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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,一,: V-,ing,形式由,“,do,ing,”,构成,其否定形式是,“,not doing”, V-,ing,可以带宾语或状语构成,V-,ing,短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。,Grammar,V-,ing,形式,语态,时态,主动语态,被动语态,一般式,完成式,(not) doing,(not) being done,(not),having done,(not),having been done,二,: V-,ing,可作主语、宾语、表语,;,定语、状语和宾语补足语,但不能单独作谓语。,V-,ing,形式表示的动作与主要动词同时发生或发生在主要动词之后,用其一般式,; V-,ing,形式表示的动作在主要动词之前发生,用其完成时,在具体应用中也常以一般式代替完成式。,V-,ing,的用法:,(1),作主语,Swimming,is good for health.,游泳对健康有益。,Raising,your hat to a lady is good,manners.,对一位女士脱帽致敬是礼貌的。,(2),作表语,Teaching is,learning.,教学相长,My hobby is,making model planes,.,我的嗜好是做模型飞机,注意:,1.,V-,ing,形式和不定式都可表示比较抽象的一般性的行为;而表示具体的某次动作,尤其是将来的动作时,多用不定式。,To obey/Obeying,the law is everyones duty.,2,.,V-,ing,形式和不定式都要有对称性,;,当主语是不定式时,表语也用不定式;反之,当主语是,V-,ing,形式时,表语也用,V-,ing,形式。,To see,is,to believe,.,/,Seeing,is,believing,.,3. V-,ing,形式与现在分词作表语的区别,:,V-,ing,形式作表语相当于名词,主语和表语的位置可以调换;现在分词作表语相当于形容词,不可与主语调换位置。,My job is teaching.,= Teaching is my job.,My job is interesting.,4.,在 “,Its no use/good”,等,it,作形式主语的结构中,用,V-,ing,不用不定式作主语。,It is no use crying over spilt milk.,覆水难收。,(3),作宾语,V-,ing,形式既可作动词的宾语,也可作介词的宾语。,We would appreciate hearing from you,我们会珍惜你的来信。,The child was saved from drowning by the lifeguard.,小孩子被救生员救起,免于淹死。,注意:,1),在,avoid, admit, appreciate, complete, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, forgive, imagine, mind, miss,practise, risk, suggest, give up, put off, feel like, cant help,等后只接,V-,ing,形式作宾语。,He escaped being hurt in the accident.,他逃过了在车祸中受伤,2),在,begin, continue, start, attempt, intend, dislike, plan, fear, hate, like, love, prefer, cant stand,可接,V+ing,或不定式作宾语,意义无多大区别。,Everyone hates to wait/waiting for a bus.,每个人都讨厌等车。,The traffic continued to move /moving slowly.,车辆依然移动得很缓慢。,3),在,remember, forget, regret,等动词后接,V-,ing,或不定式作宾语时意义不同。后接,V-,ing,形式作宾语表示宾语已经发生的动作,接不定式作宾语表示尚未发生的动作。另有:,try doing,试着干,try to do,企图干,mean to do,打算,mean doing,意味着,stop doing,停止干,stop to do,停下来去做,go on doing,继续干,(无间断,同一件事),go on to do,继续干,(有间断,另一件事),I will remember to mail the letter.,我会记住寄信,I will remember mailing the letter.,我记得已把信寄出,I dont mean to cheat him.,我不想骗他,In some parts of London, missing a bus means waiting for another hour.,在伦敦的某些地方,错过一辆公共汽车意味着再等一个小时,4),当,want, need, require,作“需要”解,be worth,作“值得”解时,后接,V-,ing,的主动形式作宾语,表示被动意义,want, need, require,也可接不定式的被动式作宾语。,His car wants repairing (to be repaired).,他的汽车需要修理。,This book is worth reading.,这本书值得看。,5),allow, advise, forbid, permit,等动词后直接跟所有格及动词作宾语时,要用,V-,ing,形式;如果后面有名词或代词作宾语,然后再跟宾语补足语(即构成复合宾语),其宾语补足语用带,to,的不定式。,I dont allow his swimming here.,I dont allow him to swim here.,我不允许他在此地游泳。,6) Id like/love/prefer,后只接不定式作宾语。,I would like to have a single room with a bath.,我想要有浴室的单人房。,Little Jim would love to be taken to the theatre this evening.,小吉姆今晚愿被带到戏院去看戏,。,巩固练习:,1. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.,A. sail B. to sail,C. sailing D. to have sailed,C,2. The light in the office is still on., Oh, I forgot_,A. turning it off,B. turn it off,C. to turn it off,D. having turned it off,C,3. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon.,A. you to call,B. you call,C. your calling,D. youre calling,C,4. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?,A. To take B. take,C. taking D. to be taking,C,5. I must apologize for _ ahead,of time., That all right.,A. letting you not know,B. not letting you know,C. letting you know not,D. letting not you know,B,6. You were brave enough to raise,objections at the meeting., Well, now I regret _ that.,A. to do,B. to be doing,C. to have done,D. having done,D,7. He has always insisted on his _ Dr Turner instead of,Mr,Turner.,A. been called,B. called,C. having called,D. being called,D,8. Do you mind _ alone at home?,A. Jane leaving,B. Jane having left,C. Janes being left,D. Jane to be left,C,9. She looks forward every spring to _ the flower-lined garden.,A. visit B. paying a visit,C. walk in D. walking in,D,10. Once your business becomes international, _ constantly will be part of your life.,A. you fly B. your flight,C. flight D. flying,D,11. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.,A. to persuade,B. persuading,C. being persuaded,D. be persuaded,C,12. What do you think made Mary so upset?, _ her new bicycle.,A. As she lost,B. Lost,C. Losing,D. Because of losing,C,13. Let me tell you something,about the journalists., Dont you remember _the,story yesterday?,A. told B. telling,C. to tell D. to have told,B,14. One learns a language by making mistakes and _them.,A. correct B. Correcting,C. corrects D. to correct,B,15. Fishing is his favorite hobby, and _.,A. hed like to collect coin as well,B. he feels like collecting coins, too,C. to collect coins is also his hobby,D. collecting coins also gives him,great pleasure,D,(4),作宾语补足语,V-,ing,作宾补表明宾语正在进行的动作。可以带,V-,ing,作宾补的动词有:,find, see, hear, watch, have, get, catch, keep, leave,等。如:,When I came in, I found him lying in bed.,我进来时发现他正躺在床上。,Listen! Can you hear a baby crying in the next door?,听!你听到隔壁有婴儿在哭吗?,(5),作定语,1.,V-,ing,作定语时表示该动作正在进行。单个,V-,ing,作定语通常放在被修饰词的前面,V-,ing,短语作定语则放在被修饰词之后。如:,The (rising) sun looks very beautiful.,冉冉升起的太阳看上去很美。,The girl (wearing glasses) came to this school at the beginning of this term.,那个戴眼镜的女孩是本学期初来这所学校的。,2.,若被修饰词是,V-,ing,的逻辑宾语时,须用,V-,ing,的被动式,being done,作定语。,The song (being broadcast) is very popular with the young students.,正在播放的歌深受青年学生的欢迎。,The bridge (being built) will be completed next year.,正在建造的桥将于明年竣工。,3. V-,ing,与动名词作定语的区别:,V-,ing,强调动作正在发生,而动名词作定语表示用途。如:,Let the (sleeping) dogs lie.,别招惹麻烦。,(表示动作,相当于定语从句,which are sleeping,),I think some (sleeping) pills may,help you.,我想安眠药可以助你入睡。,(,表示用途,相当于,pills for sleeping,),(6),作状语,V-,ing,作状语可以表示时间、条件、原因、方式伴随、让步、结果等。,1.,作时间状语, 动词表示的动作一发生,谓语表示的动作立即发生,(,V-,ing,短语多置于句首,),。, 两个动作同时发生时,,V-,ing,前多加,while,或,when,,,如:,While walking down the mountain, he met Tom on the way.,他下山时,在路上碰见了汤姆。,While trying to open the door, I cut my hand.,在设法开门时,我把手割破了。,2.,作条件状语(一般在句首),Turning to the right, you will find a path leading to his cottage.,向右转弯,你就可以找到一条通到他的别墅的小路。,3.,作原因状语(多放在句首),Being so ill, she cant go back to work yet.,由于病得厉害,她还不能上班。,Not being able to understand,English, he didnt know what they wanted.,因为他不懂得英语,所以他不知道他们要什么。,4.,作方式或伴随情况状语,He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself.,他从小山走下来,一路哼着曲儿。,Following Mike, they started to climb.,跟在迈克后面,他们开始攀登。,5.,作让步状语(通常放在句首),Admitting what she has said, I still think that she hasnt tried her best.,尽管承认她所说的话,但我仍然认为她没有尽最大努力。,6.,作结果状语,He turned off the light, seeing,nothing.,他熄了灯,所以什么也看不见了。,Her husband died suddenly, leaving her with five children.,她丈夫突然故去,给她留下了五个孩子。,7.,作结果状语,Having finished her work, she went home.,她干完工作后就回家了。,Having invited him here to speak , wed better go to his lecture.,既然我们已邀请了他来做报答,我们最好去听。,8.,在绝大数情况下,的逻辑主语是句子的主语,但有时前可有一个名词或代词表示视神经逻辑上的主语,这种带逻辑主语的称为独立结构。,The meeting being over, we all left the room and drove home.,会议结束后,我们都离开房间开车走了。,It being a holiday, all the shops were shut.,由于今天是假日,所有商店都关门了。,The heavy frost coming on , dead leaves lay thick on the ground.,浓霜降临,枝叶满地。,9.,有少数并不表示句子主语的动作,而是表示说话人的态度。,Generally speaking, the novel is not very inspiring.,总的来说,这部小说并不感人。,Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.,从你说的情况看,他应能成功。,巩固练习,:,1. The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.,A. to prepare B. preparing,C. prepared D. was preparing,B,2. “Cant you read?” she said angrily, _ to the notice.,A. pointed B. and pointing,C. pointing D. to point,3. The missing boy was last seen _ near the river.,A. playing B. to be playing,C. play D. to play,A,C,4. _ your homework, you mustnt listen to music.,A. When do,B. When to do,C. When doing,D. When you doing,C,5. The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _that he had enjoyed his stay here.,A. having added B. to add,C. adding D. added,C,6. _ the idiom, he looked it up in the dictionary.,A. Not learning,B. Never having learned,C. Having not learned,D. Having never learned,B,7. It rained heavily, _ severe flooding in the country.,A. causing B. to cause,C. caused D. having caused,8. Any driver _ a license ought to be punished.,A. doesnt have B. having not,C. has not D. not having,A,D,Finish all of the Grammar exercises on the workbook.,Homework,


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