高级英语第二册Lesson 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson One,Pub Talk and the Kings English,by Henry,Fairlie,Teaching Points,I. Background Information,II. Introduction to the Passage,III. Text Analysis,IV. Rhetorical Devices,V. Questions for Discussion,Title: Pub Talk and the King,s English,It means an interesting pub talk centered around the meaning of the phrase, “the Kings English”.,pub talk:,conversation held in public house.,Kings English or Queens English,: Supposedly correct or standard English (especially British English) as to grammar and pronunciation, so called from the notion of royal sanction. When the ruling monarch is a queen, it is called “the Queens English”.,I. Background Information,1.An Introduction of English,2. British Pubs,3. The Washington Post,4. Other Great Writers Appearing in the Text,5. The Author,I. Background Information,1. An Introduction of English,A Brief History of the English Language,Three Periods of English,古英语时期:,Old English,(450 -1100 A.D.),中古英语时期:,Middle English,(1100 -1500),现代英语时期:,Modern English,(1500 - ),-,早期现代英语时期,:,Early Modern English,(1500 -1700),-,后期现代英语时期,:,Late Modern English,(1700 - present),(在讲英语的三个发展时期之前,我们有必要先说说,Indo-European Language,),Indo-European Language,1786,年英国梵文学者威廉,琼斯爵士,(,William Jones,),发表了他在语言学领域里的惊人的发现:,梵文,Sanskrit,和希腊语,Greek,、拉丁语,Latin,是同源的。,这三种语言都是从原始的印欧语,(,Indo-European parent language,),演变来的。,6000-5000 B.C., nomadic tribes (,游牧部落,) live,in north-central Europe.,About 3000 B.C., these nomadic tribes (,游牧部,落,) began to emigrate (,开始,迁徒,).,Eastward /Southward,:,India and Pakistan -,产生了古印度语,(,梵文,Sanskrit,),Westward,:,Britain (west coast; Scotland); Scandinavia ( Denmark / Norway/ Sweden ) - dialects of,Germanic language,(,日耳曼语的各种方言,),From about,750 B.C. and 500 B.C.,,,the,Celtic tribes,(from Europe) began to settle in Britain.,Celts,(,凯尔特人,) -,Celtic,(,凯尔特语,) -,Welsh,(,威尔士语,),;,Gaelic,(,盖尔语,-,苏格兰英语,Scots),The Roman Occupation,(,55 B.C.- 410,),-,55 B.C., Roman invasion of Britain by,Julius Caesar,(,尤里乌斯,凯撒,),-,43 B.C., Roman invasion and occupation. Beginning of Roman rule of Britain.,-,410 A.D., Roman power in Britain collapsed.,-,436 A.D., Roman withdrawal from Britain complete.,Old English,( 450 - 1100 AD ),About 449, Settlement of Britain by Germanic tribes (,the Angles,盎格鲁人,/,the Saxons,萨克逊人,/,the Jutes,朱特人,),Anglo-Saxon society,All kinds of Germanic dialects formed,Anglo-Saxon,(盎格鲁,-,萨克逊语),-,Old English,后来,the Angles,盎格鲁人数最多,不列颠群岛遂以盎格鲁,Englaland,称之。,“,English”,的来源(古英语拼法“,Englisc,”,),-The “,Engl,-,“ part of the word comes from the word Angles.,-The “,-,isc,” part means “belonging to”.,-The word,English,means “the language that belongs to the Angles.”,“England”(,英国,),来自于古英语,Engla,- land (,意为,land of the Angles ,盎格鲁人之地,),Old English,(450-1100 AD),Anglo-Saxon,(盎格鲁,-,萨克逊语),Vocabulary:,sheep / ox / earth / wood,/ field / work / laughter,Two Influences,on English:,(1)The Latin influence (,拉丁影响,),a) Germanic Tribes (Anglo-Saxon) /,Roman,日尔曼部族在入侵不列颠之前就已经和罗马人有所接触,其语言中也就有了许多拉丁词汇,如,strata (street),vallum,(wall),等,b) Christianity (,基督教,) ,早期借词,跟,教会宗教,有关,公元,597,年,一个名叫奥古斯丁,Augustine,的牧师从罗马来到英国传教。罗马文化随着基督教传入了英国。与此同时,一批拉丁词进入了英语 。如,: angel (,天使,), disciple (,门徒,信徒,), martyr (,殉难者,),。,c),公元,16,世纪以后,晚期借词,多半是,书面语,William,Caxton,(,威廉,卡克斯顿、英国印刷商、翻译家,),European Renaissance,(文艺复兴),e.g,:,capsule,胶囊,密封小容器;,habitual,惯常的;,catastrophe,大灾难;,thermometer,温度计;,科技发展带来:,video / television/,cyberspace,(2),斯堪的纳维亚影响,( The Scandinavian influence ),Vikings from Scandinavia (,北欧海盗,) - Old Norse (,挪威人,),大约公元,9,世纪,英国遭到斯堪的那维亚人的大规模入侵,其中尤以丹麦人为甚。丹麦国王卡纽特,Knut,还一度成为英国的君主。斯堪的那维亚人和英国人频繁交往,所以有许多斯堪的那维亚各国的词语进入了英语。如,sister, sky,,,skirt, skill, skin.,Middle English,( 1100-1500 ),诺曼征服,(Norman Conquest),以诺曼底公爵威廉(约,1028,1087,)为首的法国封建主对英国的征服。,公元,1066,年,诺曼人在征服者威廉率领下,横渡英吉利海峡,在哈斯丁战役中击溃了盎格鲁,-,萨克森军队,英王哈罗德战死,英国被征服。这在历史上被称为诺曼征服。,1066-1200,法语,French,成了英国上层社,会日常交流的语言,kingly - royal / sovereign,cattle / sheep / pig beef / mutton / pork,1200-1500,英语地位的恢复和再确立,(10,000 “borrowed” French words),Modern English,(1500 - ),(1),早期现代英语时期,:,Early Modern English,(1500-1700),早期现代英语时期,对英语词汇的影响最大的是文艺复兴运动。,14,世纪开始,意大利文艺复兴,(,Renaissance,),在这一时期,强调研究古代希腊、罗马文化,以对抗中世纪的封建文化。,在文艺复兴(,Renaissance,)时期英国出了三个大诗人和文学家:,(伊丽莎白时代),埃德蒙,斯宾塞(,EdmundSpenser 1552-1599.1.13,),莎士比亚(,William Shakespeare,,,1564.4.23-1616.4.23,),(清教徒革命时期),弥尔顿,(John Milton,,,1608.12.9 -1674.11.8),。,希腊和拉丁语词进入英语后,(,1,)有的,保留了原来的形式,,如,climax,(高潮);,appendix,(阑尾;附录);,exterior【,外部(的),外观(的),】,;,axis,(轴);,(,2,)有的,失去了词尾,,如(扩号内为拉丁语), consult,(咨询),(,consultare,),;,exclusion,(排斥),(,exclusioneum,),;,exotic,(奇异的,异国情调的),(,exoticus,),;,(,3,)还有的,改变了词尾,,使之更适合英语的形式,如形容词词尾,-us,变成了,-,ous,或变成,-al,,名词词尾,-,tas,变为,-,ty,。,Modern English,( 1500- ),(,2,)后期现代英语时期:,Late Modern English,(1700-present),经过,1640,年英国资产阶级革命和其后的工业革命,英帝国开始向外扩张,与世界各地的交往日趋频繁 ,全球各地的语言都有语汇进入了英语。例如:,harem (,波斯语,商队,),,,bazaar (,波斯语,市场,),,,shawl (,波斯语,披肩,),,,kiosk (,土耳其语,凉亭,),,,coffee (,土耳其语,),,,nabob (,印地语,大富翁,),,,soy (,日语,酱油,),,,orang-outang,(,马来语,猩猩,),,,paddy (,马来语,稻,),。,特别是法语,由于与英国一直保持着密切关系,法语词仍然源源不断地传入英语。,1660,年英国王朝复辟,社会风气十分奢靡,王室贵族崇尚法国文化,以说法语为时髦风雅,大批军事、外交、艺术、饮食方面的词汇被英国吸收。如,:,government, empire, royal, majesty, duke, painting, ballet , cartoon, fry, beef,等。,这一时期传入英语的法语词很多保留了法语在发音和拼写上的特征,如:,protg,被保护人,,chaise,两轮马车,,clich,陈词滥调,,,en route,在途中,。,British English,英国英语 (,BrE,),& American English,美国英语(,AmE,),在这一时期,英语也被带到了英国以外的一些地区、国家。,美国英语源于伊莉莎白时期的英语,,其历史和美国的移民史有着非常密切的联系。,美国移民史可以追述到,300,多年前。,1607,年,约翰,史密斯,(John Smith),等首批殖民者,120,人乘三艘大船横越大西洋,在弗吉尼亚州,(Virginia),的詹姆斯河口建立了詹姆斯城,(Jamestown),。,随后不久,在,1620,年,从英国东部诺福克郡和沙福克郡来的清教徒乘坐“五月花号”,(May Flower),船驶抵马萨诸塞州,(Massachusetts),的东南部普利茅斯,(Plymouth),建立了殖民地。,在最早移居新英格兰的清教徒中有一百多名还是牛津大学和剑桥大学的毕业生,他们将伊莉莎白时期的英语带到了北美新大陆,成为美国英语的起点。从这时起,两国都说伊莉莎白时代的英语。,故而在很长一段时间里,美国英语和英国英语之间并没有什么显著不同。,美国独立战争(,1775-1783,)的胜利是一个历史性的转折点,它标志着一种崭新的美国英语的产生,革命者们试图在各个生活领域脱离英国的统治。,诺亚,韦伯斯特,(,Noah Webster,),是美国最负盛名的词典学家。,1828,年,出版了他的,美语词典,American Dictionary of English Language,。,美国人从此有了一本完全属于自己语音的词典。,作为一个移民国家,美国一直被誉为“,nation of nations”,, 但其主流文化仍是,Anglo-Saxon,文化。,任何新移民,为了在新大陆生活下去,不得不接受或适应这种主流文化。 同时,美国人民为自己的文学和语言的独立和形成所进行的斗争,实际上是政治斗争的继续与发展。 美国英语的形成的过程是漫长而曲折的。,第一次世界大战,前后的时期是美国英语和英国英语关系的转折点,(,turning point,),, 在此之前的倾向是美国英语偏离英国英语,在此之后的主要倾向是英国英语向美国英语靠拢。,Differences between,BrE,and,AmE,第一 拼法:,BE AE,centre center,中心,colour,color,颜色,labour,labor,劳工,organise,organize,组织,realise,realize,发现,theatre theater,剧院,第二 词汇:,BE AE,autumn fall,秋天,biscuit cookie,饼干,birollie,umbrella,雨伞,car automobile,汽车,car park parking lot,停车场,fullstop,period,句点,jumper sweater,运动衣,pavement sidewalk,行人道,shop store,商店,b,irollies,:,brollies,(,英口,),伞,(,brolly,的名词复数,),第三 发音,:,where , car ,英式读法中,r,不发音(如,arm,、,poor,等),美式读法却要发音。,第四 语法:英国人有时喜欢在美国人不用冠词时使用。例如:,英式英语:,It was,a,Tuesday and he wasnt back at work until,the,Wednesday.,反过来,美国人用冠词时英国人又不用。例如,:,英式英语:,I had been out of,hospital,for six weeks.,另外,介词用法也不同。,例如:,英式英语:,at,the weekend,美式英语:,on,the weekend,英式英语:,Some parents are talking about,keeping their children,off,school,.,美式英语:,Some parents are talking about,keeping their children,out of,school,.,英式英语:,Have you got?,美式英语:,Do you have?,美国英语几大特色,1,、美国英语对古英语特征的保留,美国英语是在,17,世纪英格兰所用的语言,即莎士比亚,弥尔顿,班扬时期所用的语言基础上发展起来的,与现在标准的伦敦英语相比,美国英语具有很大的古老性,1),它保留并复活了在英国英语中已经成为“废语”的许多词汇,典型的例子有,: I guess,用作,I think, I suppose, I believe,。,2),美国英语中还保留了许多生动,形象的古老名词,如,: fall,意为“秋天”,来源于,the fall of leaves (,落叶时节,),而标准英语从乔叟,( Geoffrey Chaucer,约,13461400,年,),就开始用“,autumn”,一词,(,来自法语,),表示“秋天”,3),另外,美国英语的语音和标准的伦敦音相比,也有点老式,具有,17,和,18,世纪英国英语的特点,例如,美国普通话中,保留有,r,的卷舌音,这也是莎士比亚时代的英语语音特点继承下来的结果,2,、美国英语丰富的创造性,1),创造一些原本根本不存在的新词,pizzazz (,时髦派头的人,); black hole (,黑洞,);,cinerama,(,全景电影,); space walk (,太空行走,);,taikonaut,(,太空人,),以示区别,astronaut (,宇航员,) ,2),在旧词的基础上,自由地运用词缀,或者运用拼缀法,(blending),和逆生法,(backformation),来创造新词,defrost (,除霜,), racist (,种族主义者,), smog (,烟雾,),来自于,smoke (,烟,),和,fog (,雾,),3,、 美国英语对多民族语言的吸收,1),对印第安语的吸收,(American Indian),如,:,moose (,驼鹿,) skunk (,臭鼬,),chipmunk (,金花鼠,) raccoon (,浣熊,),opossum (,负鼠,) squash (,西葫芦,),wigwam (,棚屋,) sachem (,酋长,),wampum (,贝壳串珠,) tomahawk (,石斧,),2),对荷兰语言的吸收,历史上荷兰殖民者曾在北美大陆称霸一方,后来又有为数甚多的荷兰人定居美国,各种生活用语进入美国英语中,如,食品类词汇,:,cole,slaw (,夹心菜丝,) cookie (,甜点心,) cruller (,油煎饼,) pot cheese (,瓷装干酪,) waffle (,蛋奶烘饼,),农场与建筑物,:,hay barrack (,草屋,) stoop (,走廊,),saw buck (,锯木架,),还有一些,社会属性词汇,如:,boss (,工头,) patron (,大庄园主,),yankee,(,新英格兰人,美国佬,),3),对德语的吸收,德裔美国人是美国当今最大的民族群体之一,据估计,每四个美国人中就有一名是德裔,德裔的不少文化特征都变成了美国生活的一般特征,牛肉香肠,汉堡包,啤酒都已成为美国生活方式的必备之物,如,:,beer soup (,啤味汤,),blutwurst,(,黑香肠,),diener,(,实验室助手,) semester (,学期,),seminar (,研讨会,) hex (,符咒,),katzenjammer,(,醉汉,) wunderkind (,神童,),zinc (,锌,),4,、美国英语对俚语的广泛使用,不同的社会群体往往有自己特定的生活圈,因此不同的阶层和地区有各自不同的俚语,如,:,大学生俚语,(college slang),He is just a booker. (He studies too much.),You are out of your tree. (You are out of mind.),Watch it! You might rattle the troops. (Dont,upset your parents.),Conclusion,:,美国人求新求奇,乐于试验创造,;,而英国人倾向于遵守传统的格式,力求保持统一的规范,这也许是英美两国不同的民族精神在语言运用上的态度和实践差异的反应,也是同宗语言在不同地域的形成变体的主因,在整个现代英语的发展过程中,美国英语和英国英语是相互影响,相互促进的,总的看来美国英语对英国英语的影响是主要的,2. British Pub,A)Overview of British pubs,Pub is the short form for,public house,. For those who want to sample a central part of British life and culture, pub is the best place to go. Pub culture is deisgned to promote sociability. Pubs are places where people meet friends and enjoy themselves.,The public house,- known as the,pub,or the,local,-,is a centre of social life for a large number of people in Britain. Pubs, besides offering a wide variety of alchholic and non-alcoholic drinks and providing hot and cold food, serve as places for meeting friends and entertainment. Many have, for instance, television sets, amusement machines and juke-boxes and provide facilities for playing darts, billiards, dominoes and similar games. Some also employ musicians for evening entertainment, such as piano playing, folk singing and modern jazz.,There are approximately 60,000 public houses in the,United Kingdom, with one in almost every village. In many places, especially in villages, a pub can be the focal point of the community, playing a similar role to the local,church,in this respect.,B,),Something related to pubs,British Pub,1. You have to be,18,years old to order a drink in a pub. Some pubs will allow people over,14,years old to go inside if they are,with someone,who is over 18, but they are not allowed to go to the bar or to have an alcoholic drink,2. Open Time:,SUMMER,: Mon-Sat: 12-11; Sun: 12-10:30;,WINTER,: Mon-Sat: 5-11; Sun: 12-10:30,3. Most pubs have,no waiters-,-you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. A group of Italian youths waiting 45 minutes before they realized they would have to fetch their,own.This,may sound,inconvenient,but,there is a hidden purpose.,4. Pub culture is designed to,promote sociability,in a society known for its,reserve.Standing,at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be,served.The,bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and really quite normal,behaviour,.,British Pub,5. Pint of English Bitter (,苦啤酒,),Bitter,is traditional British beer (also known as ale). It is quite strong and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth after drinking. It is usually served at room temperature.,-,Light ales,(or mild brews), contain fewer hops (,啤酒花,),and are less alcoholic.,淡啤酒,-,Strong ales,have a high alcoholic content and a strong,flavour,.,British Pub,6. Wine,Wine,is an increasingly popular drink in the UK.,- house wine (red or white).,Cider,is a traditional English alcoholic drink made from apples.,Whisky,is a strong drink produced in Scotland and in Ireland.,Drinks,7. Drinks,In summertime a popular drink is,Pimms,and,lemonade,. This is a traditional cocktail of either,Pimms,Number 1 (based on gin) or,Pimms,Number 6 (based on vodka) together with ice, citrus fruits (lemon/orange/lime) and lemonade/ginger ale.,8. Cheese & onion crisps,It is common to ask for,snacks,to eat with your drink.,Common snacks:,-crisps,-peanuts,-smoky bacon and beef,9. Pub friends,Bar friends are,companions, not intimates. They are friends but not intimate enough to be curious about each others private life and thoughts.,Pub friends,Bar friends are companions, not intimates. They are friends but not intimate enough to be curious about each others private life and thoughts.,Pub friends,10. Entertainment,Many pubs have television sets, amusement machines and juke-boxes and provide,facilities,for playing darts, billiards, dominoes and similar games. Some also employ,musicians,for evening entertainment, such as piano playing, folk singing and modern jazz.,3. the Washington Post,A prestigious and highly influenced U.S. newspaper published in Washington D. C. The newspaper first appeared in 1877 and it was closely related to the Kennedy family in 1960s and now it is influenced by the Morgan family who holds a substantial shares of its stocks. Great importance has been attached to its editorials as well as articles, many of which are often cited in the Congress. Also associated with some strong conservative elements in the U. S. Congress.,4. Other great writers appearing in the text,(1) Thomas,Nashe,(1567-1601),Nashe,or Nash, Thomas,(both:,nsh,), English satirist. Very little is known of his life. Although his first publications appeared in 1589, it was not until,Pierce Penniless His Supplication to the Devil,(1592), a bitter satire on contemporary society, that his natural and vigorous style was fully developed.,(2),Alexandre,Dumas1802.7.24,1870.12.5,Alexandre Dumas,Alexandre Dumas Pere (1802-1870),was a famous French writer. He wrote the classic adventure novel,The Three Musketeers,三个火枪手,and some of the most famous and popular stories in French literature, like,The Count of Monte Cristo,基督山伯爵,Twenty Years After,二十年后,and,The Black,Tulip,黑郁金香,and so on.,He,is best known for his play,La Dame aux camellias茶花女,.,The Three Musketeers,The Three Musketeers, set in the 17th century, recounts the adventures of a young man named,DArtagnan,after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard.,DArtagnan,is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends,Athos,Porthos, and,Aramis, inseparable friends who live by the motto,“all for one, one,for all”.,(人人为我,我为人人,.,),主人公达尔大尼央是一个外省的贵族子弟达达尼昂,(,有音译为达尔大尼央,),,来到巴黎后加入了国王路易十三的火枪队,并与另外三个火枪手结成了莫逆之交。王后安娜与英国首相白金汉有私情,安娜送了一串钻石坠子给白金汉;而与王后为敌的首相黎塞留却派人去英国偷得坠子上的两颗钻石,想使王后在舞会上出丑。达达尼昂自告奋勇与三位朋友一起去英国,几经周折终于取回坠子,保住了王后的名节。,三个火枪手,大仲马 (,1802-1870,),Dumas,One of the most famous French writers of the 19th century. Dumas is best known for the historical novels,The Three Musketeers,and,The Count of Monte,Cristo,both written within the space of two years, 1844-45, and which belong to the foundation works of popular culture.,All for one, one for all, that is our device.,(from,The Three Musketeers,),(3),Thomas Dekker,(c.,1572,August 25,1632,) was an,Elizabethan,dramatist,and pamphleteer, a versatile and prolific writer whose career spanned several decades and brought him into contact with many of the periods most famous dramatists.,Little is known of Dekkers early life or origins. From references in his pamphlets, Dekker is believed to have been born in,London,around 1572, but nothing is known for certain about his youth. His last name suggests Dutch ancestry, and his work, some of which is translated from,Latin, suggests that he attended,grammar school,.,Publications:,The shoemakers Holiday, the Seven deadly Sins of London, The Gulls handbook,etc.,Henry Jones,Fairlie,(13 January 1924 London, England - 25 February 1990 Washington, D.C.) was a British political journalist and social critic.,5. The Author,What made him noted?,He has coined the term “,the Establishment,”, an analysis of how “all the right people” came to run Britain largely through social connections,.,H,e spent 36 years as a prominent freelance writer on both sides of the Atlantic, appearing in,The Spectator,The New Republic, The Washington Post, The New,Yorker,and many other papers and magazines,the Establishment,The people in a society or a profession who have influence and power and who usually do not support change.,(通常反对变革的)当权派,(统治)权威人士,Most,widely held works,1.The Life of Politics,2.The Kennedy Promise,3.The Spoiled Child of the Western World,4.The Parties,5.The Seven Deadly Sins Today,6.Bite the Hand That Feeds You(,恩将仇报,),II. Introduction to the Passage,1. Type of literature: a piece of expository writing,2. The purpose of a piece of expository writing:,to inform or explain,3. Ways of developing a piece of exposition:,by comparison, contrast, analogy, identification,illustration, analysis, definition, etc.,4. The thesis: a statement of the central thought or of his purpose,here the thesis lies in the opening sentence:,Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.,II. Introduction to the Passage,1.Type of literature,a piece of,exposition,II. Introduction to the Passage,2.,The thesis,The thesis is expressed in the opening sentence “,Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities,”.,II. Introduction to the Passage,3.,The main idea,General discussion on what makes good conversation,The writer feels that bar conversation in a pub has a charm of its own and illustrates his point by describing the charming conversation he had with some people one evening in a pub on the topic “the Kings English”.,II. Introduction to the Passage,4. What makes a good conversation?,A good conversation,does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go. A good conversation,is not for making a point,. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is,not to convince,.,II. Introduction to the Passage,5.,Seemingly loose organization,a. -title,b. - transitional paragraph,c. - digression,偏离主题,If you digress, you move away from the subject you are talking or writing about and talk or write about something different for a while.,The title of the text,Pub Talk and the King,s English,The title of this piece is,not well chosen,. It misleads the readers into thinking that the writer is going to demonstrate some intrinsic or linguistic relationship between pub talk and the Kings English. Whereas the writer, in reality, is just,discussing on what makes good conversation.,b. Transitional paragraph,Para.,5,is a transition.,From here the writer passes,from a general,discourse,on good conversation,to a particular instance,of it.,c. Digression,- His,reflections on,the history and meaning of “the Kings English”,- His,love for,dictionaries and the salons of 18,th,century Paris,II. Introduction to the Passage,6. Highly informal language,- abundance of simple idiomatic expressions,- copious literary and historical allusions,- mixed metaphors,literary and historical allusions,-descendants of convicts,-Saxon churls,-Norman conquerors,-musketeers of Dumas,A. Effective Writing Skills,1.,deliberately writing this essay in a conversational style to suit the theme,2. making effective use of specific verbs,B. Use of synonyms,1. ignorant; illiterate; uneducated; unlearned,2. jeer; scoff; sneer; gibe; flout,Rhetorical Devices,1. metaphor,2.mixed metaphor: a,combination,of two


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