Herny Fielding

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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,Henry Fielding,Brief Introduction of Fieldings Life,Henry Fielding (1707-1754),English novelist and dramatist known for his rich earthy humor and satirical prowess in 18 century.,Born in Somerset,an aristocratic family,Father is colonel officer, mother is a daughter of a justice,Entered Eton College,Went to London,Leiden University in 1728,Return to London to write theatre,After the Licensing Act begin his career in law,Begin to write novels in 1741,S,tarted a biweekly periodical titled The Covent-Garden Journal from 1752,Die in 1754,Major Works,Play,The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb,Pasquin,Love in Several Masques,Novel,Tom Jones(1749),Shamela(1741) Joseph Andrews(1742),Jonathan Wild the Great(1743),Amelia,(,1751,),Tom Jones,18 books Three Sections,First six set in,Allworthy,Books VII-XII events on road to London,Last six is set in London,Characters and Plot,Theme,Characters,Tom Jones (bastard/ward of Mrs. Bridget),Squire,Allworthy,(a wealthy squire with an estate in Somersetshire),Mrs. Bridget,Allworthy-Blifil,(Squire,Allworthys,sister),Captain,Blifil,(Captain in the navy and Mrs.,Blifils,husband),Master,Blifil,(son of Captain,Blifil,and Bridget),Benjamin Partridge (a teacher, later barber/surgeon),Mrs. Jenny Jones-Waters (the Partridges servant),Squire Western (Hunter/wealthy squire who owns,neighbouring,estate to Squire,Allworthy,),Sophia Western (the Squires only daughter),Honour,(Sophias maid),Mr. Summer (son of a clergyman and revealed to be the father of Tom Jones,Tom,a kind,honorable, frank ,warm-hearted and tolerant young man,s,ometimes commit serious errors especially in his relations with women,Sophia,t,he beautiful virtuous, clever, idealized woman in Fieldings mind,r,epresents the young women of that age with courage and independence to defy the sinister world,Blifil,P,retend to be very righteous and selfless, but actually play tricks on others to satisfy himself,t,he embodiment of the social evils of that age,Plot,The novel tells a story of a gentleman named,Allworthy,who lives with his sister Miss Bridget,He adopts a foundling and names him Tom,Miss Bridget marries Captain,Blifil,and,gies,birth to a boy, young,Blifil,Tom meets Sophia and falls in love with her,Young,Blifil,is envious of Mr.,Allworthys,fondness for Tom and intimates relationship between Tom and Sophia,Mr.Allworthy,drove Tom out of his home,Sophia doesnt want to marry young,Blifil,and runs away from home,Toms youthful folly and imprudence lead him into various love affairs and adventures,Blifil,tries to ruin Tom,Blifils,intrigues are futile,Toms true identity is revealed that he is,Mrs.Bridgets,son,Squire Western agree that Sophia marries Tom,Theme,In this novel, Fielding shows the real life of his contemporary men in a matter-of-fact way. From his novel, we can see the authors strong hatred for all the hypocrisy and treachery in the society of his age and his sympathy for the courageous young rebels in their righteous struggle,Thank you,


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