmen (,英国人,),,等等。,但是,human(,人,),,,German(,德国人,),不是合成词,其复数不能仿,man,的变化规律,而是按规则变化,即用,humans, Germans,。,(2) foot,表示“英尺”时,其复数可以有两种形式,feet / foot,,如:,He is about six feet foot tall.,他大约,6,英尺高。,字母和文字如何变复数,一般说来,字母和文字在变复数时,通常是在词尾加,-s,。,如:,There are two is,in the word “skiing”. skiing,这个词里有两个字母,i,。,Mind your ps and qs,.,要谨言慎行。,All the s should be changed to +s.,所有的负号应改为正号。,若不至于发生混淆,也可只加词尾,-s,:,He was born in the 1930()s.,他出生在,20,世纪,30,年代。,Your 3()s look like 8()s.,你写的,3,看起来像,8,。,三、名词的可数性,名词根据其可数性可分为可数名词和不可数名词。这两类名词的主要特点如下:,1.,可数名词的用法特点:可以有复数形式;可直接在其前使用不定冠词或数词;可受,these, those, few, a few, many, a good great many, a great good number of,等修饰。,如:,There are,five rooms,in the apartment.,There were,many things,to be done.,A large number of,students are Asians.,三、名词的可数性,2.,不可数名词的用法特点:通常没有复数形式;其前不可直接用不定冠词或数词;可用,(a) little, much, a great deal, a lot of, plenty of, a large amount of, a large quantity of, some, any,等修饰;要表示数量不可在前面直接加数词,而要用,a piece of,之类的结构。,如:,Knowledge is power.,They havent much furniture.,He lost a great quantity of blood.,四、不可数名词与可数名词的转化,有的不可数名词在某些特殊情况下可转化为可数名词,如:,1.,有些物质名词表示不同种类或表示,“一杯,/,罐,/,瓶”等数量意义时,可用作可数名词。如:,It was a special tea.,这是一种特别的茶。,She brought us three coffees.,她给我们端来三杯咖啡。,2.,有些抽象名词表示具体的事物时,可用作可数名词。,如:,The party was a great success.,晚会非常成功。,3.,有些由动词思转化来的名词,表示,“一场,/,阵,/,件,”,时,可受不定不定冠词的修饰,(,此时通常有形容词或,of,短语修饰,),。如:,A heavy snow was falling.,下着一场大雪。,Id better go and have a wash now.,我还是现在去洗个澡。,五、可数与不可数名词的常用修饰语,1,、修饰可数名词的常用修饰语有,these, those, few, a few, many, a good great many, a great good number of,等:,Few people would agree with this.,He has a great many friends here.,注:,a good great many,后直接跟名词,不用介词,of,。但是,若其后所接名词有,the, these, my,等限定词修饰,则要用介词,of,:,a great many of my friends,我的朋友当中的许多人,五、可数与不可数名词的常用修饰语,2,、修饰不可数名词的常用修饰语有,this, that, little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a large amount of,等:,I have little time to do it.,He didnt give me much money.,A great deal of money is spent on research.,注:在现代英语中,,a great amount of,后有时也接可数名词,但有许多语法学家反对,学生最好避免使用。,五、可数与不可数名词的常用修饰语,3,、,有些修饰语既可,修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,如,all, some, enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a (large) quantity of,等:,You neednt hurry. Theres plenty of time.,There are plenty of men out of work.,We need a quantity of baskets.,He put a small quantity of sugar in the milk.,五、可数与不可数名词的常用修饰语,4,、,有些名词,形式上是复数,,但却被用作不可数名词,使用,much, little,等修饰语:,He hasnt got much brains.,He took much pains to do the work.,I said I wouldnt want much wages.,Its high time you were taught a little manners.,六、名词的格 表示方法,名词的格包括主格、宾格和,所有格,三种形式。原则上说,主格用作主语,宾语用作宾语,但由于名词的主格和宾格形式相同,所以它们被统称为通格,它们在句中可用主语、宾语、表语等。,名词的所有格,表示所属关系,它有两种构成方式,即,-s,所有格和,of,所有格。如:,Jack,bought,Mary,a car. (Jack,为主格,,Mary,为宾格,),Jims,room is bigger. (Jims,为所有格,),The gate of the school is beautiful. (of the gate,为所有格,),七、所有格词尾,-s,的加法,(1),在多数情况下,直接在名词加,-s,,但若名词已带有复数词尾,-s,,则只加撇号。如:,This is our teachers room.,这是我们老师的房间。,This is the teachersreading,-room.,这是教师阅览室。,(2),如果复数名词不带词尾,-s,,则要加,-s,。如:,Today is Childrens Day.,今天是儿童节。,Its next to the Peoples Cinema.,它在人民电影院隔壁。,(3),如果是带词尾,-s,的单数名词,通常仍加,s,构成,所有格,。如:,Basss words had a soothing effect.,贝斯的话有安慰的作用。,We dont believe the bosss promise.,我们不相信老板的承诺。,七、所有格词尾,-s,的加法,(4),如果是带词尾,-s,的专有名词,其所有格既可在末尾加,-s,,也可在只加撇号。如:,This is Mr. Joness Jones car.,这是琼斯先生的车。,(5),用,and,连接的并列连词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列连词后加,-s,,表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加,-s,:,Toms and Jims companies,汤姆和吉姆,(,各自,),的公司,Tom and Jims company,汤姆和吉姆,(,共同,),的公司,【说明,】,名词的所有格,词尾,-s,的读音与名词复数词尾的读音大致相同。对于已带词尾,-s,而只加撇号构成的所有格,其读音为,iz,。,八、,s,所有格的用法,-s,所有格主要用于表示所有关系,但除此之外,它还可以表示主谓关系、动宾关系、类别关系、来源关系等。如:,A teachers praise has great effect on his students.,老师的赞扬对学生的影响很大。,(,表主谓关系,),The Presidents murder rocked the nation.,总统遇刺震惊了全国。,(,表动宾关系,),It was a womens magazine that he gave me.,他给我的是一本女性杂志。,(,表类别关系,),九、,of,所有格的用法,3. of,所有格即指在名词后使用,of,短语来表示所有关系,它既可用于有生命的人或物,也可用于无生命的东西。如:,We all like the son of Mr,Green.,Ill never forget the beauty of the lake.,注:,of,所有格有时可以与,-s,所有格互换。如,That mans name is interesting. = The name of that man is very interesting.,两种所有格的用法比较,(1),-s,所有格主要用于有生命的东西,而,of,所有格则可用于有生命的东西,也可用于无生命的东西。如:,I dont like Mrs,Greens children.,=I dont like the children of Mrs,Green.,He played the role of the old king in the play.,The score of the game is two all.,【说明,】,-s,所有格有时也可用于无生命的东西,主要用于表时间、国家、城市、组织机构、车辆船只以及某些集合名词或度量衡等的名词后。如:,Have you seen todays paper?,I like the cars design.,Whichs the countrys biggest city?,The new medicine is the harvest of 20 yearsresearch,.,这种新药是,20,年研究的成果。,两种所有格的用法比较,(2),表示类别、来源等时,通常要用,-s,所有格;表示同位关系时,通常要用,of,所有格。如:“男厕所”、“女厕所”可说成,mens room, womens room,,但通常不说,the room of men, the room of women,,因为其中的“男”和“女”表示的是类别;,而“长沙市”通常说成,the city of Shangsha,,而不会说成,Shangshas,city,,因为“长沙”与“市”是同位关系。,十、 双重所有格,在英语中,将,-s,所有格,(,包括名词性物主代词,),与,of,所有格结合起来所构成的所有格就叫做双重所有格。如,a friend of Li Leis,。在使用双重所有格时要注意以下几点:,(1),受双重所有格修饰的名词通常不能是专有名词或具有独一无二性质的名词。如不说,Jim of Mrs. Smiths / a father of Marys,,可改说,Mrs. Smiths Jim / Marys father,。,(2),受双重所有格修饰的名词通常不能带定冠词,但可带指示代词,this, that, these, those,,表示某种感情色彩,(,如赞赏、厌恶等,),。如不说,the masterpiece of Toms,,但可说,this / that masterpiece of Toms,。,(3),双重所有格中带,-s,所有格的名词通常应是确指的。如不说,a brother of a friends,,但可说,a friend of my friends,。,十、 双重所有格,(4),双重所有格中带,-s,所有格,的名词通常应是生命的东西。如不说,a window of the rooms,,应改为,a window of the room,。,(5),有时两种,所有格,均可使用,但所表达的意义不同。比较:,This is a photo of my mothers.,这是我母亲收藏的一张照片。,This is a photo of my mother.,这是我母亲照的一张照片。,Hes a friend of my fathers.,他是我父亲的一个朋友。,(,意指朋友不只一个,),Hes a friend of my father.,他是我父亲的朋友。,(,强调两人之间的友情,),十、 双重所有格,体会:,A,:,Who told you that?,B,:,A friend of your fathers.,A,:,If he says such things, he is not a friend of my father.,B:,是你父亲的一个朋友。,A:,如果他说那样的话,那他对我父亲就不够朋友。,6.,所有格的省略,有时受,所有格,修饰的名词可以省略,如省略表示教堂、商店的名词,省略某人家或某人办公室的名词,省略前文刚刚提到过的名词。如:,Mother has gone to the butchers (shop).,母亲到肉铺去了。,I went over to Johns, but he was at his sisters.,我到去了约翰家,但他去了他姐姐家。,名词,专项训练,( )1.,The commander said that two_ would be sent to the Iraqi front the next day.,A. womens doctor B. women doctors,C. womens doctors D. women doctor,( )2.“Look! The police _ here to keep order! Go away quickly,” one of them shouted.,A. is coming B. comes,C. are coming D. has come,( )3.She could not speak English, but made her wishes known by means of _.,A. signs B. sighs,C. movementsD. words,名词,专项训练,( )4.In my opinion,what,he told us just now about the affair simply doesnt make any_,A. idea B. meaning,C. senseD. point,( )5.Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _.,A. intentionB. attemptC. purposeD. desire,( )6._ food is kept in his new cave, but at last Saddam was still arrested.,A. Large quantities ofB. A great deal of,C. A large number ofD. Quite a few,名词,专项训练,( )7. Lets try operating the machine right now., Wait. Better read the _first.,A. instructionsB. explanations,C. information D. introduction,( )8.The rest of the magazines_ within half an hour.,A. is sold out B. was sold out,C. were sold out D. are sold out,( )9.Youd have more _of catching the train if you took a bus to the station instead of walking.,A. opportunityB. chance,C. time D. energy,名词,专项训练,( )10.The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses_ much if people leave things_ they are.,A. doesnt change; as B. arent changed; like,C. dont change; like D. dont change; as,( )11. I knew I shouldnt accept anything from such a person, but I found it difficult to turn down his _.,A. offerB. suggestion C. requestD. plan,( )12._it is to gather with President Bush at such a special Thanksgiving Day in Iraq!,A. what a fun B. what fun,C. how fun D. what joy,名词,专项训练,( )13.Oh., John_ you gave us!,A. How a great surprise B. how pleasant surprise,C. what a pleasant surprise D. what pleasant surprise,( )14.He is_ as a leader but he hasnt_ in teaching.,A. success; many experiences,B. a success; much experience,C. great success; an experience,D. a great success; a lot of experiences,( )15. Who did you spend last weekend with?,_.,A. Palmers B. The Palmers,C. The Palmers D. The Palmers,Keys: 1-5: BCACB; 6-10:BACBA; 11-15:ABCBC,


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