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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Jane Eyre,Charlotte,Bront,(,夏洛蒂勃朗特),Plot summary,The novel goes through five distinct stages:,novels opening finds Jane living at,Gateshead,Hall. Mrs. Reed and her children refuse to acknowledge her as a relative, instead treating her as an unwanted intruder and an inferior,.,Plot,her education at,Lowood,School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations(,贫困),and oppression;,Shunted off to,Lowood,Institution, a boarding school for orphans and destitute,(被抛弃的),children, Jane finds a home of sorts, although her place here is temporary. The schools manager,Mr.,Brocklehurst, treats it more as a business than as school.,Helen Burns: A fellow-student and best friend of Janes at,Lowood,School. She refuses to hate those who abuse her, trusting in God and turning the other cheek,(甘愿挨打),. She dies of consumption,(肺病)。,Helen Burns was an exact transcript,(副本),of,Maria,Bront, who died of,typhoid,(伤寒),at age 11.,Resurgam, (Latin for I will rise again),Mr.,Brocklehurst,:,The clergyman headmaster and treasurer of,Lowood,School,.“ A religious traditionalist, he advocates for ascetic(,苦行的,禁欲的),lifestylebut not, hypocritically,(伪善地), for himself or for his family.,Miss Maria Temple:,The kind superintendent,(主管人),of,Lowood,School, who treats Jane and Helen (and others) with respect and compassion.,her time as the,governess,of,Thornfield,Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Edward Rochester;,her time as the,governess,of,Thornfield,Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Edward Rochester;,Edward Fairfax Rochester: The master of,Thornfield,Manor,(庄园),. A,Byronic hero, he is tricked into making an unfortunate first marriage before he meets Jane,Adle,Varens,:,An excitable French child to whom Jane is governess at,Thornfield,.,Atonement(,赎罪,) and Forgiveness,Blanche Ingram: She is described as having great beauty, but displays callous,(冷漠的),behaviour,and avaricious,(贪婪的),intent.,Plot,Fleeing,Thornfield, she becomes homeless and is reduced to begging for food and shelter. The opportunity of having a home presents itself when she enters Moor House,;,St. John Eyre Rivers: A clergyman who befriends Jane and turns out to be her cousin. He is Jane Eyres cousin on her fathers side. He is a devout Christian,Diana and Mary Rivers: St. Johns sisters and (as it turns out) Janes cousins.,Plot,and the finale with her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester.,后来简爱反驳说:我一定得离开,你以为我会留下来,成为你眼中一个可有可无的人吗?你以为我是一架机器,一架冷漠无感情的机器吗,?,你以为我能受得了别人把我仅有的一片面包从我口里夺走,把仅有的一滴救命之水从我杯里泼掉吗?你以为,因为我贫穷、卑微、矮小、不美,我就没有灵魂,没有心了吗?,你错了,我也有和你一样的灵魂,和你一样的一颗心!如果上帝曾给我一点儿美丽、丰富财产,我也会让你感到难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。我现在是用我的心灵和你的心灵对话,站在上帝面前,我们是平等的。,


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