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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,Click to edit Master title style,10 -,42,Administering ASM Cluster File Systems,Objectives,After completing this lesson, you should be able to:,Administer ASM Dynamic Volume Manager,Manage ASM volumes,Implement ASM Cluster File System,Manage ASM Cluster File System (ACFS),Use ACFS Snapshots,Use command-line tools to manage ACFS,ASM Files and Volumes,Dynamic Volumes,ASM,Disk,Group,ASM Files,ACFS,Third-PartyFS,DB files,DB files,DB files,DB files,DB files,DB files,DB files,DB files,Dynamic Volume Manager,ASM Cluster File System (ACFS),ACFS Snapshots,ASM Instance,user,Kernel,ASM Device File: /dev/asm/dgbvol1,OS,ACFS and ADVM Architecture Overview,ASM disk,ASM disk group,ASM view,ASMvolumefile,OS view,ASM dynamic volume (Block device),/dev/asm/volname-id,.asm-volume_name-nnn,File systemsordisk-basedapplications,ASMclusterfilesystem,SQL, ASMCA,EM, ASMCA,VDBG,VBG#,VMB,mkfs, mount,ADVM Processes,New ASM instance background processes:,Volume Driver Background (VDBG),Volume Background (VBG,n,),Volume Membership Background (VMB),ASM disk,ASM disk group,ASM dynamic volume (block device),/dev/asm/volname-id,.asm-volume_name-nnn,VDBG,VBG#,VMB,ADVM Restrictions,Partitioning of dynamic volumes (using,fdisk,or similar) is not supported.,Do not use,raw,to map ADVM volume block devices into raw volume devices.,Do not create multipath devices over ADVM devices.,Do not create ASMLIB devices over ADVM devices.,ADVM supports all ASM supported storage solutions except NFS and Exadata.,ADVM volumes cannot be used as a boot device or a root file system.,ASM Cluster File System,General purpose scalable file system,Journaling, extent based,Single node and cluster,Multi-OS platform (Linux and Windows at initial release),POSIX, X/OPEN file system solution for UNIX/Linux,Windows file system solution for Windows platforms,Accessible through NAS protocols (NFS, CIFS),Integrated with Oracle Clusterware for cluster support,Integrated with Oracle system management tools,Oracle installation and configuration,Enterprise Manager and ASM Storage mgt tools,Native OS File System Management tools,ADVM Space Allocation,A volume allocates space in Volume Allocation Units (VAU) at creation and resize.,VAU is stripe column multiplied by volume extent size.,Volume extent is statically assigned based on the disk group AU.,Volume extent is 64 MB when the AU is 1 MB.,Each extent is allocated round-robin on different disks.,Stripe column is the number of stripes used inside a volume.,Stripe column can range from 1 to 8.,Stripe column default is 4.,Striping Inside the Volume,Inside a volume, space is allocated based on:,Stripe column the number of stripes (default 4),Stripe width the size of each stripe (default 128 KB),Volume Striping: Example,Example:,Stripe column is 8, stripe width is 16 KB,First 200 KB of a file inside the file system is written as 13 chunks of 16 KB stripes across eight allocation units.,Volume Striping: Example,Example:,Disk group with eight disks and external redundancy,Default AU size of 1 MB in use,Another ACFS file of 90 KB written as six chunks of 16 KB stripes across the same eight allocation units,Creating an ACFS Volume,Create the volume:,$ asmcmd volcreate -G DATA -s 100M testvol,View the volume information:,$ asmcmd volinfo G DATA testvol,Make a mount point directory:,$ mkdir /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/testvol,Make the file system (as root):,# mkfs,-t acfs /dev/asm/testvol-403,Mount the file system to the mount point:,# mount -t acfs /dev/asm/testvol-403 ,/u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/testvol,Create an ASM Dynamic Volumewith Enterprise Manager,Create an ASM Dynamic Volumewith Enterprise Manager,Create an ASM Dynamic Volumewith Enterprise Manager,Managing ADVM Dynamic Volumes,Create an ASM Cluster File Systemwith Enterprise Manager,Manage Dynamic Volumes with SQL*PLUS,Command examples:,SQL ALTER DISKGROUP DGROUPA,ADD VOLUME,asmvol1 SIZE 10G;,SQL ALTER DISKGROUP DGROUPA,RESIZE VOLUME,asmvol1 SIZE 15G,;,SQL ALTER DISKGROUP DGROUPA,DROP VOLUME,asmvol1;,SQL ALTER DISKGROUP DGROUPA,ENABLE VOLUME,asmvol1;,SQL ALTER DISKGROUP ALL,DISABLE VOLUME,ALL;,SQL ALTER DISKGROUP DGROUPA,MODIFY VOLUME,asmvol1 USAGE acfs;,As the,grid,owner, register the volume:,$,/sbin/acfsutil registry -a -f ,/dev/asm/volume1-167 ,/u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/volume1,Registering an ACFS Volume,Creating an ACFS Volume with ASMCA,Creating the ACFS File System with ASMCA,Mounting the ACFS File System with ASMCA,Managing ACFS with EM,Enterprise Manager provides the same functionality as ASMCA.,Extending ASMCMD for Dynamic Volumes,asmcmd volcreate dgname volname -s size,-redundancy high|mirror|unprotected-width stripe_width,-column stripe_columns -primary hot|cold,-secondary hot|cold,asmcmd volresize -G dgname -s size -f volname,asmcmd voldelete -G dgname volname,volenable -a | -G diskgroup -a | -G diskgroup volume ,voldisable -a | -G diskgroup -a | -G diskgroup volume ,volset -G diskgroup -usagestring string,-mountpath mount_path ,-primary hot|cold -secondary hot|cold volume,volinfo -a | -G diskgroup -a | -G diskgroup volume ,volinfo -show_diskgroup |-show_volume volumedevice ,volstat -G diskgroup volume,Linux-UNIX File System APIs,ACFS supports:,Standard POSIX and X/OPEN file system APIs and commands,User commands:,access,ar,cat,chattr,chgrp,chmod,chown,cksum,compress,cp,cpio,dd,df,diff,dir,dirname,du,file,find,fuser,grep,gunzip,gzip,link,ln,lockfile,ls,mkdir,mkfifo,mknod,mktemp,more,mv,od,pwd,rcp,rename,rm,rmdir,size,stat,string,sync,tail,tar,unlink,Administrator commands:,fsck,mkfs,mount, and,umount,Linux-UNIX Extensions,Create an ACFS file system:,mkfs -vf -t acfs -b blksz -n name device blocks,$ mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/vol1,-nnn,Mount an ACFS file system:,mount -v -t acfs -o options device dir,$ mount -t acfs /dev/asm/vol1,-nnn,/oracle/cluster1/myacfs,Unmount an,ACFS,file system:,umount -v device|dir,$ umount /oracle/cluster1/myacfs,Check and repair an ACFS file system:,fsck -avnf -t acfs info device,$,fsck -t acfs /dev/asm/vol1,-nnn,Command,Function,acfsutil info,Display new ACFS file and file system features (ACFS, snapshots, registry, size) and information,acfsutil snap,Create and delete ACFS snapshots,acfsutil registry,Register an ACFS file system with the ACFS mount registry (that is, cluster-wide fstab),acfsutil rmfs,Remove an ACFS file system,acfsutil size,Resize an ACFS file system,acfsutil tune,View or modify ACFS tune-ables,ACFS Platform-Independent Commands,New ACFS commands for Linux/UNIX and Windows (not natively supported),ACFS Snapshots,ACFS snapshots:,Are space efficient. Snapshots store:,Metadata,Original versions of changed blocks,Using sparse files,Can be used to:,Revert to a version in the snapshots,Recover a deleted file,Back up a consistent data set,Are limited to 63 snapshot views per volume,Managing ACFS Snapshots,Manage ACFS snapshots with acfsutil commands.,Create snapshots:,$ acfsutil snap create snapshot_2 /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/testvol,Delete snapshots:,$ acfsutil snap delete snapshot_2 /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/testvol,View file system information, including snapshots:,$ acfsutil info fs ls l /.ACFS/snaps,Managing ACFS Snapshotswith Enterprise Manager,Creating ACFS Snapshots,Managing Snapshots,Viewing Snapshots,ACFS Backups,An ACFS file system may be backed up using:,Standard OS file system backup tools,Oracle Secure Backup,Third-party backup tools,ACFS snapshots present a stable point-in-time view.,ACFS Performance,ACFS performance benefits from:,Distribution and load balancing of ASM file segments,ACFS file extents distributed across ASM file segments,User and metadata caching,In-memory updates of transaction logs,Using ACFS Volumes After Reboot,In cluster configuration, ACFS drivers are automatically reloaded after reboot.,In stand-alone server configuration:,Oracle Restart cannot load ACFS drivers,Root or administrator must load drivers,ACFS Views,Available in SQL*Plus connected to the ASM instance,V$ASM_FILESYSTEM,contains one row for every mounted file system.,V$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES,contains one row for every ACFS device file that is a member of a mounted ACFS file system.,ASMCMD,volinfo a,provides similar volume information,Includes unmounted file systems,Does not include freespace or snapshot space usage,The ASMCMD,acfsutil info fs,command,gives detail,information on each file system.,Quiz,The ADVM volume can only be used for ACFS file systems.,True,False,Summary,In this lesson, you should have learned how to:,Administer ASM dynamic volume manager,Manage ASM volumes,Implement ASM cluster file system (ACFS),Manage ACFS with various tools,Use ACFS snapshots,Practice 10 Overview: Managing ACFS,This practice covers the following topics:,Managing an ACFS file system,Create,Register,Mount,Managing ACFS Snapshots,


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